PS3: Freakin Expensive

United States
Houston, TX
The Playstation 3 is the most awaited person place or thing of this year
but most of the people who waiting for it can't even afford it

the 20 gig will set you back about $400
the 60 gig about $600

for all the money that there milking out of our wallets it better be good
The Playstation 3 is the most awaited person place or thing of this year
but most of the people who waiting for it can't even afford it

the 20 gig will set you back about $400
the 60 gig about $600

for all the money that there milking out of our wallets it better be good
First off, most people can afford it. It's just that they whine about the price since it has a new media format player and it can be a little expensive. The DVD format was a few years old when the PS2 came out, so that wasn't has expensive.

Second, the prices are $500 and $600 dollars for the PS3.

Third, it's going to be better than good.

And finally, did you have to make a new thread to make this post? You could have easily used at least three different threads already made to express your feelings. It looks like you're new here, so I'll tell you, you should look around and use already made threads to say something simple as the post you made. It keeps the clutter down, you know?

Welcome to GTPlanet, BTW.
Umm is actually pretty expensive. I work for a Game store and we tell people how much it costs the usual reaction is "bloody hell". Alot of people can not afford it.
I can honestly say this is the one system that I do NOT see myself buying any time in the near future at all. The next GTA was the only game that would have made me get the PS3. Now that it will be on the 360 I have no reason to get a PS3. I love everything about my 360. They did such a fantastic job with the way they set up the online community. 👍 👍
Kev is right. If I wanted one then I would not be able to afford it, I probably wouldn't even be able to get the 20gig model. All my mates at school were like 'i'm gonna get a PS3', well that was until they found out how much it would cost. That's not saying it is out of everyone's reach though, I'm sure some people with good jobs will be able to buy it, or maybe kids who save up for a very long time :D
This is to add on to what I said in post#4. The 360 right now is an excellent price for $399.00. At first I thought it was high until I found out what was included with that package.
-Wireless controller
-HDTV cables
-Hard drive
-and internet cable
If you break those individual parts down it makes the 360 very inexpensive.
That gives you everything you need to play online if you already have xbox live. Excellent deal IMO. You also have to keep in mind all of the arcade games that can be downloaded for very very cheap. Some of them are also free. And almost all of the downloadable games have a free trial. 👍
Umm is actually pretty expensive. I work for a Game store and we tell people how much it costs the usual reaction is "bloody hell". Alot of people can not afford it.
I don't think it's too expensive. People pay $1,500 for a PC they'll only screw around on the internet with, but $600 is too much for a game console, PC and HD disc player?

People are idiots.

Again, in the future, the PS3 will do more than "act like a PC," play HD discs and play video games. For what it will do out of the box, the PS3 is a good deal. For what it will do in the future, it's a great deal.
People are idiots.

Just because I and many others can not afford it does not make us idiots. Screw you. They realise what it does, but at the end of the day they are buying a ps3 to play games on.

Here's an example. Someone wants to sell me a ferrari for ONLY 50k, down from the normal price of 100k. Well great, I can't afford 50k anyway. So it's not good to me. Yes I realise it's good value in a sense for what it is, but...expensive is expensive, especially when you consider that the only reason it's so expensive is because sony are using it for a test bed of their new uber expensive format.
Nice for you if you can shell out over £400 on a games machine, I can't.
Solid Lifters
I don't think it's too expensive. People pay $1,500 for a PC they'll only screw around on the internet with, but $600 is too much for a game console, PC and HD disc player?

People are idiots.

Again, in the future, the PS3 will do more than "act like a PC," play HD discs and play video games. For what it will do out of the box, the PS3 is a good deal. For what it will do in the future, it's a great deal.
I don't screw around on my PC, I primarily use it for gaming. I would much rather spend the money on upgrading my PC because I have absolutely no use for HD-DVDs because I don't have an HDTV or anything like that. Also I found this paragraph very interesting in that article that KENJIusa posted:

Unlike consoles PCs are not static and evolve over time – or rather, the components of a PC evolve over time. In the case of a PC, CPUs, GPUs are the fastest evolving parts of it that are the most relevant to games processing. The downside to a PC is that is not purely a gaming platform and the CPUs are more general purpose in nature to handle code coming from an operating system running many applications at once. It has to perform integer math, floating point math, memory loading and storing, and branching all at an acceptable level of performance such that no area noticeably slows down processing. The other downside to PCs is that motherboards do not advance as rapidly and they represent some significant bottlenecks for PC games today.

And finally, no matter what anyone says, $600 for a games console is too much, and not everyone can afford it.
Just because I and many others can not afford it does not make us idiots. Screw you. They realise what it does, but at the end of the day they are buying a ps3 to play games on.

