Touring Mars
Although I appreciate that Israel need to take a stand against Islamic militants and terrorist organisations such as Hamas in Palestine and Hezbollah in Lebanon, I fail to see how bombing the airport is going to help the situation at all. Presumably, the Israeli strategy of collective punishment and disruption of civilian life in Lebanon is intended to put pressure on the (rest of) government to take action against Hezbollah - but is it realistic to think that the Lebanese government have that level of influence over a terrorist/guerilla outfit such as Hezbollah?? Bombing roads, bridges and especially the runway of Beirut International Airport will achieve very little against Hezbollah themselves, and serve mainly to antagonise, inflame and punish the ordinary folk of the Lebanon (and in the wider regions)... as they are currently employing the same heavy-handed tactics in the wasteland that is the Gaza strip, it is a very dangerous strategy indeed to raise the stakes elsewhere.
According to reports I heard oin the radio this morning Israel has also blockaded shipping lanes into Lebanon. Their reasoning behind shutting down all traffiuc in and out of Lebanon is to cut off supplies to Hezbollah that they use against Israel.
While this is a great wartime strategy, against a country, this is a heck of a way to handle an organization. It's kind of like cutting off the arm to get rid of the mole. Sure the arm feeds the mole through its blood vessels, but the arm isn't the problem.
Of course, Lebanon does support Hezbollah and Israel could just be trying to force Lebanon's hand against Hezbollah.
I guess Israel states it plainly here (
From this story):
"The government wants to change the rules of the game in Lebanon and make the Lebanese government understand that it is responsible for what happens in Lebanon," Israeli Agriculture Minister Shalom Simchon told Israel Radio.
If this is true then Israel is not being heartless about this, they are giving warnings:
Senior Israeli military officials said Israel warned the Lebanese government that it plans to strike offices and homes of Hezbollah leaders in the southern suburbs of Beirut.
This statement is cracking me up:
Trying to avoid devastating Israeli bombardment of the nation's infrastructure, the Lebanese government insisted Wednesday it had no prior knowledge of the Hezbollah operation, did not condone it and bore no responsibility for it. The Cabinet, which includes two Hezbollah ministers, urged the U.N. Security Council to intervene.
"Hezbo-who? No, doesn't sound familiar." I am sure that the play dumb approach isn't going to work after all this time. Especially after this long-standing policy:
Lebanon has long refused to deploy more than a limited number of security forces in the border region, saying it is not in business of protecting Israel's northern border.
While I do think that Israel has gone overbord for a couple of kidnapped soldiers, Lebanon is not helping themselves any. Claiming to not be familiar with Hezbollah, when they have theior own TV station and two members on the cabinet, is just ridiculous.
I think the worst case scenario is that Israel may get everyone else all fired up and suddenly be dealing with more fronts and more enemies at once than they would care to.