I'm going to be a dad again!

  • Thread starter TB


Space Lord
United States
Downtown North Dakota
I just found out last night that there is another tax deduction on it's way. :)👍 My wife is due sometime around the end of December/early January. We have a 13 month old son, so I would prefer a girl. Ultimately, I really couldn't care less as long as "it" is healthy. Here's a pic of my son:

As soon as we find out what gender said child, or god forbid children, is/are, send all presents to...:sly:

I'll keep you updated.
I definitely care! Massive congratulations to your family. Please keep us posted on how it goes.

My second daughter was born on December 29th - a year's worth of tax deduction for 2 days of life.
Many of us care! Congrats on the new addition.

I'm not a big fan of children in general, but I do know how much love, devotion and heartfelt wonder that comes with a new part of the family.

Good luck, and keep us posted!

All my congratulations! :cheers: I'm probably going to be an uncle in the coming months... :rolleyes:
Congrats, TB!!
Nothing like being a dad.👍
I'm hoping for grand-dad status in a coupla three years.
Thanks, guys and gals!

Woah dude!

You've like... had sex... twice?
Thinking to himself:
"I've been married for 6 years, leap year, carry the 1..."
That sounds about right.

The first time I read that, I about had Mt. Dew all over my screen. :lol:👍
Thanks, FatAssBR!

My wife goes in at the end of May to get a better idea of the due date. Sometime in early June is the big day to find out if it's a boy of girl. Like I said before, I want a girl, but that means that I'll end up painting the room again. It's not that big a deal, but man I hate painting.

We just found out last night that "it" is due around December 24, 2005 (which we already knew). We have to wait around two more months to find out gender.

On the plus side, We aren't getting a van. :) I was kinda looking forward to the "NOTMINE" plates, though.
Hey, cool! My second one was born on December 29th - my 5th wedding anniversary, in fact.
Again, thanks everyone.

Mr. Toad
... and then reality sets in....

Congratulations! and welcome to the club!
Already have one. Might as well make it two.

There will NOT be three. I say that now.