Originally posted by danoff
I'm registered Republican and unhappy with them as well. Care to elaborate DGB?
No. Thanks for asking though.
Originally posted by danoff
I'm registered Republican and unhappy with them as well. Care to elaborate DGB?
Originally posted by Red Eye Racer
Tell that to the guy who grew up with a crack whore for a single-mother along with 7 younger siblings and he's on a waiting list to work at McDonalds becuase he wasnt motivated by his teachers in public school who were all pissed becuase they didnt end up teaching cute little white kids with pig-tails who get dopped off by their stay-at-home soccer mom who doesnt pay taxes becuase she was the daughter of the guy who owned the McDonalds that our initial patron is stil trying to get a job at....<-panting, out of breath->
That wasnt my finest work but I think you get the point. Over tax the poor,... reminds me of all the medieval movies you see with the tax collecter pounding down peoples doors to take thier last bread crumb.
Tell that to the guy who grew up with a crack whore for a single-mother along with 7 younger siblings and he's on a waiting list to work at McDonalds becuase he wasnt motivated by his teachers in public school who were all pissed becuase they didnt end up teaching cute little white kids with pig-tails who get dopped off by their stay-at-home soccer mom who doesnt pay taxes becuase she was the daughter of the guy who owned the McDonalds that our initial patron is stil trying to get a job at
If you want to have a company in Moscow right now you have to pay protection. Maybe that's something you wouldn't know about as a westerner. If this corruption and crime is going to be dealt with, it's not going to happen democratically. Russia is not the United States.
Why don't you not talk out of your *** if you don't know anything about the subject.
Don't tell me what I do or don't believe. From two posts on an internet forum the best you can do, is to make a rough inference.
I am for people owning things, generating capital, and having a good time. But, I do not support someone who treats people like they are a commodity. In the end, economic reform is much easier to achieve than human rights reform. Thus, I am willing to vote for a party which may stunt economic growth.
You also make it sound like governments or parties never change.. they do, you know, drastically. So, to give a definite description of any allegiance to anything [in this arena] is absurd and rather narrow minded.
Originally posted by danoff
Taxing the poor more than the rich doesn't make any more sense than taxing the rich more than the poor. Anyway, I'm disturbed by the fact that you think that this "stay at home mom" doesn't pay taxes. If she can afford to stay at home, she pays an a*sload of taxes.
Quit whining. I undertand that people are having to deal with corruption and crime. That doesn't justify putting a dictator in charge. Do you think the US got where it is magically? We have police and protection under that government and got it through democracy. Installing a dictatorship is not the sollution, it's easy but it's not the answer. Look a little deeper... longer term.
You then go on to show that I am right. I rest my case. I pegged you, called bulls**t and I was right. This proves it.
Don't get defensive about it. It's ok. You're a democrat because you believe in the party principles.
Yes, I took high school history. I was asking for party affiliation at the moment. I reserve the right to change my mind in the future as well. In fact, I'm in the process of doing that as I become more and more upset with Bush and his universal perscription drug plan.
Ok.. What university do you go to? I think you should pay attention when you attend lectures.
\Originally posted by Seito4Counter
Ok.. What university do you go to? I think you should pay attention when you attend lectures.
Originally posted by neon_duke
Umm, considering he's got undergraduate and graduate-level degrees from some very good schools, I think he paid attention. He's shown himself to be very knowledgeable in a wide range of fields, from physics to politics to philosophy.
You, on the other hand, have not. You like to come off as well-versed, but in truth you show yourself to be a one-trick pony. Everything boils down to your hatred of George Bush.
If you're not like this, show us something different. So far you have not.
Originally posted by Sage
Quick question: Does a "flat" tax rate mean that everyone is taxed, say, $1000, or does it mean that everybody is taxed the same percentage (like 2%)?
Originally posted by Sage
That aside, I'm very much with Klos, Duke, danoff, and ///M-spec. BTW, I've pointed this out to Duke, but for the rest of you Libertarians here, have you seen this? It's an interesting idea, but too bad New Hampshire it too cold for my southern Californian butt.
Originally posted by Sage
And ///M-spec, I totally agree with your gripes about democracy... it's better than any other system there currently is, but it *just* isn't good enough, because there will always be stupid, uninformed people. I really wish someone would come up with a better system, but alas...
Originally posted by Seito4Counter
Ok.. What university do you go to? I think you should pay attention when you attend lectures.
Not in person... but I've met the persona that you portray here, either by choice or by your own limitations. And that persona habitually - in fact, almost without fail - makes sweeping statements of strong opinion, and then totally fails to back them up when questioned about the thinking behind them. That persona eitherOriginally posted by Seito4Counter
I did not realize that you knew me, have we met?
I suggest you make your implications a little more thoughtfully. Or quit whining when you are confronted with the meager reasoning that you display.I suggest you make your inferences a little less carelessly.
Originally posted by Seito4Counter
I did not realize that you knew me, have we met? Are you my doctor? my psychiatrist?.. I doubt it. Do you follow me to class? to work? I don't think so.
Who were his proffs? I don't want to discredit anyones education but.. (and this is for both of you) you assume too much from very little information. I suggest you make your inferences a little less carelessly.
That's what I thought – Thanks for clearing that up for me.Originally posted by ///M-Spec
The latter. Everyone taxed a flat rate percentage of income. So wealthy people still pay more, in theory.
(Primarily the tuition freeze - we're in desparate need of it right now and that's the reason we all voted for them in the provincial elections).
Strike that - reverse it:Originally posted by danoff
Yea, I know that it would make your life cheaper. But why do you want the government to steal money from other people and give it to you for your education. Just curious.
I'm a registered Republican. I do not agree with everything the party stands for, and I am quite opposed to the farthest right wing of the party on almost everything. But I chose to register Republican because, in general, they stand for personal freedom and responsibility, fiscal conservatism and a small, hands-off government. Although I am more ideologically Libertarian, I am realistic in refusing to throw my votes away for some pipe-dream principle.
Thanx for your insight guys,.. I realize that what I ask is only in a perfect world. Danoff's TAX comment is a good example of how I'm living in a fantasy world,.. anyhow, those are my thoughts,... put me in the "dont give a f about myslef, I'd rather see everyone happy all at the same time" group....
Originally posted by danoff
There's a fairly simple plan to the social security problem that I think everyone could be happy with, if they can get over being afraid of change.
Originally posted by danoff
I'm feeling rather cynical myself.
I wouldn't run for office on that platform. I'd run for office like this:
"My plan slowly phases social security into a privately controlled system without reducing benefits to seniors."
Then I'd say...
"So that our system of taxation is more fair and to reduce government beurocracy, I propose a flat tax system. This will eliminate the need for the entire IRS and reduce taxes further."
Then I'd say that ///M-spec and Neon Duke will be cabinet members.![]()