TRAVIAN : Browsergame :Build villages & go to war! NEW : TRAVIANER (info : last page)

  • Thread starter Max_DC
Main Village

START : 02.07.06

A village with a palace can be appointed as 'Main Village':


* Every player can posses at most 1 Main Village
* The Main Village cannot be conquered
* Resource Fields in the main Village can be upgraded without a limit
* The stonecutter can only be built in the Main village. With a stone cutter you can make your buildings harder to destroy

Even if the palace is destroyed the Main village remains a main Village. If another village is appointed as Main Village then the actual one will loose all resource fields > 10 and the stone cutter.

The Hero
The Player is able to promote one unit to a hero. A Hero earns experience in battles and becomes stronger that way. He can be skilled in attack, defense, off-bonus, def-bonus and regeneration. Every time when a hero gets a level up he gets 5 points which can be distributed on the 5 attributes.


At the beginning increasing attack and defense will be very profitable and later the off/def-bonus which makes your troops up to 20% stronger (if used 100 points on it), too.

To use the hero often a good regeneration will be neccessary, too. The hero looses life whenever he fights. So if you loose 30% of your army in a fight the hero will loose 30% of his base life, too. If a heros dies in a fight he can be revived by paying a lot of resources or you can train a new one. Every player can own maximal 3, but only 1 can be active at a time.

The Oases

In the old version there were already woods, cliffs and lakes which existed only to make the world more beautiful. Now these fields will get a special meaning. At the start of the game these Oases are populated by wild animals. They are guarding the resources which are stored there.

Once you have a dozen soldiers (or better more) you can try to explore and plunder the oases.

Alltogether there are 4 types of oases. One for each resource type. And there exists a special form of each type that additionally produces crop. But these are quite rare.

It is possible to annex an oasis with the help of your hero, because oases become unalluring when your resource production grows. Annexed Oases will increase the production of their primary resource by 25% and in the special form additionally 25% crop. Every village can annex at most 3 Oases (with Hero's mansion 10/15/20). You can only annex oases that are in a range of 3 fields around your village (so exactly all fields you can see on the map when your village is centered are allowed)

Conquering natural Oases

To annex an oasis that is not owned by anybody you just have to attack the oasis with an army and your hero. if the hero survives the oasis will become property of the village where your hero lives.

Conquer Oases which are owned by players
To steal an oasis from other players you will have to destroy the defense that is stationated there and attack it multiple times with the hero. If the current owner has already 3 oases then 1 attack will be enough. If he has 2 then you will need 2 attacks and if he has just one then you will have to attack the oasis 3 times before it will be yours.

The Trapper

The Trapper is a building that can be built by gauls only. It has no requirements and has its use exclusively in defending the village. With every level of the building the gaul can build 10 additional traps (which will need extra resources)

If someone attacks the village then some of the attacking troops will be imprisoned (the numbr of imprisoned troops is the same like the number of traps) If not all of the troops become imprisoned then the remaining troops will continue to attack the village like planned. If the attacker wins (not in a raid, but real attack) the imprisoned troops will be free again. If not then the troops remain prisonners and the owner of the troops will still have to feed them. So imprisoned troops are not lost but can be redeemed or freed with force. Even allied players can free the prisoners by attacking the village.

The defender can decide to let the prisoners go. in that case 50% of the traps can be repaired for free. When the troops are redeemed or freed with force only 33% of the traps can be repaired for free. The others have to be build again.


Completly in English ! ( based on a successful german browsergame )
No install, just browserbased !
Completly FREE !!!!

Travian is an online browsergame where you can compete with thousands of other players in taking control of a small village and leading your people to glory and victory.
# Three separate tribes
# Four different ressources
# Ten military units per tribe
# Up to twenty-five buildings




Click on the link for further information; I play the german version and it is alot of fun and there is not much time needed, maybe about 5- 10 min / day !
We could built up GTP allys and rule the world :sly:

Oh and I will be in the NORTHWEST, perhaps you should/could also join in this area....or in the SOUTHEAST as some presence is needed down their.


WANGAN - (-2/5)
Chris - (-3,0)
DBARTUCCI - (-15|1)
Ev0 - (-4,21)
FE111 - (-19,13)
venomfx - (-14,21)
Nero (-16,8)
iceman - (20,12)
Jeff13B - (-22,1)
boombexus - (4,-19)
Ted the Penguin - (12,19)
standard235 - (-25,4)
Viper - (-19,3)
menglan - (-22,16)
maz - (-15,26)
GTRacer - (-30,2)
MachOne - (-21,22)
Omnis - (-32,4)
McLaren - (-22,21)
Slicks - (-4,27)
Gtp-tb - (-33,9)
Carrera - (-24,24)
Cyan BloodBane - (-16,29)
1sthand - (-34,13)
xcsti - (-25,23)
Will.c - (-37,1)
Famine - (19,-28)
Klostro - (40,17)
Raf - (-33,41)
Tabs - (-34,42)
Event - (-48,21)
dustdriver - (-27,57)
blue_sharky39 - (-50,40)
Talentless - (44,-34)
Bee2 - (-14,51)
Fierogt - (-29,74)
Magic069 - (-27,95)
adood84 - (-37,96)

evilgenius788 - (-84,63)
FatAssBr - (-84,85)
xXSilencerXx - (96,141)
213101- (-186,143)

and many more, please pm me like this : Travianingamename - (XX,YY)
then I'll put you here

EDIT ( 01 / 2007 ) : The list above is not relevant anymore...

