UKGTP7 - UKGTP International (5th-7th May)

  • Thread starter Famine


GTP Editor, GTPEDIA Author
United Kingdom
Rule 12
The date has been set, the venue has been booked, the cars are being tested - all we need now is victims.

I mean guests.

The Time:

5th, 6th & 7th May 2007 - starting at 10am until 9pmish (4/5pmish on final day of GT4)
The Place:
Newark-on-Trent, Nottinghamshire.
The Attendees:
AMG. - Saturday, Sunday, Monday
Bite Me - Saturday, Sunday, Monday
daan - Saturday, Sunday, Monday
-Diego- - Saturday, Sunday, part-Monday
dustdriver - Saturday, Sunday, Monday
EXelero - Saturday, Sunday, Monday
Famine - Saturday, Sunday, Monday
Ferrari F2007 - Saturday, Sunday, Monday
G.T - Saturday, Sunday
Race Idiot - Saturday, Sunday, Monday
Roo - Saturday, Sunday, Monday
Smallhorses - Sunday, Monday
Specialized - Saturday, Sunday, part-Monday
sukerkin - Monday
Sureshot - Saturday, Sunday, Monday
The Cracker - Saturday, Sunday, Monday
Touring Mars - Saturday, Sunday, Monday
VEXD - Saturday, Sunday, Monday
Your name here.

Same deal as usual - turn up and race. As always we NEEEEEED equipment and, with the anticipated >12 attendance, we're going to need a lot of it if we're going to get a double-LAN setup. Please signal the equipment you're ABLE to bring alongside the confirmation that you will be coming.

Equipment thus far
Sufficient TVs (daan x1, Famine x1.5, Ferrari F2007 x1, G.T x1, Race Idiot x1, Roo x1, The Cracker x1, TheSchool x many)
12 PS2s (AMG. x1, daan x2, dustdriver x1, EXelero x1, Famine x1, G.T x1, Race Idiot x1, Roo x1, Specialized x1, Touring Mars x1, VEXD x1)
16 GT4s (AMG. x1, daan x1, -Diego- x1, dustdriver x2, Famine x1, Ferrari F2007, G.T x1, Race Idiot x2, Roo x1, Sureshot x1, The Cracker x1, Touring Mars x2, VEXD x1)
18 DS2s (daan x2, dustdriver x3, Famine x2, G.T x2, Race Idiot x1, Roo x1, sukerkin x4, Sureshot x2, The Cracker x1)
8.5 DFPs (AMG. x1, daan x1, dustdriver xmaybe, Famine x1, Ferrari F2007 x1, Specialized x1, The Cracker x1, Touring Mars x1, VEXD x1) + 2 LDF (AMG. x1, Race Idiot x1) + 1 G25 (daan x1)
21 Memory Cards (AMG. x1, daan x2, -Diego- x1, Famine x3, G.T x1, Race Idiot x1, Roo x1, Specialized x1, Sureshot x3, The Cracker x1, Touring Mars x1, VEXD x3)
Networking Equipment (Famine)

Additional equipment required
Extra TVs if you want them
Spare Networkable PS2s (PSTwos or PS2s with Network Adapter)
Spare GT4s
Spare DS2s
Spare DFPs
Spare Memory Cards
More Power Cables Than NASA
Headphones recommended!

In terms of cost... If we're running for all three days the ground rent will be £200 split over the drivers. The more of us there are, the less it'll cost each - 12 drivers makes it £5.55 per driver per day. Who can say THAT'S not good value? Eh? Eh? This is all that's payable at the door - but you will have to factor in your travel expenses and possible food costs (there is a supermarket just 2 minutes' walk away). And lodgings. The "local" has some highly ropey beds (floor FTW) but some nice breakfasts and a friendly manservant by the name of Phillip (apparently) for £35 a night - or you can go upmarket and stay with Race Idiot at the local Travellodge.

As for the racing itself... Well, we've got quite a selection for you all this time round. A couple of handicap events, a few 6picks, the signature endurance race, we've got fast road cars, very fast road cars, not very fast at all road cars, race cars of all shapes and sizes. And Specialised has an extra treat which may play a part in deciding tie-breaks... There ought to be something for everyone. Even the drifters amongst you. Maybe.

Errr... I think that's about it. I'll be PMing possible participants soon, but otherwise please signal your assent in this thread and any equipment you can bring.

There's a possibility to do an "activity" on Day 3 - paintballing and karting have been mooted. This would attract a further costs (~£25 each for paintball, and a bit more for karting). Please also say whether you'd be for or agin this, and which you'd prefer.
1x TV
1x PSTwo
1x Memory Card (would be 2 but you need blank ones right? I haven't got the equipment to back my file up)
1x GT4
2x DS2s (if I can persuade brother to give the other one to me)
Edit: 1x Headphones
1x Myself

I guess you'll need something like a four-gang to plug all of the PS2s into? I maybe able to supply one if you haven't already have them.
Ok, I will be coming, I'll set up some train times later, probably organise going up with Ashley if he is indeed living in Brighton at the time.

