Photo Manipulation Contest: Suggestion Thread

We haven't finished our first week's photo manipulation contest yet, but I thought I would create this thread anyways. I can always abandon the thread if the contest doesn't work out.

Post images you suggest we should use on the weekly photo manipulation contests.
Due to the fact that this thread has the potential to dog 56k-ers, I think it would be a good idea to have clickable thumbnails for the suggestions. That said:

I can make up a rule to use thumbnails, but I don't know if people would follow it because the other competitions don't. Would I put thumbnails in the voting thread. Personally, I think it would be a good rule.
I can make up a rule to use thumbnails, but I don't know if people would follow it because the other competitions don't. Would I put thumbnails in the voting thread. Personally, I think it would be a good rule.
I don't think the comps or polls need to be thumbnailed since most people resize or crop the image anyway. My suggestion was only directed only at this thread because loading multiple 750k images takes a while. But it's your thread and comp so therefore it's your call.
You thumbnail idea is good. It will surely help out the 56K' ers. Should we use thumbnails at all points in the contest, or only in the voting, or only when we post our entry.
TB, did you remove the thumbnail from your previous post, or is my computer wacked and not allowing me to see images on this forum?
I had problems getting that pic to load for some reason. Since it went through, it seems to be alright on my end.
Post some suggestions before next weeks competition comes so you don't have to wait for it to possibly put into effect. What kind of pictures are you guys looking to manipulate. Do you want to manipulate landscapes, houses, something else. What? Post some suggested pictures and post what type of pictures you want to manipulate.
Did you take those, Klos?

I'm assuming these pictures don't have to be taken by us, right?
Thank you TB for the suggestion.

Please post in here the following - Should anything dealing with the weekly voting be different? Should the entries in next weeks poll be shown as thumbnails or full pictures? Do you think people should get more than one vote? What category of pictures do you want to manipulate, landscapes, real estate, flowers, something else? What? Post suggestions for pictures? Anything else dealing with the photo manipulation contests.
Just took a look at the voting thread, and I think it would be best to make the results as thumbnails, or make a size limit on the final picture.
Just took a look at the voting thread, and I think it would be best to make the results as thumbnails, or make a size limit on the final picture.
I don't think thumbnails should be used for the polls but there should be a size (800x600?) limit for entrys.