I'll tell you how. Terrorists use the roads, terrorists use the airport. Civilian and Terrorist infrastructure are the same.
Thats a ludicrous statement, and you know it! The civillian infrastructure was made for civillian use hence the designation 'civillian infrastructure'. If the roads, bridges, power stations, and airports were created for the sole purpose of the terrorists and their cause, then they could be called 'terrorist infrastructure'.
Why are they [Hezbollah] part of the Lebanese government?
Why? I'm sure it would seem obvious - democracy! With democracy everyone no matter how unsavoury, has the right to take part in a nation's Legislative process if they have been democratically elected.
Let me clear one thing up though. The Lebanese government is not run by Hezbollah. It is too easy to bandy round claims that the Lebanese people and government are pro-Hezbollah just because the terrorists have a place in the government. Hezbollah never won a landslide victory in the elections (not like Hamas did in the Gaza Strip), and from my investigations I have found that they only hold two actual positions in the government (out of a total of twenty-five) - Energy and Water, and Labour. Also, out of a total of 128 seats in the Lebanese government, The Party of God (Hezbollah) holds only 14 seats. Thats hardly a 'terrorist government'.
I'm sure England would act much the same way if the same was being done from France or any other nation, even if the particular group was not a state-sponsored group of millitants.
Uh, no. The UK, in particularly Northern Ireland has suffered a number of terrorist attacks from the Republican IRA terrorists over the course of more than 30 years. Although the majority of the IRA were based in Northern Ireland, some elements would cross the border from within Eire, attack targets in Northern Ireland, and return again later.
What I'm saying is this; I cannot think of a single instance at all where any UK force crossed the border into Eire, attacked civillian targets, or otherwise laid down any form of martial law in response to the terrorist attacks prefromed by the IRA. No shelling, no airstrikes, no intimidation, nothing.
Take for example if people were crossing the border from Canada to the US to blow themselves up on a regular basis, and the same was happening from Mexico as well. Eventually it gets to the points where they are lobbing rockets into America and killing innocent people, does the United States not have a right to attack these millitants who are killing American citizens?
Yes, of course the USA would have the right to attack the millitants. I'm not disputing the right of Israel to retalliate, I'm disputing the methods they are employing. Attacking civillian targets is the easy option. Syria and Iran are the real orchestrators of this crisis. Israel should be attacking them, and not Lebanon.
Why are we finding it hard to make the distinction between Hezbollah, the elected Lebanese government, and the Lebanese people? Ive proved that the Lebanese government is not run by Hezbollah, and so by default, I have also proved that the majority or Lebanese are not pro-Hezbollah, so why are we still making the assumption that all three are the same?