I can bring:

3 memory cards
1 GT4


Extension leads?

I could probably get one in a rucksack. A 4-way probably.
I would add my name, but it seems like I'm already there.

I can bring a PS2, (possibly 2 if my louder-than-a-pneumatic-drill-3-feet-from-your-head one still works) a 19 inch LCD TV, a DFP, 2 memory cards, and a copy of GT4. EDIT: And a 6 way extension.

I'll mention the things that Famine always forgets. We need new slimline PStwos, not the original huge PS2, unless you have a network adaptor for it.

Also any memory cards you bring will need to be wiped, so make sure you can do without the game that was on it, or back it up first. Famine usually has a laptop + maxdrive just in case.

Never tried either karting or paintballing, but I'll give either a go.
I have to say I've never been karting, but paintballing RULES.

Unless you have a very long drive back on the same day, mentioning no daans.
See y'all in Newark!

Don't forget your headphones. I said that last time, and promptly forgot my headphones.

What I'll definately bring:

1 PS2 (plus Network Adaptor)
1 Memory Card
1 controller (the normal, handheld one, whatever it's called - I forget)
1 "pokey" 14 inch telly
1 copy of GT4
An extension cable or two

Of the paintballing or go-karting, I'd rather do the karting.

If anyone wants a lift from Fleet, let me know.
IF i'm coming i'll have to transfer between different train stations :indiff:
I'll have to take the bus from London Waterloo to London Kings Cross.

I'll problably wont be going karting or paintballing on monday, since the journey home takes time too.

edit: forgot to mention, 13:27 is the soonest possible time for me to make it, without having to leave on friday and spending the night in a hotel in brussels :)
Unless you have a very long drive back on the same day, mentioning no daans.
I'll take the tuesday off too. :D

Don't forget your headphones. I said that last time, and promptly forgot my headphones.

Good point. Ones with a long cable are best. DFP calibrating + headphone cable dangling over said DFP = a nearly strangled Mr P!
IF i'm coming i'll have to transfer between different train stations :indiff:
I'll have to take the bus from London Waterloo to London Kings Cross.

London Underground FTW.

London Waterloo Station - Waterloo Underground - Northern Line (BLACK) north - King's Cross Underground - London King's Cross.

15 minutes maximum.

I'll problably wont be going karting or paintballing on monday, since the journey home takes time too.

No problems - but are you not able to stop somewhere on the Monday evening and head back on Tuesday?
Out of bone idle curiosity I was browsing the thread, and I wish you all the luck with it 👍

However, having been paintballing a few times, and I think Famine has aswell, I think it's fair to say that £25 is abit optimistic for paintballing, unless of course you intend to fight as often as Switzerland.
Out of bone idle curiosity I was browsing the thread, and I wish you all the luck with it 👍

However, having been paintballing a few times, and I think Famine has aswell, I think it's fair to say that £25 is abit optimistic for paintballing, unless of course you intend to fight as often as Switzerland.

£10 entry (plus stuff and 100 "projectiles"), £15 for an extra 200 rounds.

Mind you, my targets were easy.

And why aren't YOU coming?
I'm in for Sunday & Monday! 👍
Newark is an excellent venue!

I'll be bringing:- me, spare clothes and money.
(none of my PS2, GT4, DFP or TV will work in PAL-land, so I'm not lugging across t'pond!)
Count this MoFo in 👍

I'll bring the usual: 1x DFP / DS2 / GT4 / MemoryCard / Head Phones with the 25" CRT from last time on standby if needed.

As a married man i'll be doubtful for Monday's activities - but i'll check with the 'boss' anyhow. Karting is very tempting.

No problems - but are you not able to stop somewhere on the Monday evening and head back on Tuesday?

I have to go to school normally on monday and thusday. If the classes aren't that important i can skip them, but if i have a class with permanent evaluation on both days, it would be a problem.
I'm going to ask next week when we get the class schedule for next trimester.

And i had another look at the train connection.
If i plan the journy from my local trainstation to newark, the routeplanner gives me 50 minutes to get from waterloo int. to king's cross and i would have to take the train at 11:50.
If i take the subway i can take the train in king's cross at 10:55, which gains me 1 hour :)

Arrival time in newark north gate would be 12:28 instead of 13:27
I will be coming too :)

I can get my hands on a networkable PS2, DFP, 2xGT4, Memory Card, 7-way plug adaptor, extension cable, headphones, LAN cables, and possibly a PS3 as well! Sadly no telly, since I'll be carrying it all in my rucksack again.

