Video games are making kids more violent! ...Or Maybe Not.

  • Thread starter Grand Prix
I like the odd violent computer game. They haven't affected me in the slightest, and I'll kick the crap out of anyone who says otherwise.
Good find! If only that idiot Thompson would read it now.
Or Famine could just kick the crap out of him. :sly:
Though he does get something wrong in that article - you do indeed get points for killing cops in GTAVC. Criminal Rating points.
Yep thats how it is will Speeding and road fatalities, i rescently did some research on the subject for school. I found something alone the lines of in the past 50 years or so the cars have trebled but the road fatalities have halved. Their are no doubt more accidents, but so many arnt lethal.

Fear sells!!, Scare tactics.

Govt should stop *****in about games, and speed cameras, instead go out and stop drink driving, make sure cars are road worthy, and drivers trained properly to drive them. I always belive that if a person is disturbed enough to go shoot people, no video game can change that fact, i seriously doubt a video game can make a well mannered Teen go on shooting rampages.

Just another case of "just because its in the media more doesnt mean its increasing"

Good find 👍
You also get every cop in the state out for your ass, just like in real life!

Yep and it makes using the flamethrower on them alot easier when you get them in bunches like that.
I have to say that that's a quite well read and convincingly presented argument he has there.

The news that, objectively, violence is decreasing in the States was quite a surprise to me - bear in mind that as an Englshman, I only get to see and hear what the media wants me to and the impression we're given is that the U.S. is imploding in a drug-gang maelstrom of death.

It's curiously heartening to find that actually that's not true; the reverse is happening if anything it would appear 👍.
It's kinda like Holland's marijuana laws (or lack of them). Pot smoking reduced there because teenagers didn't see what the cool thing about pot was anyone. Anyone could do it.

Violence is decreasing with the help of video games because children can put their anger and stress into it. Violent video games also show them what it is like to die (as a character), and makes them refrain from performing violence themselves. It makes sense.

Violent video games are turning out to be the most effective anti-crime tool ever, and the people that use them are being treated like dino droppings. Oh, the irony.
People who are weirdos who feel the need to kill can pick up GTA and have so much fun and take it all out in that. I agree with you Gran Prix, you can put your anger and stress into it. People who kill and say it was because of video games were gonna kill anyway, if anything watching a serial killer movie would make them more vulnerable to kill than a game.

I know i like playing GTA SA and i know the difference between whats real and whats not!. It will be interesting to see these statistics in another 10 years.
Grand Prix
It's kinda like Holland's marijuana laws (or lack of them). Pot smoking reduced there because teenagers didn't see what the cool thing about pot was anyone. Anyone could do it.

Violence is decreasing with the help of video games because children can put their anger and stress into it. Violent video games also show them what it is like to die (as a character), and makes them refrain from performing violence themselves. It makes sense.

Violent video games are turning out to be the most effective anti-crime tool ever, and the people that use them are being treated like dino droppings. Oh, the irony.

I'm not so sure that's the case.

Maybe society, education, law enforcement, and rehab programs had something to do with it? Just a bit?
I'm not so sure that's the case.

Maybe society, education, law enforcement, and rehab programs had something to do with it? Just a bit?

Hmm, maybe. But the graphs showed a sudden drop of child violence around 1994, after the release of the Playstation, the most popular console choice of the 32 bit era. The 32 bit consoles (and the N64) were the first machines to have real 3rd-Dimensional games.
Grand Prix
Hmm, maybe. But the graphs showed a sudden drop of child violence around 1994, after the release of the Playstation, the most popular console choice of the 32 bit era. The 32 bit consoles (and the N64) were the first machines to have real 3rd-Dimensional games.

Graphs aren't everything. The ones there are just as plausible as the pirates vs. global warming in the flying spaghetti monster site.

He uses them to prove the opposite, that games aren't causing violence (or a significant amount for that matter).
Graphs aren't everything. The ones there are just as plausible as the pirates vs. global warming in the flying spaghetti monster site.

He uses them to prove the opposite, that games aren't causing violence (or a significant amount for that matter).

True enough I suppose. The graphs could also be used to explain lower crime rates because all the criminals are too busy playing games! :lol:
It is sorta hard to say, what you see in a video game you can see on every day TV now, so the only thing you can do is teach youre kids not to do the things that they see on TV. I have an 11 month old son and I will start to teach him as soon as he is able to learn right from wrong. He will grow up just like any other kid, wanting to play video games and drive fast cars, hopefully he will learn from me that he has to use a little common sense about certain things.
Video games don't make kids violent, if you say that once again then I will rip your head off and defecate down your throat hole!!!!!


Well, you can do what ever you want I know that there is many a time that I have been driving around and thought about trying something in my car from a racing game and didnt because I didnt want to kill myself or someone else. You cant tell me that I am the only one in the world to think like this, so if a racing game can influence me, then I know for a fact that any other kind of video game could influnce anyone else, be it a kid playing a game that involves killing or an adult playing a racing game. Sorry dude, thats just the way that feel about it. :indiff:
Haha my comment you quoted was sarcastic, obviously.... that's like saying "Don't call me a mechanic or else I'll fix your car" thing.

Of course you think about doing things in a video game when in a real life situation, but that's where rational thinking comes in. When I ride my bicycle around I often also try and ride the perfect racing line like I'm playing Gran Turismo... but even though you can't always tell that by my posts..... I have a sane mind and know the difference between going around immitating gran turismo or mortal kombat.
Haha my comment you quoted was sarcastic, obviously.... that's like saying "Don't call me a mechanic or else I'll fix your car" thing.

Of course you think about doing things in a video game when in a real life situation, but that's where rational thinking comes in. When I ride my bicycle around I often also try and ride the perfect racing line like I'm playing Gran Turismo... but even though you can't always tell that by my posts..... I have a sane mind and know the difference between going around immitating gran turismo or mortal kombat.

Thats good that you do have a good head on youre shoulders, but not everyone in this world thinks like that I sorta figured that you were just saying that to be
Echo! Echo! Echo! :D

I like the odd violent computer game. They haven't affected me in the slightest, and I'll kick the crap out of anyone who says otherwise.

Video games don't make kids violent, if you say that once again then I will rip your head off and defecate down your throat hole!!!!!
Thanks for cheering me up, Famine 👍.

Love your avatar by the way; it makes me grin every time I see it :D.

I wonder if Daan will have anything to say to you at the next UKGTP :stirs: :lol:?
Seen the rejected alternates? (Rumble Strip, "Random Facts About Yourself")