What are Your Politics?

  • Thread starter Danoff


United States
Mile High City
There have been a few threads similar to this one already, but they didn't hit the issue exactly this way.

How woud you classify yourself politically? What political party do you follow? Are you a Republican? A Democrat? A Democrapublican? Green Party? Do you live in another country and follow a political party there? If so, what does that party stand for - is there an American analogy?

But here's the big question?

Why did you pick that party?
I'm a registered Republican. I do not agree with everything the party stands for, and I am quite opposed to the farthest right wing of the party on almost everything. But I chose to register Republican because, in general, they stand for personal freedom and responsibility, fiscal conservatism and a small, hands-off government. Although I am more ideologically Libertarian, I am realistic in refusing to throw my votes away for some pipe-dream principle.

The Deomcratic party should call themselves the Socialist party. That's all they are. Watered down scoialism for non-Soviets. The cold war has become the cold-civil war.

I'm for the Canadian Liberal Party because they're the only ones looking after the students. They were the only ones who promised to freeze tuition for the next 5 years or so and actually started acting on it very soon after they were voted in. They're also the ones that are being forced to fix all the crap that the previous premiere in ontario did to **** up the high school curriculum.
Is this a US-only question? Or do you want us non-US citizens to try to align their politics with one of the US parties, for a frame of reference?
Is this a US-only question? Or do you want us non-US citizens to try to align their politics with one of the US parties, for a frame of reference?

Not a US-only question. I am hoping that for people discussing political parties that don't exist in the US, they can either provide a US frame of reference or simply discuss what the party stands for in detail so that we can learn about it.
I registered as a Republican. IMO, the Democrats complained too much and the Republicans are the only party that cares about the military.
Republican, I'm conservative and uninformed. I live in a ignorant bliss. I love my country and appreciate all the opportunities it has given me, but I find it hard to support any party. In the support of the lesser of two evils, I will continue to support the republicans.
I'm registered as an Independent since I moved to Delaware. I used to be registered as a Libertarian in Maryland, meaning we could throw a Libertarian primary (yeeha!), but DE does not have a high enough percentage of voters requesting that registration to make it an official party here.

Far from seeing it as "throwing my vote away", I've voted Libertarian in every election since 1984, except the year good ol' Ross Perot ran. I do look at all the major candidates to make sure that there is not someone I'd rather back; so far there's only been H. Ross...

I arrived at my political alignment after studying and observing the 2-party system as a teenager. The current system is all about status quo; just examine the history of which party holds the congressional majority depending on who holds the White House. American politics is all about blocking meaningful progress in the pursuit of making sure nothing happens that might upset a voter somewhere. This is common among most democratically-tended governments, not just America; but it seems very suffocating and self-perpetuating here.

Libertarianism is one great way to help off-load this mountain of self-fulfilling prophecy under which we labor. No matter how I look at it, I can't see that as "throwing away" my vote.

On a side note, I don't know if this still holds true, but for a while in the '80s and '90s it was possible to register as an Anarchist in California. Which raises the ironic oxymoron of actually being a card-carrying, registered Anarchist.
Originally posted by Seito4Counter
Why what?

On a side note, the California Green Party is pretty interesting.

part of what this thread asks is why you chose the party u chose - that's what he was asking about 👍
Originally posted by emad
part of what this thread asks is why you chose the party u chose - that's what he was asking about 👍

ok, i thought he might be asking why i said they were all corrupt, but that is pretty obvious.
I am a democrat only because I hate GB. I mean really hate him.
Grunen Party because thats just the way I am.. they support human beings, which is good. Also, they support community based economic policies, which I agree with. Personally, I think Jefferson's vision was the best for this, and any country and Grunen is similar to that.
LDP, economic policy being very pro-export is something I like, but Koizumi is very dissapointing and is like a dog that lost his bite.
I support United Russia because Putin is the man. He reminds me of a 1970's hero. He is providing more security in a country with massive corruption and crime which is a very good thing for Russia right now. Russia needs a little tyranny right now to stablize things before any economic growth is going to happen. When it does its going to strengthen Europe, especially Germany. (lots of German money has been invested in Russia) This is something that is going to happen in the next 30-40 years and won't be something anyone will see soon.
I'm registered as an Independent. I'd consider myself a Libertarian. I've never voted for a President (I just turned 18 in November), but I'll probably find myself voting for a libertarian candidate in November. Neither John Kerry, nor Bush interest me much.

