Citroën C4 Coupe @ Mt Aso Compact Enduro *mcrc* Sun.@ 4pm EDT/ 9pm BST

United States
Citroën C4 Coupe @ Mt. Aso
Compact Heavy Damage Endurance


Alive with hilarity! :D


Sunday 16 September
@ 4pm US EDT / 9pm UK BST / 10pm CEST / 20:00 UTC/GMT

Duration: Event approximately 1 hour, Race approximately 45 minutes

Car Regulations:
Citroën C4 Coupe 2.0VTS '05
Tuning : Prohibited, stock tires (comfort soft)
Allowed: oil change, engine rebuild, chassis restoration, wheel rims, & paint

This is a premium car available in the New Car Dealership! 👍

The New Ji-Feurre Pass (Mt. Aso tarmac) by cc570

Available shared on PSN: MCRC_Lounge

Race Procedure:
Scheduled time is arrival time to begin qualifying
15 minute qualifying duration
Drivers allowed 3 timed laps, then park,
all cars stay on track until race start to preserve position
Grid Start, Fastest First
24 laps @ The New Ji-Feurre Pass
1 Mandatory Pit Stop

Pitting should also be done in the case of damage likely to cause the car to be a nuisance on the track.
ie: damage is not an excuse for reckless driving, nor neglecting track etiquette.

Mics should be switched to off, and keyboards should be set aside before the start of the race,
so there is no voice or text chat to distract racers during the race.
All chatting should be reserved until the race has finished for the entire grid.

Race Regulations:
All aids off except ABS (driver's choice)
tire wear on
damage heavy
slipstream weak
grip real
penalty off
boost off
visible damage off

  • Please familiarize yourself with these rules prior to the event.
  • You are expected to behave like sporting gentlemen at all times. Dirty driving is absolutely forbidden.
  • If you cause a contact, you must make contact concessions. ie: no bump-passing
  • Failure to make contact concessions will result in a post-race penalty concession. (ie: you will be placed below that racer in the results)
  • Caution must be exercised when re-entering the track after an off-road excursion or spin caused by any reason.
  • Carless driving, recklessness, & aggressive risky maneuvers may result in post-race penalties, and will certainly result in your fellow racers being ill tempered... (ie: ill tempers will lead to race reviews & post-race penalties - so if in doubt, "pace down")
  • Retaliation, "payback", & monkey-see-monkey-do rule flouting will not be tolerated.
  • The in-game penalty system is switched to off to prevent ghosting, with the understanding that GTPlanet racers do not need the in-game penalty system to follow posted track rules. Shorting the track is strictly prohibited, must have 2 wheels on the tarmac (or at least rumble curbing) - this includes "going wide"; ie: off-roading in the grass or dirt, or using tarmac outside the parameters of the track, is forbidden. If off-roading occurs by accident, throttle lift is both expected and mandatory to avoid potential post-race penalties.
  • In case of any incident involving a crash or rule violation, please review the replay, and take a breather, before drawing conclusions or making accusations. Note the time and location of the incident. Try dialogue with the other driver first with Private Messaging. You may report the incident via Private Messaging, with details, in a timely manner (ie: soon after the race), if warranted, so an appointed steward &/or the race director may review the incident.
To sum up the "spirit" of the rules:
"Integrity before victory." - Trackbound7

Race will be hosted in the MCRC Lounge,
add PSN: MCRC_Lounge

Note: This account is just the club lounge account. It will rarely be signed on.
Get the FR in a.s.a.p. to assure acceptance in advance of racing.
In order to check the league lounge, you must click on the coffee cup,
and wait for the room content list to present.
No yellow people icon will show, even when the room is full.

Also please note that all club communication should be done through GTPlanet,
and not directed toward the PSN acct, as nobody checks messages there often, if at all.

To find more events and more racers with similar interests, you are invited to check out these GTP Clubs:
MCRC = Modern Car Race Club
VCRC = Vintage Car Race Club
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Sign-Up Registry:
please include
GTP name / PSN name / car colour
  1. watermelonpunch / wat3rm370n / Kiwi
  2. Johnnypenso / Johnnypenso / purple & gold
  3. turbogeit / turbogeit / red
  4. jammy21 / GTP_Jammy / Silver
  5. Ridox2JZGTE / GTP_Orido / tbd
  6. jbica / jbica / yellow & black
  7. Phouchg / xNikodemusx / tba
  8. GranTurismo916 / atongo619 / tbd
  9. Katiegan / wolfdragon97 / tbd
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More weekday events, please! I keep getting notices for these and am dismayed when I can't make them. Looks like fun, though.
Sign me up! It's the day after round 2 of the GTP WRC, so I should be able to make it! I'll write it down on my calendar so I don't forget... :lol:
More weekday events, please! I keep getting notices for these and am dismayed when I can't make them. Looks like fun, though.

There likely will be but my schedule is kind of up in the air right now. :crazy:
Waiting to find out about my jury duty obligation this week. :ill: :ill: :ill:
(I've been called up twice before but never picked for an actual jury... but 3rd time may be the "charm". :nervous:)
If this race is half as good as the battle in the Forest with Mich and Litchi, it'll be twice as good as most other races!! I'm in...barring any issues with work.

Oh, that mountain area takes skill.

Or at the very least patience, and a great deal of consideration on the fine balance between risk & caution. :lol:

I really like Mt. Aso tracks for their punishment of mistakes. :lol:
And cc570 really created a zinger of a Mt. Aso with this one!!

