Official Step Forward: Next GT on Sony's official release web

  • Thread starter amar212

Today SCEI has listed first 6 PS3 games that have reached official confirmation for future release.

Games are: The Eye of Judgement , Genji 2, Angel Rings , Monster Carnival, Everybody's Golf 5 and "Gran Turismo Serie" game. All games are in TBA (To Be Announced) release status.

"Gran Turismo Serie" is the last game on the list (only text written on Japanese)

Also notice that "Gran Turismo 4" for PSP is listed at the end of PSP release list, with release date during 2006 (compare the glyphs in the text above and take number "4" in account while examining the page).

Non-beleivers can easily verify the japanese text by putting in into Google and then view the search results :).

However, very nice indeed official move forward. :D

I copied the page and posted it here. The BLEACH? What kind of game is that? (Love Google Translator)

Sale day Title name Genre Desired retail price
(Price including tax)
CERO age division
CERO age division Movie
2006 year
January 19th schedule RULE of ROSE
サイコミステリー *
Adventure 6,800 Yen
(7,140 Yen) 15 year or more objects
2006 year
February 2nd schedule Tourist * trophy
Real riding
Simulator 5,800 Yen
(6,090 Yen) All the age objects
2006 year
February 9th schedule SIREN2 (siren 2) Fear adventure 6,800 Yen
(7,140 Yen) 15 year or more objects
2006 year
February 16th schedule The BLEACH - it does to be shot, ambition -
RPG 6,800 Yen
(7,140 Yen) Examination schedule
2006 year
March schedule Chapter of cancer/gun parade * orchestra
green - Wolf and that boy - (usually edition)
Drama * generator 6,800 Yen
(7,140 Yen) Examination schedule
2006 year
March schedule Chapter of cancer/gun parade * orchestra
green - Wolf and that boy - (limited edition)
Drama * generator 12,800 Yen
(13,440 Yen) Examination schedule
2006 year schedule Chapter (tentative name) of cancer/gun parade * orchestra
Drama * generator Undecided Examination schedule
Undecided Wild arm the フィフスヴァンガード
RPG Undecided Examination schedule
Undecided THE EYE OF JUDGMENT (temporary)
Undecided Undecided Examination schedule  
Undecided GENJI 2 (temporary)
Action Undecided Examination schedule  
Undecided Angel Rings (temporary)
RPG Undecided Examination schedule
Undecided Monster Carnival (temporary)
Action RPG Undecided Examination schedule
Undecided GOLF of everyone 5 (temporary)
Sport Undecided Examination schedule
Undecided ' グランツーリスモ ' series
Undecided Undecided Examination schedule
2006 year
January 26th schedule You do the gong portable BLOOD THE LAST VAMPIRE
You do the gong 4,800 Yen
(5,040 Yen) 12 year or more objects
2006 year
February 23rd schedule Monster kingdom * ジュエルサモナー
RPG 4,800 Yen
(5,040 Yen) All the age objects
2006 year
March 2nd schedule Promise of ブレイドダンサー - thousand years -
RPG 4,800 Yen
(5,040 Yen) All the age objects
2006 year
March 2nd schedule Derby time 2006
Comprehensive horse racing
4,800 Yen
(5,040 Yen) Examination schedule
2006 year
March 9th schedule I.Q Mania
3,800 Yen
(3,990 Yen) Examination schedule
2006 year
March 9th schedule The Bonn bar man blast squadron ボンバーメ - ン
3,800 Yen
(3,990 Yen) Examination schedule
2006 year
March 9th schedule XI colloseum
3,800 Yen
(3,990 Yen) Examination schedule
2006 year
March 9th schedule レミングス
3,800 Yen
(3,990 Yen) Examination schedule
2006 year
May schedule TALKMAN European language edition (temporary)
TALKMAN Undecided Examination schedule  
2006 year schedule グランツーリスモ 4 Mobile (tentative name)
Race/lace & Carla if
Simulation Undecided Examination schedule
2006 year schedule LocoRoco
Action Undecided Examination schedule
FYI, the one called "Everybody's Golf" is what we in the States call "Hot Shots Golf".. and I can't wait to see it. :)