I agree with milefile that the Democratic Party is a misnomer as it should be called the Socialist Party. It's sad that Al Gore isn't the biggest of them all.
Originally posted by Seito4Counter
ok, i thought he might be asking why i said they were all corrupt, but that is pretty obvious.
Not to me. Why do you say that?

I am a democrat only because I hate GB. I mean really hate him.
This seems rampant. And I don't consider it a good reason. Is there anything about Deomcratic policies that you are inclined to? In other words, do you have a positive, rather than a negative, reason for being a Democrat?

Grunen Party because thats just the way I am.. they support human beings, which is good.
What do you mean "support"?

Also, they support community based economic policies, which I agree with.
Community economics is also known as communism.

So far you're the only Democrat who's bothered to give reasons, and those reasons are flimsy. So far I'd have to guess you have no idea why you believe yourself to be a Democrat,and I'd also have to guess you are not alone.
He's already explained why he believes himself to be a Democrat - because he hates Bush Junior. 8 molecules thick is thick enough, don't you think?
isn't it enough to choose a party based on who the party's representative is? Granted, the party's policies may be nice and all (not an opinion i hold but i don't hold an opinion about the party itself), but if the representative of the party is an incompetent fool with horrible spending habits and nearly complete disregard for the events occuring within the country he's supposed to lead...

wouldnt that make you want to vote against him? Or choose someone else to replace him within the same party... That's why, if i was old enough when elections were happening, i would have voted against the Progressive Conservative in favour of the Liberals.

The previous Progressive Conservative leader was an ex-teacher who, for some reason, completely ****ed up our education system and made it 3 times as difficult to get into University/College for the generation of students he affected first. He pretty much phased out the OAC grade in a single year thus making the graduating class of 2003 have twice as many students. 5 years of material are now covered in 4 and to top that, they added crap that will never be covered even in University. The amount of stress my sister is going through to maintain a good average is insane. It was even worse for my friends and me since we were his guinea pigs.
Originally posted by milefile
Not to me. Why do you say that?

This seems rampant. And I don't consider it a good reason. Is there anything about Deomcratic policies that you are inclined to? In other words, do you have a positive, rather than a negative, reason for being a Democrat?

What do you mean "support"?

Community economics is also known as communism.

So far you're the only Democrat who's bothered to give reasons, and those reasons are flimsy. So far I'd have to guess you have no idea why you believe yourself to be a Democrat,and I'd also have to guess you are not alone.

It isn't communism, although it is not far from it. It is certainly not capitalism. Read about it a little more before you make such audacious inferences. What about support? ..Sigh.. there was humor in that, apparently you missed it. How are parties corrupt? Sigh again. Well, I could say Watergate or Whitewater.. But I am not here (this time) to critique or give a history lesson.. bit of ill spent time that would be. I suggest finding a good book, or thesis by a professor you take to and reading it, then reflecting upon it.

I thought this was just to post your politics.. not to have them questioned. Why do you waste your time? But I will answer your question: I am a democrat, even though I dislike many members of the party- who tend to be just as greedy as who they criticize- because I can't vote for a republican party in 2004 with a clear conscience. The things Bush has done to this country from a pure economists standpoint are frightening. Why I am not an independant, well, there is no power in a vacuum.

Can you people take a little humor for christs sake?..
I thought this was just to post your politics.. not to have them questioned.

This is a forum for discussion. That's the idea.

I am a democrat, even though I dislike many members of the party- who tend to be just as greedy as who they criticize- because I can't vote for a republican party in 2004 with a clear conscience.

