Apply to be a Guides Contributor Here!!!

  • Thread starter Jordan
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Due to vandalism of the user-contributed GTPlanet Game Guides, I have stopped anonymous editing and have restricted editing priveledges to approved users only. Please reply to this thread with a two-paragraph post explaining why you would like to be a GTPlanet Game Guides Contributor and what you want to contribute. Once approved, you'll get notification via email along with a username and password so you can log in and start creating and editing pages immediately.

Users who already have an account in the Wiki will not have to re-apply, this is for new contributors only. Any off-topic posts in this thread will be deleted without a response. Please direct any questions about the Game Guides to a new thread here in the Wiki Collaboration forum.

This is only a half-hearted registration I suppose. I would like to help in the compiling of car data for your Wiki, but when I do, it would likely be rare. I really liked the format I saw someone pupik in his linked example and I would be inclined to copy that.

He included a brief factual summary about the car and its history, how it compared to the game (I think in his instance it was the Arista / SC300 and its discrepancies reguarding Mfr. dates), Some in-game specs, which GT versions it was available in, as well as some links to settings & user write-ups.

It is a shame that these measures must be taken to prevent vandalism, but I suppose it is to be expected.

Another thought I had could be:
Find that example and post it here, and encourage others to write similar reports on other cars from the list, and then from here staff & members can give feedback on the report, then after an agreeable majority like the report (after making edits where deemed necessary)
From there one of the mods can add the wiki code & submit it. this way, anyone can participate, but only the current people with editing capability can submit the final enties or revisions.
I want to contribute in GT2 Tuning guide, as I find it as a copy paste from GT1 guide. That can mislead a lot of people into thinking that GT2 have turbo boost gauge setting. Besides, no LSD, ASCC and TSCC info.
I already done some modification to this page but I want to edit it more.

BTW, please anyone who love to share their GT4 knowledge edit I create it, but only fill it with not so usefull info because I don't have confident in my GT4 tuning.
I'll be the first to admit that I more than likely can't contribute much. I have done a fair amount of work on my employers site, so I have a general knowledge of setting up pages.

What I am pretty good at is proofreading and tweaking what is already there. For example, editing this page to link to more manufacturer sites. I know I'm not bringing much to the table, but I'll do what I can.
I think I should Contribute to the guides here because I love GT4, I love cars and know alot about them, and I like to help other people get as much info as possible. I am pretty good at proof reading. I am also good at modifying stats and things like that.

I manage a forum called Oranj. I am the Co-Owner and Admin of the forum. I edit alot of posts and make everything look good and easy to read. I think I would be good in the position. If I dont get chosen at least I tried.

Thanks, Amemiya
I want to be a contributor because I have material I wish to share. Plain and simple.

Two things I'd like to add/update are:
Drifting material - Swift and I have been working on updating the FR Drift Guides. We're not complete yet, but we have enough material posted now that we think it'd be a worthy addition. [view our thread: here]
Secondly - Vinsion is not around much anymore, so he bestowed ownership of the Drift Video Directory to me. I'll maintain the GT4 Videos section to reflect the contents of the GT4 Drift Video Directory
I would like to participate, because while I enjoy my time here at GT Planet, I am not a record-setting driver, nor a setup wizard. However, I am good at doing research and reporting.

I have begun a project documenting the Mazda MX-5 Miata series of cars, and would like to add the details to GT Planet's Guidebook. I anticipate doing similar series of reports for other cars, to help create a complete and detailed set of specs for GT4.
I wouldn't mind being a contributor. I may not be the best driver, but I certainly pay a lot of attention. :sly:

I'd like to contribute mostly to the endurance race sections of GT4 as well as other race informations such as rolling starts, opponent racers, etc. I've noticed, though, that many endurance races have different cars depending on which version of the game you have (NTSC versus PAL for example), so if someone cross the pond could help, it'd be muchly appreciated. :)

I don't have internet at home, but I have enough access at school and elsewhere to make fairly regular contributions.
Hi. I'm intereseted incontributing to the wiki by archiving and recording individual facts and histories about the cars (in real life) and maybe even the histories of the companies themselves.