As for VGT... it's a big question mark at the moment. On the one hand, it's near-impossible that we'd see GT5 at launch. If they are planning something for launch, it'll probably be GT4 on steroids... HD, online mode, 24-car grids, and small graphical tweaks, but still running off the GT4 engine. Whether they decide to do that is anyone's guess, but I don't know how the average consumer would feel about buying an "upgraded" version of a current-gen game. I'd buy it. :)

Still too early to know much for certain on the GT front, but I'm still quite pleased that Hot Shots Golf 5 will be on PS3. :)
Yep, "Gran Turismo series" could mean an upgraded GT4 version. Definitely not GT5 (I think).
Well, knowing Polyphony's track record, I am not getting my hopes up for any next-gen racing until 2007.

I love the fact that they are putting pressure on themselves by confirming it (a formality, really, as GT is arguably SONY's Mario) but I think it goes against what they believe in to come out with something for the sake of it. Some might bring Prologue Edition as a counter point, but I'd say that was much more of a reactive move as a proactive one. It was never released in NA and was only put out to save face with the even huger Japanese following.

I do not see any GT product on launch, but rest assured, when VGT does come out, PS3 sales will surge again...and a new era of world wide racing will have begun...just think, soon, we'll be having these discussions after a nice 15 lap our racing seats!
Maybe the Gran Turismo Serie will be the GT4 update with online code? Hmmm? Maybe add a few dozen more new cars, spruce up the track graphics a bit, add net code and up the car per race capacity to somewhere between 12 and 20, and I'll be fine with waiting another year or so for GT5.
I think I may have to place a bet now and say that GT5 may get completely blown out of the water by Forza Motorsport 2.

...Dont get me wrong, I'm still a GT fan, but someone has to be realistic here. Considering that Forza recieved better reviews than GT4 even as a first attempt on hardware that was about to be replaced is amazing. And given how great PGR3 looks/sounds/plays, Microsoft should be able to pump out one steller product either late 2007 or early 2007.

Keep your fingers crossed, this is going to be one helluva fight.
I think I may have to place a bet now and say that GT5 may get completely blown out of the water by Forza Motorsport 2.

...Dont get me wrong, I'm still a GT fan, but someone has to be realistic here. Considering that Forza recieved better reviews than GT4 even as a first attempt on hardware that was about to be replaced is amazing. And given how great PGR3 looks/sounds/plays, Microsoft should be able to pump out one steller product either late 2007 or early 2007.

Keep your fingers crossed, this is going to be one helluva fight.

Depends on where you looked in regards to those reviews you mentioned. The main difference between the two was online. If you factor in the points added to Forza because of online, and the points subtracted from GT4 because of it, I think you'll find those numbers reversed. Most of the reviews I read were very specific about that, in fact... "This game isn't as good as Gran Turismo, but online makes up for it."

If GT5 has online, it's game over. Even Forza won't be able to compete at that point.. it's one advantage will be gone.

I wouldn't worry too much about PGR3, either.. GT4 blasted PGR2 out of the water in every category, I fully expect GT5 to do the same. PGR3 does indeed look great, but GT5 will be better, I guarantee it.
PGR 3 is a very good game. I played it at my friends house, and it really is good. The only bad thing i noticed so far that there is no cockpit view in 2 player, only single player has it. Maybe there are to many polys, but who knows. The cars are all great, especially the Koenigsegg CCR, god that thing is a beast. Hope Kaz gets his hands on one.
...and today Sony just removed the whole list from the page, leaving only PS2 and PSP future releases.
An official step backward... as usual. :mischievous:

:confused: :confused: :confused:
Most of the reviews I had read between GT4 and Forza came down to the addition of Ferrari/Porsche and online play, versus a wider car selection and a buttload more tracks... While I would say it is pretty much a dead heat in most situations, online play is a deciding factor in making Forza the better game.

