Originally posted by danoff
Maybe independent.
Thanx, that norrows it down
Originally posted by danoff
Care to elaborate?
Well, they speak a lot of talk about minority rights with no results. Think about it,.. when was the last time there was a TRUE minority leader,... hmmmm,....
I'm not gonna sit and pretend to know what I'm talking about, but I know enough to know thati nthe long run, the democrats will say the opposite of the republicans and vice-versa, but in the end, the rich are still getting richer and the poor are still gettin the shaft.....
Originally posted by danoff
Fire arm rights and the "let the rich get richer" attitude is almost all there is to libertarianism. It's all about personal freedom, meaning, freedom to carry fire arms and freedom to get rich or be poor.
See my thought about "too much freedom".....
Originally posted by danoff
Now I don't know if you'd still say that it doesn't sound that bad, but if so let me pose this question to you. What incentive do you have to produce in this system? Let's say you knew what your paycheck would be for the rest of your life, why would you work? The people pushing the propaganda would say that your paycheck would effectively go up if the whole country did well. But how many people do you think would be influenced by that and how many would allow others to do that job for them?
So apart from the going against human nature part, it sounds great. Too bad it's meant for robots and not people.
Human nature,.. hmmmm, not a very good excuse (not that YOU were making one, dont get me wrong).
Sounds like a team effort to me (communism)...... What happens to a team when the individuals get greedy/lazy??? The team breaks down.
Actually, with the proper attitude, I dont see why it couldnt work. History says it doesnt work, thats a fact, but who's to say that the idea itself cant be manipulated to be more acceptable to todays standards concernign freedom.
I guess in my perfect world, we'd live with a Governmant somewhere right in the middle of Democracy and COmmunism,.. not sure if I'm contradicitng myself on that one, but it sounds fair......