Though I must say the last turn of the track is actually pretty nice compared to most Mt. Aso tracks!

I'm thinking most of us will be grateful for the mandatory pit stop. :lol:

You know, I've never run a race with pit stops at a Mt. Aso track before!
You can sign me up for this, but be warned that I dislike most custom created tracks because the visibility is absolutely appalling and Mt. Aso tracks simply cause my blood to boil. The sudden elevation changes are so extreme to the point where it would be dangerous for real life racing.

Anyway, enough of that. This looks like it will be an interesting race for everyone and I look forward to this. I just ask that you avoid custom tracks in the future, especially ones on Mt. Aso :yuck: .
I would be in if it was a real track

You should try this one. It's not very hard to learn and although Mt Aso-tracks can be tricky, they have a big advantage: its impossible to gain time by corner cutting or by off-track driving like on some real word GT5-tracks.

The interesting side of this track is that a small error can cost you many time. So, even if you are 5 or 6 seconds behind, you still have a chance to catch the cars in front if it makes an error.
I think it's watermelonspunch's thing to use custom tracks.. it does have its advantages. Like everyone starting at about the same level of track knowledge. :P
Don't knock it til you try it! :lol:

Yes, I like custom tracks a LOT, for a number of reasons.
And I really like Mt. Aso tracks a lot.

Mind you, not just ANY custom tracks.
Clearly the track must suit the particular car. And I take care to make particular decisions with that.

And here's the thing, this is the C4... it's FF. And it makes it up the hill fine.
As it goes, it's probably one of the safest car choices for this track.

cc570 originally designed the track with the Ginetta g4 in mind. :scared: :ill: :scared: :lol:
I did a test drive... and it sure was exciting! :lol: :ill:

I would be in if it was a real track

See now I hate when people say it's not a "real" track.
What does that mean?

It's not a World Circuit?
Even if it was a World Circuit... none of it is real, really. :boggled:
There's lots of great "fictional" tracks. Both standard "original circuits" and made with Course Maker.
Beauty of gt5 is that it's not limited to real world specific tracks.

I used this track in a shuffle room yesterday, and one guy said, "Wow! This track is great! It's the closest to real world roads I've ever been on in gt5!"

I'd hate to be limited by safety issues in real world racing too. Since there's no chance of dying from crashing in gt5. :sly:
I've been on a few crazy undualating roads here in ye ol' Scotland it was a country road leading to Knockhill, Knockhill was on the middle of it. (Yes I speak of it alot but this is relevent :lol:)

It was crazy, it had tight bends over blind crests which would then would dive back downhill after the bends. (I swear it felt like I got my right front wheel off the ground :D..:scared:) Luckily I had a Sat Nav stuck to my windscreen so used it as a sorta makeshift GT5 map and zoomed it in so I could see what I was approaching :lol:. Was the most fun I have ever had in a car and it was slower than the C4 :(, mine looks better though :sly:.

Too bad on the way back I had slow buggers infront :grumpy:. It's a 60 mph road and some fools in Audis and what not were slowing for non corners and barely touching 50... :mad: (The Audi driver, that was directly infront of me, may have been a woman and I may have said nasty gender based remarks :guilty:)
Actually had some free time tonight for the first time in a long time, and ran a few laps on this track. I found it quite challenging and interesting in this car. I imagine tire wear is going to be a bit of an issue because you're really fighting the car in the twisty bits. If you haven't tried it, give it a spin before you pass judgement. 👍👍
You're right watermelon, with a tailhappy MR this track would be a disaster, but it suits very well a not too understeering FF.
would have been interesting with 16 sliding ginettas though, i suspect mayhem. :) probably more reasonable with c4s though.
Don't knock it til you try it!

I usually hate custom tracks too, but like the car & the way you've set up the event, so I wanna give it a go if that's ok? I'll shoot a friend request to the relevent account asap, & learn the track. By the way, are we allowed to run the car in 200 miles aswell?

I usually hate custom tracks too, but like the car & the way you've set up the event, so I wanna give it a go if that's ok? I'll shoot a friend request to the relevent account asap, & learn the track. By the way, are we allowed to run the car in 200 miles aswell?


Yes, you may run the car's engine for break-in.
I'm going to do that with mine when I get a chance, I'll post my hp/pp #s so everyone can see. 👍
I did last night some lap on the track and i like the compo. I like to join in.

GTP name: jammy21 / PSN name: GTP_Jammy / car colour: Silver
Another custom track I really liked was the one we ran the 240RS/RS200 event on a while back. It was fast and simple and I thought a lot of fun.💡:)

It's too bad GT5 doesn't make some of their custom tracks a standard part of the game. I really like that track from the latest Japanese car seasonal. It's been in another seasonal and I think it's an excellent track. It should just become another track option in the track menu. It would be so easy I don't know why they don't do stuff like that!!

EDIT: I think it was called Wishbone Curve
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@ VBR - the track is shared right now on my account, and it's shared on the VCRC acct. (PSN : VCRC)

@ Johnnypenso : Thanks for reminding me about Wishbone Curve - maybe use that one in the Vintage Showdown at some point.
That's a pretty cool track. And I recall you really liked it.
The last turn of the track is a real challenge, so I wouldn't call it completely simple! :lol:

Going to check out some more tracks I've been notified about tomorrow.
I'm always up for test driving new tracks.
You never know when you're going to find the next Targa Florio 2. :D