Such highlights on the cars will be as follows:

Sales Statistics:

Model Year Production Run:
Model Year's Debut:
Model Year's Release MSRP:
List Model Specifiic Makes Numbers: (This is if I feel like going crazy with those Muscle Cars as they can have 30 different combinations of interior color, gear box types, body color, special options, ect.)
Highest known auction sell price:
Any other facts under this category:

Car's History

This catagory will include facts such as reception upon release, consumer awards, Racing history and trophy accomplishments, Rivaliries (IE Covette VS Viper) and other pertinant facts that can fit in this catagory.

Fun Facts:

Basically amusing little bits of trivia (IE: Guiness Record of how many people can fit in a VW beetle, Specs of a Sprint Racer Prius, and other interesting things)
I would like to contribute a little to the wiki too, as there is some things I could add on to subjects already there, and I noticed some of the things could use some editing, a couple sections, like the tuning section for gt4, it is written using poor grammar, I see things like "Spring rate: Helps correcting handling" That doesn't make much sense. No offense to whoever wrote it, but I see it as something should be right considering GTPlanet being the biggest, and probably most reliable source of GT information.
I may not have much to share that others can't, but having been here quite a while, I do feel the need to help.

I can contribute to specific car model guides for some of the less popular cars in the game which I'm familiar with. I can't claim that this is a lot, but every little bit helps, I guess. I also have twelve years of experience in copy-editing for various newsletters and in my official duties at work. That, combined with an insatiable appetite for reading, should enable me to do some editing on the side.
Yes, my 1st language is Portuguese, but I can also correct grammar and ortographics in English. I have a good knowledge on how to format texts ergonomically in order to make them easier to read.

Besides this text-tech thing, about contents:

I want to contribute about
Playing dynamics and ergonomy:
"How to get the best of GT4 with DS2 and with DFP"
"In-race hand-relaxing tecniques"
"Ambient, sound, lights, brightness, contrast, coffee, etc."
"Player behavior and similars"

Setting Up
"Highly customized gear settings"

Hope I can help.
I'm going to need an account so that in the future i can help build the WRS wiki section.
I just purchased GT4 last Friday, so I am still in the early race modes and feel I can attribute a lot of information about opponent cars, prize cars, as well as other miscellaneous things.

I'm a computer science major at East Stroudsburg University and am well versed with a computer.
Everyone who has applied so far has been accepted. Please check the email address you are registered to the site with to find the email containing your username and password for the Wiki.
So is this Guides Contributor about editing and managing posts? Something like a moderator? Sorry Im really confused, can someone clear it for me?

Anyhow I think I can contribute in some areas:

- car stats (Im fairly good at that, I remember a lot about stats)
- proofreading and removing any inappropriate content
- I like things set straight, with everyone being able to understand what one's saying; its sort of linked with proofreading I suppose.

Im on everyday for around 3 hours so Im a frequent user, I guess. I like replying to posts :)

Im interested in these things in life:

- current events
- cars
- GT4
- other off-topic stuff
Well for me I guess I know a lot about cars ingereral, track locations, racing set-ups top-speed setups (360+speds LEGALY) and just gereral cars stuff, as an avid racer myself, I know the cause and effects of what a set-up does. I think I can contribute to this!

If you were wondering what I race, here ya go!
If I were to be a guides contributor, I could make detailed guides for many platform games. If something needs finding out that I don't know as yet I will trawl the internet tirelessly to find it. I like helping people, and can also correct spelling and grammar. :)

Also, I could compile useful links if people want more info on a specific item.
Congrats, guys, you've all been accepted. For clarification, this is not a moderator position. This is an account to create pages and edit our Game Guides.
I'll apply since I don't mind helping out, I don't go on there as often as I'm on here, though that's not saying much since I'm on here pretty much all day while I'm working. I've done articles for Wikipedia before and I do correct mistakes or update information as I come across it on there.