As far as bringing the PGR series into the Forza vs GT fight, PGR is a completely different type of game. It much more arcade oriented, and has a much more fast-paced style of play. If there is anything to compare between them, it would be graphics... I still say that PGR2 is one of the best looking racing games to ever be released, but it was obviously surpassed by GT4 and Forza.

When it comes to next gen, PGR3 is going to be hard to beat. Being that Sony hasent really shown off what exactly the PS3 will do, how exactly anyone can speculate how GT5 will look is beyond me. The GT Vision trailer was nothing more than GT4 in high-res with fully animated pit crew members. I will remain skeptical, but if there is anyone at SCE who can make a pretty game, it would be PD.
When it comes to next gen, PGR3 is going to be hard to beat.

I don't see why GT5 should try to beat PGR3? They're still two different genres. On a graphical level it's possible to compare the two, but on a gameplay level... Yes, graphically PGR3 is something, especially with their fully modelled in-game cockpits. However, seeing PD's reputation when it comes to achieving unbelievable graphics in relation to the hardware, GT5 stands a good chance of surpassing PGR3's visuals.

Besides, we don't have anything to compare PGR3 with yet. Are their graphics exceptionally beautiful, or something we can expect from every next gen game? Hard to tell, we'll see when more next gen racers hit the market.
online play is a deciding factor in making Forza the better game.

I'd have to say that the lack of Force Feedback support was Forza's undoing for me....

Great game...if only because it will push PD to do better....
Why compare PGR3 to GT5 when GT4 owns allready...?
I have a 360 and PGR3 isnt all looks good,sounds good,give u a great feel of having a powerful engine but the simple handling and feel for the surfase become booring to fast for me,...
And the online mode is more like a Ferrari cup!
U will be an underdog with another brand witch is a shame and a bit sad only seeing red F50gt1 in the grid..
Hope Test drive is better!

GT5 will be the ultimate racing game to play for years to come! when it finally ships.....
Here's one more vote for GT Vision being a release title (GT4.5).

Yes, I would pay to have GT4 upgraded with slightly better physics, MANY more cars and tracks, and the capacity to play online should I choose, and install my own music tracks - PLEASE Polyphony? Make Sony okay that. :D
While the cards my not necessiarily be in PDs favor, they do control the table in terms of setting the standard by which all racing games are rated. I'm not going to sent my expectations outstandingly high as I did with GT4, but I would expect them to improve the graphics and AI if anything.

I obviosuly havent had too much of a chance to play PGR3, mostly limited to a quick drive of the Atom in NYC... But from what I played, it was great. I love the PGR franchise because it lets you go crazy while racing your car and you get awareded for it. Not having traction control (et. al) to save your ass demands more perfection while you are playing, and although some are extremely good at PGR, many people are not.

...The best part about PGR is that if you get really good with one particular car, you can still wipe the floor with everyone even when they are in a faster ride... You dont have to do too much in GT4 to blow your competition out of the water.
PGR3 is good if u just like to pick up and play a car game just a few runs now and then,but if ure like me and complete the game on platinum(i hate cones!) in a couple of weeks and play live the next two it gets rhater dull...If u are used to the GT series.

I did play a little pgr2 and had hoped pgr3 should have a better car feel
but i say a step in wrong direction....

I wouldnt have buyed a 360 if GT4 was online!!!! or maybe just for Call of Duty 2 :)
Great game...if only because it will push PD to do better....

Ahh yes, competition is a good thing.

Back to the topic... The sad thing is, even if they release a Vision GT/GT4.5 game, I probably won't be able to get a PS3 right when it comes out. Having a GT game launch with it will only make the pain of not having a PS3 for awhile worse.
Just to add my 2penneth worth, Forza has a much more realistic handling model, right out of the box. RWD cars behave as they should, not understeering because of the stupid nannying aids. It has traction control which I use, and I also use the stability control, but it is set up better so it doesn't stop Forza being a more enjoyable game. Ok the car choice is limited, but then car choice isn't everything, gameplay is. On that count, Forza wins it for me. The next one should be absolutely awesome.

Personally I hope GT5 goes back to the GT2/3 model of handling, where it was more fun and for the rwd cars, more realistic

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