As for the activities, I'd be up for paintballing (since I've never done that, and it looks great!) but not so keen on karting since I got injured the last time I did karting :nervous:
I'm definitely in!

I can bring my GT4 and headphones and that's about it. I'm still to speak with Specialized (with a Z) and sort out with him on other matters. Still, I can bring an extra memory card, as long as I get my data re-recorded on it at the end of the day :)

I'm more for karting than paintballing, since unlike Mars, my injuries have come from paintballing (paintballing+no face mask = a world of pain), plus I'm a pretty big target. Whereas in karting, at least I can compete for last place.
I'm more for karting than paintballing, since unlike Mars, my injuries have come from paintballing (paintballing+no face mask = a world of pain), plus I'm a pretty big target.

Aye, that's no fair. Small, skinny people can hide behind things. I would have to put a branch on my head and pretend I'm a tree.

Whereas in karting, at least I can compete for last place.
No, last place is mine.

Actually, surely small, skinny people will have a lighter kart? This is no fair again. This whole thing is biggist!!
Actually, surely small, skinny people will have a lighter kart? This is no fair again. This whole thing is biggist!!

Why do you think most professional racing drivers are D-waffs?
Im in. I will be bring along;

1 x Swift

1 x Diego

1 x PS2 (slimline) and associated cables

1 x DFP

1 x Memory Card (If you dont mine famine could you use your sharkporty thing to keep my existing save should it be needed)

0 x GT4 as mine has decided not to work permanantly now but to make up for this i will bring;

1 x Guitar Hero 2 along with 2 Guitars.

I might bring my x360 it all depends on room available on my person at the time and the amount of bothered i have when packing my stuff up.

If i forgot anything then let me know and ill ammend this list.

As for the paintballing or karting.......well im not bothered, ill only end up coming in 4th place anyway :)

Lol, looking up international travel times really is a pain in the a$$.
I don't know if the routeplanner on the belgian railroad site gives the departure times of the trains in the UK in GMT or GMT+1.
I suspect it to be GMT+1, and in that case i would be in newark at 11:28 GMT :)
Lol, looking up international travel times really is a pain in the a$$.
I don't know if the routeplanner on the belgian railroad site gives the departure times of the trains in the UK in GMT or GMT+1.
I suspect it to be GMT+1, and in that case i would be in newark at 11:28 GMT :)

I believe that any given departure or arrival times cross time zones are always given as 'local' times (meaning that your departure time in Belgium will be GMT+1 and your arrival time in London will be GMT)
Holy hell!

I count FOURTEEN confirmed participants so far, which already makes this the best attended UKGTP to date. And the list doesn't include yet Swift (who WILL be coming), sukerkin, kikie or anyone not yet canvassed...

Still a bit shy on the wheel side though. More wheels, please!
Unfortunately I may be forced to use the wheel this time too, and I royally blow at the DFP (I checked the other night and I'm a good 1.5 seconds a lap slower on an average S-licence test - silvers rather than golds :( ) due to my persistant left thumb injury 👎 (<--- artist's impression ) which, although almost certainly not caused by GT4-playing, it is certainly aggravated by it... *getting my excuses in now*
Unfortunately I may be forced to use the wheel this time too, and I royally blow at the DFP (I checked the other night and I'm a good 1.5 seconds a lap slower on an average S-licence test - silvers rather than golds :( ) due to my persistant left thumb injury 👎 (<--- artist's impression ) which, although almost certainly not caused by GT4-playing, it is certainly aggravated by it... *getting my excuses in now*

Use mine. It's "as-new"...

Except for the dust, obviously.

RI - I intend to steal a 48-port switch. I'm not wholly sure how well that'll work, but I'll bring along a couple of spares too...
I might bring my x360 it all depends on room available on my person at the time and the amount of bothered i have when packing my stuff up.
I may be able to get my hands on an Xbox360 if you can't fit everything in. We have 4 at work and I might be able to borrow one.

Oh, and Famine, both my PS2s will come with DS2s attached.
Well, according to Suzanne we can both be confirmed, she said we are coming even if she has to pay for both of us:P

1xDFP (and a Joytech wheel if we are short on wheels)
1xHeadphones if they work (Wireless Sony ones)
1xGT4 (im sure we can pick up a copy on the cheap)
1xNintendo Wii if Suzzie actually buys one this month

As for activity, we would be up for Karting or Paintballing, preferably the cheapest but we dont mind.
Maybe half of us can go karting and the other half can take pot-shots at them with paintballs? Now that sounds like fun!
Maybe half of us can go karting and the other half can take pot-shots at them with paintballs? Now that sounds like fun!

Or do both together - like some sort of crazy real-life Mario Kart experience. ;)