what the bible says is happening rite now dude. From 1914, in wich Jesus returned to reign over us all, the bible says that there will be great disasters, wars, earthquakes, and the true values of the human being will be lost. now look at the world: money owns all, money generates wars, eartquakes blow us off, pollution and sun and other human-created things destroy all of the earth... terrorism is at the order... there have been war till that damned year... and its been non stop. yep, its getting to the end, but not the world, but the reign of satan. God, with Jesus by his side, will come and blow him off ^^ and give us all a chance to bow after him and be... well... good, following his word. itll happen, and it may be sooner that we all think. as Gil said... the Lord will return as a thief in the night, NO man knows the day or the hour." so, it can be... rite now!! but yes Jpec, these things ARE happening.