... YOU ?

Please also join the travian community, GTP will rule the travianworld !

Most of us are in NORTHWEST....

Some hints for beginners :

- Choose your tribe carefully, you can't go wrong with Romans, Gauls are more defensive and Germans offensive...

- Go to the NORTHWEST, most GTP members are there, however, help is needed in the SOUTHEAST area.

- Focus ONLY on resources at the beginning, don't build / level up buildings

- Don't forget to level up CROP, because every upgrade ( resources or buildings ) costs a certain amount of crop PER HOUR....

- You can't be attacked the first week after YOUR start of the game

- After that week you can hide your resources in the CRANNY ( should be built within the first week; make sure to upgrade it every now and then...
Be careful : If your cranny holds 100 resources each, an attacking German will get 1/3 of these 100 if you are Roman... , if a Roman attacks you, all 100 resources are safe....

- Allys can be founded if you have a level 3 embassy; you can join if you have a level 1 embassy; Roamns, Gauls and Germans can be in one ally

- add all other GTP members in your profile and declare them as friends or ally members; Attackers will think twice if they still want to attack you, when you
have friends

- the game beginns slowly, the fun really comes after some weeks when you have access to military and ally politics....

- RULE : no GTP member ATTACKS another GTP member, there are hundrets, soon thousands of other villages out there



Iceman's GTP Alliance Forum.

GTP Travian Chatroom.

GTP Ally

You need more information ? Either look on or simply ask here
Thanks for checking with me. I don't think this is spam. It looks fun!
my name in the game is


I'm in Northwest at (-2/5).

Post your positions here !
Feel free to pose any questions here or Travian-ingame with private mail !

We should put each other on a list, like that :

Alliances :

WANGAN (-2/5)

I am at -3,0 guys.

I have an embassy going up so I can start alliances. It will be at level 1 in 0:29:00 hours. Finished at 20:13.

What are the Graficpack's?
I am at -3,0 guys.

I have an embassy going up so I can start alliances. It will be at level 1 in 0:29:00 hours. Finished at 20:13.

What are the Graficpack's?

I would immediatley stop the embassy building; that is too early you are wasting your resources !!!

graficpacks : You save them on your computer and then you don't load the village and all .jpg and gif. from the internet anymore; The german version also had a animated village; perhaps it will be available soon....
I figure out how to stop it. This is somewhat like Microsofts Age of Empires games.

I think you already built it, right? No problem, but you should concentrate on resources first....

You can stop every project by hitting the little red cross
Within the game you have an option to form an alliance with other villages. There are a few requirements though.
To found an alliance you need an embassy at level 3. To be able to join an alliance you need an embassy at level 1 and, of course, an invitation to join the alliance.

If we all invite one another, we can all back each other up if any of us are attacke. Also we can share/trade resources to help each other grow.

This game is a bit slow going though. It takes a bit of time to build things.
Well, first we need someone to get a level 3 embassy to start an official alliance. Then, anyone who wants to join needs an embassy of their own to recieve an invitation.

*EDIT* Boom beat me to the punch.
I'll be building one as soon as I build up enough resources. What are the coordinates of your city boom?
Anyone working on an embassy yet?

I am going to start one tomorrow. I don't know if I have the resources to make it a level 3 embassy though.

To form an alliance (I know it is already posted)
How can I found an alliance?

To found an alliance you need an embassy at level 3. To be able to join an alliance you just need an embassy at level 1 and, of course, an invitation to join the alliance.

If we want to trade. -

At the marketplace you can send ressources and trade with other players. Each level gives you an additional merchant, who can transfer ressources to a trade partner.

Tribe advantages:
Romans: a merchant can carry 500 units of ressources.
Speed: 16 fields/hour.
Teutons: a merchant can carry 1000 units of ressources. 12 fields/hour.
Gauls: a merchant can carry 750 units of ressources. 24 fields/hour.

Costs and time to build level 1:
80 |
70 |
120 |
70 |
4 |

Main building level 3
I am going to start one tomorrow. I don't know if I have the resources to make it a level 3 embassy though.


Is their a good strategy for building up our villages quickly?

I started with upgrading my Main Building to Level 2. Built a Warehouse and upgraded my clay and wood production.