FIRST OFFICIAL FACT SHEET - 32 players in Private Lobbies???

  • Thread starter amar212
The physics in forza just seem after watching gt5. Talk about skating on ice..

I don't know what your on about?

He was talking about his driving and poor car control. :dopey: :sly:
This will be some game, I have to say!
  • 16 players online
  • Day/night cycle (Jesus Christ, imagine the 24h races!!!)
  • Damage
  • NASCAR, WRC and Super GT
  • 1000 cars, 20 tracks
  • Online replays on YouTube

I think my head is about to expload! :scared:

Relieved theres going to be 16 cars on track?? :D:tup:
Well if there's 20 tracks thats it.. I'm not a pessimist in any way, nor am I getting my hopes up about DLC. That said I'm not ruling out the chance of DLC either. But if there is 20 tracks, and 70 variations.. then correct me if I'm wrong but doesn't that mean there's a total if 90 tracks including all the variants of each one?

Please feel free to disagree with me or correct my lack of mathematical intelligence.
Well my question is how many different way can they make 20 tracks go to make it 70? 20 tracks plus reverse direction = 40 tracks. Maybe ad chicanes in a couple and call it 50 tracks. What else do they mean by variations?
Well if there's 20 tracks thats it.. I'm not a pessimist in any way, nor am I getting my hopes up about DLC. That said I'm not ruling out the chance of DLC either. But if there is 20 tracks, and 70 variations.. then correct me if I'm wrong but doesn't that mean there's a total if 90 tracks including all the variants of each one?

Please feel free to disagree with me or correct my lack of mathematical intelligence.

And how long before they can even master every track? add that to the equation too. Whine, whine,whine... :rolleyes: Should we delay the release date so that we can get more tracks? :dopey:
Well my question is how many different way can they make 20 tracks go to make it 70? 20 tracks plus reverse direction = 40 tracks. Maybe ad chicanes in a couple and call it 50 tracks. What else do they mean by variations?

Well like Suzuka has 3 variations I think and there is the track editor that they mentioned. The city tracks we could probably do more than 3 vairiations by just rerouting the barriers to go in a different directions plus you can run it in reverse too. Then you have the rally tracks which I think will be editable. We will just have to wait and see. Believe me there is more than enough tracks to go around in. The important part is we get to drive and race in the actual full version and move on from prolouge. :)
That sounds right ^ Was it confirmed that the track editor will be added?

Here is the Official Fact Sheet.

Anybody expecting a track editor is dreaming.

Well I can dream until Nov. 2 then we will know for sure. Oh did I mention that I dreamt about the flashing headlights with hi & lo beams and it came true. :sly: I'm also dreaming that private rooms with 16 racers and a few spectators are allowed to watch. The spectators can be the race stewards and call for penalties. Let me see hmmm???? what else can I dream of?
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Perhaps this has already been mention in this thread, its growing quite fast and I dont have the time to read through. But I was thinking perhaps 32 people in 1 lobby allows for full length 24hr races with driver change overs, say 12 cars on track, 3 drivers per car or 16 cars, 2 drivers per car for 12 hour races.
Oh man if they allow 24h races with driver changes and all like mentioned above, this game is going to be responsible for the end of many marriages, many failed school kids, people loosing their eye sight and tv's burning out left and right. I cant wait :)
So we are only be able to play with the cars from our psp and prologue in aracde mode? I wonder if this means we won't be able to purchase parts or upgrade the cars then?
Lucks got nothing to do with it. It's our destiny. If we don't get it now we might get it in GT6 but its all in Kaz vision for the GT series. :sly:

Exactly... I was just thinking , what's left (major features) for GT6...?
We'll have in GT5:
- Graphics that can stay with that resolution for 5 -7 years (at least)
- Damages
- Massive online gaming
- Day/Night
- 3D
- Head Tracking

I am thinking of:
Weather (wind/snow/rain.. )
Point to Point Rally
IRL and F1 racing?
Track Editor
Car Editor (:lol:)
software support for hydraulic simulator seats (MrRoadRace suggestion)
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Well, they mentioned more F1 teams coming to GT5, so I would expect a decent Formula championship this time, and that's epic. :D
16 players on track but 32 players in lobby. Should be interresting trying to hear over 32 people talking. lol I wonder if there will be some sort of proximity voice for this.
16 players on track but 32 players in lobby. Should be interresting trying to hear over 32 people talking. lol I wonder if there will be some sort of proximity voice for this.

I'm thinking yes so you can have a spotter to work with or crew chief to guide you through the race without the competition hearing what the strategy is.
I wonder if the online will have damage. If it does I also wonder if it will have the ability to set damage to realistic, cosmetic, or ghost. Lots of questions.
Maybe have some lobbies with damage and some without for different types of racing. This is going to need a LOT of options. Hopefully we have control of our lobbies and can kick out those that are a pain.
Yeah! now were talking plus controls for an actual dashboard with a real Tach, speedo, oil temp ect. 💡

Ive seen some motion simulators that dont have all the big crazy movements but just enough. I would buy one in a heart beat if GT5 had support for this.

That would make it the ultimate racing sim ever period.

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