Apply to be a Guides Contributor Here!!!

  • Thread starter Jordan
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I'd really like to be a guides editor.

What would GTPlanet be without the guides? All the car lists, the track lists and the licence tests, just to mention some. As users, we all have responsibilities for other users. We all have to do our part to make GTP even better.

All that information - and more to come
Yesterday, I really wondered what the specs of some cars were, so I checked the Game Guides. I found what I needed, because of users here. Thank you so much. I want to do the same for you!

And more info to come
As I was scrolling down, I saw that for example the Car List for the PAL-based game wasn't complete, it lacks several cars. So why don't do anything about it? Why shouldn't I contribute for you?

These are my best three reasons why to be a Guides Editor. And it all boils down to sharing and contributing. That's why we all are here. I want to give something back to the community of GTP!

Hello, I like collecting any kinds of small bits of information about this game and then share it with others. I have at least one list about the used wheels ready to go.

This said, would you let me join the team?

- R -
I would like to become a guides editor because I could contribute allot to the screenshot & video sections (no videos untill I get winTV in the near future) When GT5 comes out I will be able to keep the car list & track list up to date, contribute to the screenshots & videos sections, I have:


Coming soon

& I could do the same for all of them :)
I would like to be a game guides editor because all i do on GTP is wrong (double posting e.t.c) and i would like to make up for all the wrong doing i have done by giving something back to the users of GTP.

I know a lot about cars, i can provide specs for certain cars, where to get them used/new and review them.
I also love Gran turismo, i want to help the users of GTP who maybe need help with choosing the right car or what to buy with a budget.
I wouldn't be as good as some of the others but i just want to change the way i am by giving something back to GTP.

I would love to be a game guide editor for GTPlanet because I know most of GT4 like the back of my hand. I even know how to do the Nurburgring license test. I would be willing to share my information with the world to help them become GT4 masters. Although I only own GT4 I owuld be willing to help fix any mistakes. Oh and really enjoy taking cars out on the track and giving reviews. I have information as well of which cars to use for certain events which could help those who are stuck for money and not sure what to buy.
I know some of you have been waiting a very long time for accounts, and I apologize - please don't take it personally as the delay has nothing to do with you or your application. Everyone should have received notifications in their email with their login details for the Guides.
i would llike a spot as a game guides editor cause i can contribute the specs of some of the cars whose aren't posted and pictures of the cars which aren't photographed for the north american NTSC version along with anything else that is needed.
I think I would help the gran turismo 4 game guides as I have completed the game and have driven most of the cars. I have always wanted to help people with problems with the game, I may even be able to help with other game guides as I am a regular visitor to the forums and I could bring information from there. I have owned all the gran turismo's up to gt4.

I am always very helpful with the community on the forums and I think I would be good here as well.

I know it’s not two-paragraphs but what's above is me.
I believe I could be a game guide editor. Not so much because I have expirence, But I have time... I'm pretty much online all the time, and play GT4 allot. I have recently discovered some simple information about cars we all know and love missing, like the Price and colors of the AE86 Corrola. This disappoints me, and I feel I could easily add these. Yes, this may be simple contributions that anyone could do, but they all add up. I have expirence in writing guides, I have written a 10 page guide on a small game written in B3D but nothing special.
I just feel I could help out allot on the odd's and ends. I may not be able to write a 10 page guide on how to tune your suspension to drift a 4wd, but everything adds up.

hey, i could help out with "dumbed down" part's explanation's(eg in suspension what camber and toe do, and what happen's when you change the value's in simple man's terms). I could also help out allot with the pal games(have 796 car's on gt4, own concept etc) so i could jump on board and contribute a few hour's every few day's to the guide, if you like?
Jordan can you please send the email again to my new(just updated) email, my last email address was deleted.
I'm sorry, I must have missed your post - please check your email!
I noticed that there are many cars in the car list that don't have an example image.
If it's ok i would add example pictures for every car. I have the pal game, so for a couple of cars i'm not able to make pictures.
That would make an excellent addition, and I would really appreciate it! Check your email!
I will start in a couple of days. The first days of the week are the busiest :)
Hey, I'm wanting to add to the guides (not too much). I have lots of details on the 4 black cars, and i noticed there is barely anything in the PAL cars guide. Also, I'm a grammar and punctuation freak :embarrassed: so I can fix up some words or something (IF there are any). If you decide not to make me an honorary editor, I'll just make a thread with all my accumulated black car stuff. ps i have a PAL game.
Hi, my name is Pete and I recently completed a GT project I've been wanting to do for 8 years. I hooked up a Playstation One to my PC via S-video and took screenshots of almost every car from GT 1 and 2. For each car, I specifically took a screenshot of 1. The car's main screen at each dealer, 2. The specifications page for each vehicle, 3. Screenshots of the included history written for each car with one. See the sample screenshots below. I'm a newbie here, and will be glad to post the entire collection (about 300MB) to the appropriate location if there is interest and one of the administrators/moderators will direct where. Otherwise, I plan on posting them to Usenet. Please let me know if you're interested. Thanks!



Welcome aboard, guys! Also, Pete, check your private messages for my response to your GT1 and GT2 image collections! :)
Hi jordan, i would quite like to be a guides contributer. I have Granturismo 2&4 both in PAL versions, I know a LOT about lancia, and can contribute pictures there, i also like english cars, i have many pictures, because i love taking pictures on GT4! also i have the four black racecars, and have many details about them too.

I can contribute anyhting and everything, including the short descriptions found on GT2 about history ect and put it on the guides site for the GT4 equivalent. I went to a grammar school, so you can expect quality in my punctuation ect! So please accept this application! I could do a couple cars/races everyweek, pictures as standard,
I am very interested in becoming a Games Guides editor. I have Gran Turismo 4 in PAL, i used to have GT3, GT2 and GT Concept, but i sold them. I've recently noticed a lack of information put in for an alarmingly large amount of cars, particularly in the GT4 section. I therefore are mainly interested in putting information in to the car list section.

I also would like to put information into the Track List section since some tracks don't appear to have enough relevant information or none at all.

ive just joined your message boards but have been using your game guides and reading faqs from gt planet for a while now. i own gt1, gt2, gt3, gtc tg, gt4p, gt4 (all in PAL as im from the UK) and am currently saving up for a ps3 so i can purchase gt5 and download gt hd from the online store.

i feel that, as a user of gt planet, what i feel is the best gran turismo website out, all the information should be as accurate as possible. i have noticed some errors and grammatical mistakes on some of the pages and also would like to contribute more to the pages such as gtc tg and other information that is missing. i hope you accept my 'application' and hope to recieve a good news e-mail.

thanks for putting together such a good website Jordan and id feel priviliged to be part of the team.

oh and one more thing. what are the usernames decided on? i would like to have 'feeder18' on the ggs as well as the forums. and also are passwords changeable because i would like something that is memorable. thanks again Jordan. 👍
Similar to Dustdriver, I would like to be a Guides contributor to fill in the huge blank spots in the car list. I already have BMW pictures ready to post, and I really want to help out.

I have a lot of the cars and I enjoy taking pictures, so I can take care of the blank spots on the car data lists.
Welcome aboard, guys! And feeder18, everyone should have the same username as they do on the forums, and your password should be changeable once you log in to your Guides account (remember that it is separate from your forum account).
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