Bulls**t! You're a democrat because you believe in the left most aspects of the democratic party. You proved that in your earlier post. Don't make it about someone else, talk about the principles of government you believe in. I think this phrase captures it well:

Russia needs a little tyranny right now to stablize things before any economic growth is going to happen.

Beautiful. It boggles my mind to hear you actually say that tyranny could be good for any people. "They need to not be free right now." Unbelievable.

isn't it enough to choose a party based on who the party's representative is? Granted, the party's policies may be nice and all (not an opinion i hold but i don't hold an opinion about the party itself), but if the representative of the party is an incompetent fool with horrible spending habits and nearly complete disregard for the events occuring within the country he's supposed to lead...

One individual is enough to make me vote against that person. In general, though, you shouldn't align yourself with a political party based on any one member. You should take into account that party's stand on all of the issues. You can switch parties when you vote for one candidate, but this thread is really about your principles.

These are the one's you've posted so far:

I'm for the Canadian Liberal Party because they're the only ones looking after the students.

This is one issue. Students are a small part of society, granted, that's the part of society you're in now - but you won't be for long. That's why your votes right now should be based on not only your current position, but your future one.

Even when I was a student, though, I didn't want government help. I never believed I was "entitled" to an education. I've always been willing to pay my way. I was never willing to steal (tax) money from other people so that I could get an education.
I dont have a clue what I am,.. I dont think theres a label for it.

I detest the USA's current system. Dont get me wrong, I think freedom is the right way to go, but a different kind of freedom. We need to lose ALL THE FINE PRINT.

Republicans are too conservitive, I believe in free willl towards all men, even if they wanna marry one....

Democrats are two faced....

Libertairians have a good thing goin if they would only drop some republican tendancies (ie. fire-arm rights and the "let the rich get richer, f the little guy" attitude).

I was never educated in the logistics of communism, but besides the tyranical dictatorship part, from what I've heard it doesnt sound too bad..... If someone could explain communism to me I'd appreciate it.....

I guess I support a Roman Senate type idea (Galdiator comes right to mind).... the idea that a group of people decide vs just one person (reguardless of what they tell you, the Pres. of US is a bit of a dictator when you put into contrast veto rights)
I dont have a clue what I am,.. I dont think theres a label for it.

Maybe independent.

Democrats are two faced....

Care to elaborate?

Libertairians have a good thing goin if they would only drop some republican tendancies (ie. fire-arm rights and the "let the rich get richer, f the little guy" attitude).

Fire arm rights and the "let the rich get richer" attitude is almost all there is to libertarianism. It's all about personal freedom, meaning, freedom to carry fire arms and freedom to get rich or be poor.

I was never educated in the logistics of communism, but besides the tyranical dictatorship part, from what I've heard it doesnt sound too bad..... If someone could explain communism to me I'd appreciate it.....

Here's what dictionary.com had to say:


A theoretical economic system characterized by the collective ownership of property and by the organization of labor for the common advantage of all members.

A system of government in which the state plans and controls the economy and a single, often authoritarian party holds power, claiming to make progress toward a higher social order in which all goods are equally shared by the people.

The idea is that the community owns everything. So everyone earns the same amount, everyone contributes what they are able, everyone lives in the same condition.

The line from Atlas Shrugged is "From each according to his ability, to each according to his need."

Now I don't know if you'd still say that it doesn't sound that bad, but if so let me pose this question to you. What incentive do you have to produce in this system? Let's say you knew what your paycheck would be for the rest of your life, why would you work? The people pushing the propaganda would say that your paycheck would effectively go up if the whole country did well. But how many people do you think would be influenced by that and how many would allow others to do that job for them?

So apart from the going against human nature part, it sounds great. Too bad it's meant for robots and not people.
Originally posted by danoff
Maybe independent.

Thanx, that norrows it down :lol:

Originally posted by danoff

Care to elaborate?