Here's an example. Someone wants to sell me a ferrari for ONLY 50k, down from the normal price of 100k. Well great, I can't afford 50k anyway. So it's not good to me. Yes I realise it's good value in a sense for what it is, but...expensive is expensive, especially when you consider that the only reason it's so expensive is because sony are using it for a test bed of their new uber expensive format.
Nice for you if you can shell out over £400 on a games machine, I can't.

Please, don't put your stiuation as one to what I was refering to.

People that complain about the price of the PS3 are only whiners. They can easily afford it. They can purchase a $1,500PC, and a $500 PC flatscreen monitor, but think the PS3 is too expensive.

You, on ther other hand, probably have a $400PC and can't even afford a TV to dispay the PS3's HD images. You fall into a very small group that can't afford it. You're poor, not an idiot.

But, if you really wanted one, and I doubt you even wanted one Kev, you could have easily saved up for it. So, there's no need to hear any complaining from you.

If my 11 year old son can make $500 in four weeks working part time for his summertime job, there's no excuse why a grown man couldn't make that amount, which will get him a PS3, in the easily two years we knew about the PS3 and its high price.
You, on ther other hand, probably have a $400PC and can't even afford a TV to dispay the PS3's HD images. You fall into a very small group that can't afford it. You're poor, not an idiot.

I'll have you know I have a pretty decent pc ;). But I can't afford a HD tv, I just have a 21" sony trinitron wega...though it has it's ok.
I'm in a situation that most post grads and students are in, we have low disposable incomes. I can make the occasional big ish purchase, but I can not afford to blow 600 (thats inc games etc) at once! That's over a months wage for me, and would wipe my account, meaning I couldnt pay rent, go out, fuel the car, have fun etc etc. I guess I could work more, and earn more, but tbh, I'm happy with my pc, and the spare time not working all the time gives me.

Whiners? No...alot of them loved their ps2, but lets be honest, not all kids have parents that can afford to get them a ps3 + games, I know that mine certainly would never be able to.

I also wouldn't mind a ps3, some of the games look cool.
Umm is actually pretty expensive. I work for a Game store and we tell people how much it costs the usual reaction is "bloody hell". Alot of people can not afford it.
It's expensive in the sense that it's a lot of money, a lot to spend on anything. It's cheap in the sense that you get a lot for your money. It's like my VW Bora, it was cheap because I got it for about a grand lower than they were going for fsh, mot and 6 motnhs tax included, it was expensive because it was still a lot of cash to spend.
All I got to say is that even though the PS3's price is good for what you get, I still think its too expensive. The PS3 is simply for serious buyers only and this is a dangerous move by Sony in my opinion. Targeting the pockets of serious buyers with more money than the majority of the spendors who would probably spend 400 MAX on a game console.

Just think about it...

Xbox 360 + 1 Game = under 600 dollars. To me that doesnt sound too bad.

But when you go:

PS3 + 1 game = possibly jumping a little over 700 dollars. Spending over 700 dollars seems quite alot for the average gamer.

O what the heck....*Looks at the PS3 reserve slip from Gamestop*
I am still getting mines on launch date. Expensive or not HERE I COME! :)
At he end of the day plenty of people werre paying £700+ for XB360's when they first came out, most of the people that buy the first batch of a new console are serious buyers anyway. By the tmie most people start buying them the consoles are over a year old. These arestatistics that Sony will have looked at in depth and created a stratergy to hopefully, benefit from. I'd also love to see your reasonong that the PS3 + 1 game could equal over $700, the PS3 is $500 or $600 and games will not cost $100 andyone who says they will is scaremongering because neither Sony nor any publishers have said what the games will be priced at yet. Yes I agree most people probabl won't pay $500 for a PS3, but most people won't buy them until after the firs price drop, usually when the console is a year old, that's always the way.
Small group?! You must some rich boy, But for the others out there $5-600 is a bit much to be shelling out for a GAME console. Trust me, if I had the money I'd be the first to get a PS3 but I think that I'll have to sit it out for a year or so until the PS3 Drops down to a more reasonable price. Shoot, I wouldn't even have a computer if my Uncle didn't give me one for B-day.
1) PS3 is more than games, offers movies in HD as well. If you aren't a serious consumer, get serious or stop complaining. Saving money is not impossible. If you work at a dead end job, keep looking for a BETTER job while still working and saving.

I was making minimum wage, now I've got two jobs, and both are much better than what I had before, and I'll have more than enough, multiple times over, to get a PS3 and a nice HDTV.

