Nice thread you have started.
Just a few months ago I was talking to my great-grandfather who is an Apostolic Minister. He pretty much lost me in the conversation with his intelligence on this matter and all the symbols and signs.
Not only in Revelations is the rapture talked about. Matthew, Mark, Luke, John- everywhere!
My grandfather believes that the Anti-Christ will rise out of Rome. Interesting, eh? Isn't the Vatican located in Rome? And we also believe that that the country that Israel will be attacked by (as talked about in the Bible) will be Russia. I'm not stating this to point fingers, but it seems probable. I wish I could give into more detail, but I'll have to read more into it to give more precise locations and information and such. But it talks of a giant battle that will occur in this valley (near the country of Jordan I believe. I'll check) where to this very day, Buzzards fly over. Of course we all know Buzzards only fly where there is a carcass. There is nothing dead in this valley yet, but buzzards just swarm it. Now it doesn't say how this battle will occur, but it says it will happen, and the blood of those involved will fill through this entire valley and rise to 6 feet. Don't quote me on it, because my information is a bit rough and I need to sharpen my knowledge on it. So as soon as I grasp the information I'll share it. My guess: Nuclear warfare.
Do I think the end is near? Well, each day we get closer to the end, whether tomorrow or a billion years from now. We do get closer. Every second, minute, hour, day, week, month, year, we get closer. And every moment counts. I look at the end from both a Scientific and Religious point of view. I am a very devout Christian and believe strongly in my faith. I also am a Science geek- nothing wrong with that. Science to me isn't a religion, but reference, fact, and physical evidence. Everything we gain from Science is learned through the human senses. Faith is much deeper and requires more than physical and circumstancial evidence. Anyhoo, back on track. Let's take a peek into the past: With every single war in history, everyone has at least though "THIS IS THE END!" And have tried to find ways to prove it. I, personally, have deep concerns and am curious as to what is in store for the World's future. When the very country you live in has enough nuclear weapons to destroy the entire planet in one second, I feel we have a reason to be scared. In Luke, it speaks of wars being fought in the Lord's name and how there would be continuous battles in the East. Take a look at Israel and Palestine. The Middle East has got to be the Holiest place on the planet, yet it is the most corrupt and dangerous place to be. Israel and Palestine are fighting the EXACT same war they were fighting over 2,000 years ago. It's a cycle that seems to me, just won't end. Little do people know, it all started out with two brothers. It just seems things keep getting worse and worse, and won't get better until it's over. I feel like the Earth is a ticking time bomb now. I still say we have a while to go, but I just pray that me and my loved ones are ready.
I could go on and on, but I want to see what others think. That's what I think in a nutshell.