Citroën C4 Coupe @ Mt Aso Compact Enduro *mcrc* Sun.@ 4pm EDT/ 9pm BST

Yeah it was real weird, always looks really funny when that happens, too bad it affected other peoples races this time. I got damage twice because of it. Once in the first lap when orido and johnny was driving in the same place. Johnnys car got lag jumped up in my behind and damaged it.

Then in the second to last lap when i had just passed orido and was lapping wolf orido drove straight in to wolf (he couldn't see wolf, wolf could see him) which sent wolf in to the side of me. Had to catch Orido a second time. :P

But even without those damages I probably wouldn't have made it higher in the results, johnny and jammy was too fast and fault free. Just made it much much closer for the third place. ^^
It sad when lagging happens and it just ruining other drivers race. But what you can do in the race - nothing really only just to try to void the lagging driver but your own race and race lines aren't there anymore :(

I was really lucky that i didn't have any contact with lagging drivers. Johnny got pass me when i made little mistake and run to the grass.
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I got damaged later in the race, somewhere above lap 15, what you guys see are totally different to what I see in the race :( All I see throughout the race were Jammy in 1st and Niko behind me :( I did not see any lag on other drivers. I went to pit on lap 16. Here are some screen shot from the replay :

No incident on lap 1 :


The amount of brake applied due to the high BB :


Exiting the pit at lap 16 :


Niko passed me the 1st time at lap 22.

I passed Niko at the later half of lap 22 when he brake too late and hit the barrier.


Niko passed me for 2nd time on lap 23 after my car got heavy engine damage.

I passed Niko at the later half of lap 22 when he brake too late and hit the barrier.


I actually didn't brake too late :P You can see the black mark on the asphalt from where wolf hit me and I just flew in to the wall. ^^ But since you couldn't see wolf it looked a little bit different to you.
These ghostly glitch really annoying -_-, so I probably hit Wolf then Wolf hit Niko, and send him into the wall ... while I didn't see a thing, even my car didn't react to any impact. If I can't see someone, we should not be able to hit each other ...
We probably shouldn't start a race where several people can't see each other in the future but it's real weird how that seems to happen much more frequently lately.
Here pictures from the replay :)

GTP_Orido high in the air:


GTP_Orido's damaged car:


Johnny's damaged car

That's really weird, from jammy point of view, I got heavily damaged and up in the air ? While from my point of view, I was doing fine until lap 16 :nervous: Scary stuff.
Haha...that's pretty funny actually. Doesn't make sense that on your own screen everything is fine but on someone else's screen someone is flying through the air...but is sure is
Argh!! It looks like it was a real thrill ride! I;m so mad I missed it!!!! :mad:
Congrats JP & all. :)
I hope everyone had fun. And that we can do something like this again... with me not sick. :ill:
I'm looking to branch into other fun racing leagues whilst running alongside touge and Wangan racing. Racing with stock cars with no tuning seems like my sort of style as tuning for proper circuits isn't exactly a strong point for me, despite what I have learned in touge. Whether it is VCRC or MCRC, I'd be interested in having a crack at this.