What are Your Politics?

  • Thread starter Danoff
Another quick question from me - Are Social Security and Medicare something you sign up for, or is the money automatically taken out of your paycheck whether or not you want it to?

They're both automatically deducted (stolen) from you by your elected officials. SS is 6.2% and Medicare is 1.5% percent. The maximum that you'd have to pay SS on this year is $85K of income. That is to say, if you earned 500k in one year, you'd pay 6.2% of 85k for that year. There is no minimum, if you earned 1000 dollars in the year, the rate is still 6.2%. I don't think you have to report less than 200 bucks per quarter though (I could be wrong about that).

Anyway, for those of you taking notes we'll add it up:

~25% income tax
~7.5% SS, Medicare
+ property tax
+ ~8% sales tax
+ state income tax
where did half of my money go?
So I found out when I voted on the california propositions that I'm registered a libertarian. So I got to vote for someone trying to be the candidate to lose the presidential election for the libertarian party - I didn't know who they were.

Kinda gives me a warm fuzzy to be registered libertarian though.
Im Australian and I will (note old enough yet) vote for the Labour party, which is the so called left wing party, but there is actually a left and right-wing group within the party so Im neither conservative or democrat. (for you american) But you guys would call me a democrat because I strongly disagree with Bush and Howard (our prime minister) because howard is an asshat thats going to send our country broke and just genrally lower the IQ of our society.
Originally posted by Crayola
Im Australian and I will (note old enough yet)...

"Any man who is under 30, and is not a liberal, has no heart; and any man who is over 30, and is not a conservative, has no brains." -Winston Churchill