If you aren't dedicated enough to get what you want, then stop complaining about the price. GO buy another console and stop telling us how sad you are, this is not
I can't afford a new Tiburon right now. I can't even afford a used one. Maybe if I whined about it a lot, I'd get a bunch of people on my side howling about how unfairly priced cars are these days. :D
Keichi Tsuchiya
Small group?! You must some rich boy, But for the others out there $5-600 is a bit much to be shelling out for a GAME console. Trust me, if I had the money I'd be the first to get a PS3 but I think that I'll have to sit it out for a year or so until the PS3 Drops down to a more reasonable price. Shoot, I wouldn't even have a computer if my Uncle didn't give me one for B-day.
I can't work out who your replying too here? If it's me then your reply makes no sense since I didn't reffer to a small group.
El Gigante
And finally, no matter what anyone says, £600 for a games console is too much, and not everyone can afford it.

I agree totally, Also the Xbox 360 is an expensive DVD player and the Wii is one expensive SNES.


I will go ahead and say the guy who asked how much it is and runs away scared without being explained to why it cost $100 more than the competetion is an idiot/ignorant aswell as the store worker who doesnt(can't) explain why it is.
I'll probably never buy one since I am content with what I have.

And anyway, I'm part of the main crowd of people who this system is supposed to appeal to, and I can't even seem to come up with $10. Plus my parents will only buy me food.
This thread seems to be a bit of a flame bait thread if you ask me, the PS3 isnt expensive at all, in fact it is $300 cheaper than a BD player, yes its a bit more than the 360 but its twice the machine so anyone who complains about the price is either too tight or just a 360 fanboy. Sorry if this Opinion upsets anyone, but thats how i see it.
Fine then: For the rest of us out there, shelling $5-600 is a bit much for recreational purposes. I'm not saying that getting it is not going to happen, I'm just trying to point out that it might take a while with a price like that. Even a Hua Shan Pai seminar with Grandmaster Chin costs less, and I didn't even have enough for that.
Yes, anything over $400 has more-or-less always been a commercial failure (with a couple exceptions). But with the exception of maybe the 3DO, JVC X'Eye and Pioneer Laseractive CLD-A100, they have all been one use machines.
Lest you forget, the Laseractive cost $970 when new, and $1570 if you wanted to play Genesis games. In 1993 dollars. And it wasn't exactly a failure (they sold every one, and most of them sold with the Genesis add-on). Another example that was purely a games machine was the Neo Geo, which was released in 1990 for $650 and is still supported to this day. So, based purely on price, we know it has a chance at success, and that future proofing can work.
We can also look at the fact that the 360's support of HD-DVD almost non-existent at best, so you can't blame anything that would happen to either system on the format war.
Sorry if this Opinion upsets anyone, but thats how i see it.

Your opinion doesn't upset me, it's just stupid. I don't fit in to either of your short sighted naive catagories. £425 + £120 (for 2 games) + £25 (at least for a pad) = a crap load of cash for a post grad. I don't see why some of you can't grasp the concept that not everyone is loaded. Your 24 man, you should realise that the world is slightly more complex then "tight people" and "fan boyz lolz".
I dont even have a widescreen TV yet let alone HD TV, but I will still get a ps3. Dont really need the HD, as graphics are good enough.

This thread seems to be a bit of a flame bait thread if you ask me, the PS3 isnt expensive at all, in fact it is $300 cheaper than a BD player, yes its a bit more than the 360 but its twice the machine so anyone who complains about the price is either too tight or just a 360 fanboy. Sorry if this Opinion upsets anyone, but thats how i see it.

How many hours will you have to work to get the PS3? If you have spare money lying around fair enough, but most people in the UK atleast are majorly in-debt.

I will get the PS3, but not until the first price cut.
I'm not loaded, I have a $16,000 car and I pay child support. I can still afford a HDTV 23" but I'll be getting a 37" 1080p later this year. I can still squeeze in a $600 Ps3 and one game at launch. Other games will follow the same pace as the pc, psp , ps2 and Xbox games I own. And renting games is somehting i do alot of. I can do it because I live rent free, peoples lives are different but most people have spent $1000's over the past 2-3 years on games alone. Lastly its not hard to save up if its something you want. $31.00 a week untill launch from now.

I've got my money for Ps3 set aside already. you people are thinking you need to fabricate $500 in one day. Nintendo is aiming at beng the second option meaning they want you to spend at least $600 on consoles this year or next. For me my tastes would be 1 PS3 over a 360 and a Wii. No plans for either system at the moment.

Tornado makes good sense, those expensive systems dont hold a candle to what the Ps3 offers.
The way I see it, your paying £200 for a next gen games console, £200 for a high definition Blue ray player and £25 for the hard disk, everything else is free. How can you call that a rip off, expensive yes, but it's value for money. If you never play games, the PS3 is still a great buy at £425 as a movie layer, if you will never play blue ray movies however, that's when it doesn't seem as logical a purchase. But how many people didn't catch onto DVD until after they got a PS2, I know I didn't and it's been well recorded that the PS2 had a massive influence on the success of DVD when it was launched. Sony are banking that the PS3 will do the same for Blue ray as the PS2 did for DVD.