Also I tend to be a bit interested in everything so I contribute a bit to everythng where contributions can be made, and more often than not, they can be made.
I would like to apply to continue posting car settings, which are typically different in vein than the settings Duck works on. I also am good tuning individual gear ratios.

I would also be able to contribute on car data and specs, which I am inconceivably unable to forget, and also on cars performance relative to real-life. I could also help with peer-editing of some grammatically inconsistent pages.
I would like to be a Guides Editor because I know new games will be coming out and I'll still be playing Gran Turismo games for as long as I know. And since Tourist Trophy will be coming out for the US, I'd like to help edit guides in there for the newbies who need help tuning or people who just need some general referance in there. Maybe as time progresses, I can also help others understand and get a deeper understanding of what is what and how this works.

Another reason I am interested is because I have lots of spare time now so I am usually on GTPlanet often. I can help out any one who would need help and I can also write new things in what ever I can possibly find that could be helpful. I guess that's it. Thanks for your time,

-Matt :)
I've been a member of GTP for over a year and I'd like to contribute to the Tourist Trophy section of the wiki.

Aside from having an interest in the game and being active in the TT forum, I'm quite active (after a long period of abscence) on gtp in general, I'm an admin along with boombexus and cardude2005 of the travian (an MPOG) wiki that cardude created, I've contributed a lot to that wiki in terms of writing tutorials and arranging content. That wiki currently has 1,651,625 page views.
Thanks for your applications, everyone, and welcome to GTP GG editorship! :)
i am applying because i want to help out. i have more than a general knowledge of the GT series, and i learn more and more everyday. i have a passion for automobiles and motorcycles and being able to bring that knowledge and my knowledge of the GT series together is an amazing combination. my knowledge of the GT series can help me to contribute there, and i also will be gaining knowledge of the TT game(s) that is coming out.

i spend alot of time (way too much time) here since ive joined. i love it here. anything i can do to help the community, i will do. i feel it would be a privelage to be a GG and help in any way possible. i will be taking summer courses so i will be having alot of free time where i can do research and refine the Wiki to (as close as) perfection.

thanks guys
I would like to contribute in any possible way for the GT2 or even the GT4 section of the game guides. I've just picked up GT4 again so I'm ready and glad to help out.
Everyone who has applied so far has been accepted. Please check the email address you are registered to the site with to find the email containing your username and password for the Wiki.

hey jordan... can you re-sned mine?
for some unknown reason I checked my profile and my email address was a bogus one... just fixed it.
OK My two reasons are as follows:

1- ) I am already a 300mph person and I do a lot of testing on my cars for achieving such speeds as 320+mph. I would post 300mph settings in the Guides for others to use and modify.

2- ) I am also quite good at finding good gearbox settings as I would be able to post gearbox settings. I am never untruthful so you can guarantee I won't lie.

I am always willing to help the community and other people.

Test these reasons Jordan and let me know as soon as possible.


I'd like to help out on the car history stuff If I can, and anywhere else I could be useful. I feel that I know quite a bit about cars, and some stuff about the various featured of the game. I'm on here quite a bit, and I think I could use my time on here for the betterment of GTP as a whole. (If that made any sense)

If in the unlikely event that I'm accepted, my email that I signed up on for GTP has been deleted, so anything GTP related for me can go to
I'm an expert when it comes to braking, turning, and acceleration (my spelling is horrible today). So I wouldn't mind giving tip's and guide's for certains cars on certain tracks on how much to turn, brake, and accelrate.

My drawback is that I'm horrible at set-up's. I also know ways to pass cleanly without taking up time. My best thing would probably be these things. So yeah, I'd like to be one.
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