Well, they speak a lot of talk about minority rights with no results. Think about it,.. when was the last time there was a TRUE minority leader,... hmmmm,....

I'm not gonna sit and pretend to know what I'm talking about, but I know enough to know thati nthe long run, the democrats will say the opposite of the republicans and vice-versa, but in the end, the rich are still getting richer and the poor are still gettin the shaft.....

Originally posted by danoff

Fire arm rights and the "let the rich get richer" attitude is almost all there is to libertarianism. It's all about personal freedom, meaning, freedom to carry fire arms and freedom to get rich or be poor.

See my thought about "too much freedom".....

Originally posted by danoff

Now I don't know if you'd still say that it doesn't sound that bad, but if so let me pose this question to you. What incentive do you have to produce in this system? Let's say you knew what your paycheck would be for the rest of your life, why would you work? The people pushing the propaganda would say that your paycheck would effectively go up if the whole country did well. But how many people do you think would be influenced by that and how many would allow others to do that job for them?

So apart from the going against human nature part, it sounds great. Too bad it's meant for robots and not people.

Human nature,.. hmmmm, not a very good excuse (not that YOU were making one, dont get me wrong).

Sounds like a team effort to me (communism)...... What happens to a team when the individuals get greedy/lazy??? The team breaks down.

Actually, with the proper attitude, I dont see why it couldnt work. History says it doesnt work, thats a fact, but who's to say that the idea itself cant be manipulated to be more acceptable to todays standards concernign freedom.

I guess in my perfect world, we'd live with a Governmant somewhere right in the middle of Democracy and COmmunism,.. not sure if I'm contradicitng myself on that one, but it sounds fair......
I'll never understand the viewpoint that "communism looks good on paper." It such bull****. On paper, it looks like the worst system anyone could ever devise.

Karl Marx is a dolt.
Originally posted by Klostrophobic
How can you disagree with either of those beliefs?

Because I can...... God said I could....

..... a real reason is commin,... I just thought I'd give you a taste of your own medicine.
Actually, with the proper attitude, I dont see why it couldnt work. History says it doesnt work, thats a fact, but who's to say that the idea itself cant be manipulated to be more acceptable to todays standards concernign freedom.

I guess in my perfect world, we'd live with a Governmant somewhere right in the middle of Democracy and COmmunism,.. not sure if I'm contradicitng myself on that one, but it sounds fair......

I think you contradicted yourself when you said that communism might be manipulated to todays standards concerning freedom.

The definition of communism is that there is no economic freedom.

When you say that communism (or something in between Democracy and communism) sounds fair... how so?

I just outlined the way in which Communism is perhaps one of the most unfair systems of government in existance. One person produces 4 times more for the country as another and gets nothing more in return. That's about as unfair as it gets.

Capitalism, on the other hand, gives back in proportion to productivity.

Trying to prevent the little guy from getting the shaft at the expense of people who are producing is inherently unfair.
Originally posted by Klostrophobic
How can you disagree with either of those beliefs?

{ref: Originally posted by Red Eye Racer
(ie. fire-arm rights and the "let the rich get richer, f the little guy" attitude).}

Becuase we're not all staring from the same place.. that why. You can see my opinions on the guns in other forums, but as for love the rich and screw the poor, I think this country does a great job of just that.....

Rich people could give an F about those who are struggling.

Theres absolutley no structure when looking at the rights of the urban poor. Martha Stewart can steal millions and drag it out in court for years becuase she has the money and the lawyers to do it. In the mean-time, we're locking up the urban poor in record numbers becuase they havent been given the same chances as everyone else.

Socio-economic factors are the key. Look at Communism (I'll use my newly aquired knowledge),... it's a team effort. Obviously, history has proven that it doesnt work,.. but does that mean that ALL it's ideals are wrong? I dont think so.....

Humans are self-centered asses, whats wrong with a little bit of law that forces us to care for our fellow man?

Ironically, it's the Jesus fearing bible-thumpers that are to blame for this breakdown.......... JMO.