Video games are making kids more violent! ...Or Maybe Not.

  • Thread starter Grand Prix
Echo! Echo! Echo! :D
Famine: I actually used that paticular quote in my sig for just few minutes, until I found my current one. I didn't want to use yours in the first place, because there's like 3.5 million other people who has your quote in their sigs. :D
Would you prefer this?


Or this?



Come on use the saturday night fever one.
I saw a graph similar to that one a while ago.

I don't think video games have had a major impact on violent crimes. Instead, I think that abortion has had a major impact.

Read this and you'll see some of my reasoning.

Before abortion, an unwanted child would PROBABLY be in a not-so-good household. That child would be more likely to commit these violent crimes.

Google "Abortion legalized" for more.
That's insane.

I guess that's one way to rationalize abortion. Kill the "murderer" before before they are born.

Why don't we knock some sense into women to make proper choices and knock some sense into men to practice safe sex instead of killing unwanted children?
What's insane?

I might not have made it very clear.

Here goes:

Before abortion:
Troubled households + unwanted children -> Troubled children -> Children are less likely to be successful in life -> More likelyhood of violent crimes.

Crime is down because there are less unwanted children being born into such households.
So, anyone who lives in a "troubled household" should not be allowed to reproduce and, if they do, their children will be killed in fear that they will not become law biding citizens?

roll and eyes.
That is what you implied.

If we follow your logic, we will have to kill our children only because their parents made bad choices in life.
Abortion has not lowered crime rate.

How can you have statistical proof if you kill the data before it had or had not committed a crime?
I guess you really cant say that all of the kids that are born into a bad family will turn out bad, there are a lot of kids that have got out of that situation because they got involved in something that would keep them out of trouble, like sports, or something else to keep them busy. Plain and simple, if a kid is bored, then there is going to be trouble. The parents have to except some responsibility for this also by starting there kids in a project to help them in the future. It all boils down to how a kid is raised and what he is taught. Abortion, if you are a parent and dont want youre kid or cant handel him, there are a few thousand other people out there that can and would love too.
I guess you really cant say that all of the kids that are born into a bad family will turn out bad, there are a lot of kids that have got out of that situation because they got involved in something that would keep them out of trouble, like sports, or something else to keep them busy. Plain and simple, if a kid is bored, then there is going to be trouble. The parents have to except some responsibility for this also by starting there kids in a project to help them in the future. It all boils down to how a kid is raised and what he is taught. Abortion, if you are a parent and dont want youre kid or cant handel him, there are a few thousand other people out there that can and would love too.
Many good points! 👍
Hmmmm I noticed when playing San Andreas that I always go for head shots ...I wonder if that will effect my accuracy IRL ? If so it could be a really should always go for center of mass shots...head shots are easy ( actually easier ) to miss. Also IRL you have to worry about having a backstop...basically to insure that when you fire at something...if you miss the bullet will hit something safe..In GTA I always try to line up shots so if I miss I'll still kill something...might be a problem if I forget I am not in a game . When I use my grenades IRL they never blow things up like the GTA grenades..I wish they did..these games are not realistic ! When I crash my car into an ambulance and then run over fifteen pedestrians it cost money to fix ! And last time I couldnt even drive away ...I had to call a tow truck !
It's always bothersome reading the contents of anything to do with GTA, I'm just glad it's not that easy to replicate some of that stuff IRL, I hope... :scared:
It's always bothersome reading the contents of anything to do with GTA, I'm just glad it's not that easy to replicate some of that stuff IRL, I hope...

Why not ? It makes life so much easier when you have games to show you how to act . I guess you would rather learn stuff from your parents or something .
Its much better to be able to practice crime waves with a game than to wait for the teacher to show you . I mean when I play halo I almost have the same accuracy as I had last time I went to the mall . ( and no cops were chasing me ! ...unlike the mall trip.. ) :ill:
I saw a graph similar to that one a while ago.

I don't think video games have had a major impact on violent crimes. Instead, I think that abortion has had a major impact.

Read this and you'll see some of my reasoning.

Before abortion, an unwanted child would PROBABLY be in a not-so-good household. That child would be more likely to commit these violent crimes.

Google "Abortion legalized" for more.

In 1941 there were 9,169 road deaths in the United Kingdom. In 2004 there were 3,221, despite a TENFOLD increase in the numbers of cars (that's an effective 30 times reduction in the number of accidents per car)

Since Aldrin and Armstrong got put on the Moon in 1969, this means that the space programme has made driving safer. Far-fetched? What about improvements in computer power (there's more processing power in an S-Class Mercedes than there was on the Apollo 11 mission), materials (ceramics, kevlar, carbon fibre, aluminium and titanium) and materials technologies, filtering down to the automotive industry, making the average collision 30 times more survivable in the last 64 years?

This makes at LEAST as much sense as saying abortion prevents violent crime.
I'll stop trying to convey my point now that you're bringing up such unrelated things.

His point is that your arguement has as much backing as those ones.

By listing only two figures you are ignoring a multitude of factors that had huge affects on the two you listed. Maybe abortion has helped to increase the crime rate but other factors such as better policing have brought it down overall.

Same with video games, they may be hurting kids, but better parenting or schooling brings the rate down. It isn't possible to formulate a relationship between two factors if they aren't the only factors involved. The guy is more than aware of the fact (thus the pirates vs. temp) but his point is that the people speaking out against games don't even bother looking at any numbers.
I'll stop trying to convey my point now that you're bringing up such unrelated things.

I'm sorry. But that's just kinda funny. You have to realize that one cannot be directly compared with the other. Like Famine was saying. Do you have some other evidence of an actual connection?
They both have the letter " I " in them . Abortion ...crime rate . and they share the letter " A " And " T " and also " R " . So there is a connection . Hmmm they are both topics of discussion too . bleeehe bimpdoodles I need sleep .
They both have the letter " I " in them . Abortion ...crime rate . and they share the letter " A " And " T " and also " R " . So there is a connection . Hmmm they are both topics of discussion too . bleeehe bimpdoodles I need sleep .
I'm sorry, ledhed. I don't think it's sleep you require. :D
I am gone for one week and I miss the best article on my favorite ranting topic I have ever read? I am glad someone said it publicly but now I wish someone with a wider audience would say it. Every time I tell someone that violence and crime is actually down they accuse me of being full of it.

I have friends and family who don't trust kids that play GTA or wear long black over coats and so on. When you challenge them to make the connection they just scream that it's obvious. Then they ask me why I care so much and I point out to them that they have just labelled me a future criminal. They always back off with the whole, "you're to sensible and well adjusted to do that." Apparently they didn't notice that 99.999999999% of all gamers are too.

As for trying to claim that video games actually lowered the crime rate; that's just silly. That and the abortion lowers crime argument are both based on poor data comparisons and anyone who has even lightly brushed upon studying statistical analysis will tell you that you cannot prove those things without much more correlating data and then verifiable and replicable testing to back up that data.

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