Apply to be a Guides Contributor Here!!!

  • Thread starter Jordan
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I would like to contribute to the GT4 guides. I would probably be able to mainly post statistics on certain cars and such. I would also make a good spellchecker and grammar-corrector, as I am picky about such things. I really would like to give to the GTP community by adding many new things about certain cars in GT4 and maybe other things too.

I feel I could contribute greatly in the way of correcting any spelling mistakes I find or any grammar errors (the more professional we look, the more seriously we can be taken). I would much appreciate the privelege of being able to be a Guides Editor.

I have been a huge fan of Gran Turismo ever since I bought a copy of GT2 when I was only 8. I bought GT4 two days after it came out. I have been a researcher for my school paper and have great skills for that field. My info has been 100% right in the past and I would love to carry over my skills to GTplanet.
I am applying for the guides editor postion because I spend a fair bit of time on GTP, and I know 99% of cars stats and main features, as I am a complete car fanatic. I am good at proofreading, so if I were to see any mistake I would correct them, aswell as removing inapropriate content. I love GTP and I would love to put something back into the community. I have now bought GTPremium, so very glad I did!
I'd like to be a Guides Editor in the GT4 Tuning&Settings section to share some of the settings that I have used to help me get where I am in GT4, in hopes that they will help other people complete the game sucessfully. I've been a member of GTPlanet for less than a year, and I've helped many people out here before, and I like to help people out in the world too. I'm always willing to lend a hand.

I'd also like to help in the car information in the GT4 section because I have done excellent in research papers&reports in the past for school and other events, and I want to expand my skills into the Internet. I've been interested in cars for all of my life, heck my first word was actually "car", and I know loads of information about cars and everything about them; power, drivetrain, engine type, national origin, racing experience, etc, etc.
I would like to be a guides editor, because Im good at... well, editing. Since I dont have anything past GT2 (unless GT Mobile comes out), I can't really do much in the way of cars or specs, etc., but I am really good at editing grammar and spellchecking.

Granted, I'm not half as good as Famine, but would a little extra help hurt?

Thanks everyone - I've been away on vacation so I haven't been able to approve you guys, but if you check your emails you should all be in now. :)
I would like to apply for regestration to the Game Guides. I am interested in contributing car settings that I have found to be very successful.

Thanks, DM :)
Hello, I would like to contribute to the GT/TT site as I love my driving games and like to see things right.
For now I 'd like to say that for the GT2 track list, you left out 'Motor Sports Land' forward (reverse NA), and 'High Speed Ring' forward (reverse is there) Also as there are no 'Night' versions of 'Day' tracks, and as the night tracks are all reversable anyway (CSR5, SSR5 and Rome Night) the 'Reverse and Night Tracks' title is a bit confusing.
I'd also like to add that the tracks in GT3 have different time of day (lights on/off) and/or weather conditions (cloudy/clear) in each direction.
I have GT, GT2, GT3, GTC, GT4P, GT4 and TT, and about 70+ other driving games.
I would like to apply for a Guides Editor position because I feel that I have good stuff to contribute. I have been running various tests in Gran Turismo 4, one of them being a 'Part by Part Analysis', which is basically testing each part vs. time in the quarter mile, etc, etc. I enjoy contributing very much.

I also have Tourist Trophy and can fill in all the ends n' odds of everything else in that game. I feel I could contribute alot to the Tourist Trophy section, perhaps not Gran Turismo 4 so much, because I'm sure there's a guide for everything on this site. But all the same, I would be a great contributor. ;)
I could contribute to the screenshots section seeing as I spend half my time taking screenshots & editing screenshots from GT4 & I could add to the photomode compatible software section

I have also completed GT3 & could add to the GT3 guides in a few ways including car list, track list, & screen shots but they would be low quality due to having to use camera

as for GT2, I could contribute in car lists & track lists & screen shots but my screen shots would also be low quality due to having to use a camera

I think I would make a good guides contributer/editor
I would like to be a Guides Editor because I would like to help out here. I am also good at seeing spelling and grammatical mistakes. Although I only have GT4, I have played lots and have been a Tuning Competition judge. I usually spend all the time on GTP while I play GT4, so I am on a lot :sly:.

I'm very sorry for the long delay in my response, guys. Nevertheless, check your email and you should all find your username and password for the Game Guides. :)
I'd like to help out with the drift section, i feel that i could do quite alot for GTP. I would like to help keep the forum clear of rubbish.

I don't know that much but i will use what i do know to help make the site a better place for everyone.
I'm applying for a spot, simply because I'd like to contribute a little more - While I don't possess the extreme amounts of knowledge some GTP members possess, I'd like to share what I do know as much as possible.

While I may not have time to make huge contributions, I could check, fix, and add things to existing things, or "wikinize" things that were listed in the forums. I'm a GT-junkie, and spend around 1 hour at least daily, racing, setting up or testing things. I know a bit there, a bit here, and would like to add those bits to the GTP database. I sorted the track-unlocking list from the forums by chronological order, and Ben added it to the list for me.
id like to help more. i feel that i help people with more than there car and driving problems. i like to feel that i help with peoples self confidence too. i have guided many people into the GTP community and recieved lots of positive feed back. i have done extensive work with George Morley on his car reviews and comparison thread as well. my extensive knowledge of cars and there workings would be a great help to every one here.

basically, i feel i have a lot to offer and more responsibility would help me spread my knowledge and help to everyone in the GTP community! :sly:
I also can't contribute as much as some others, but I'm also good with the proof reading and the track descriptions seem empty. Admittedly, I can't play GT4 right now (Not until Summer), but when I have time I can do research and help fill these up.
Hey Jordan!

I'd like to be part of the wiki contribution team, I'd fill up those empty spots on the general GT4 guides such as "car details", were to get them, how much they cost...and so on. And I've noticed some wierd stuff that probably other members did in act of vandalism, so I'd like to help out on that ;)

Thanks for applying, check your email!
I was just having a look through the wiki and noticed some blank bits. As I knew what was missing, I thought I'd fill the details in, but it wouldn't let me. :( Can I become a guides editor?

I'll try not to break it...
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