UKGTP7 - UKGTP International (5th-7th May)

  • Thread starter Famine
Whistles innocently

The man, he speaks the truth (with or without the smoochie :dopey: )

I didn't want to see you left out. Everyone else that was there had/has Premium, apart from you.

Definite smooches for you !
I always knew you were a fantastic guy (and I am easily bought!).
Thanks and hopefully you won't find it a waste of cash! :)
Yes, and the way you were throwing that bouncy ball around, it's a wonder that there were no injuries! (Ironically, as daan spotted, I did get hit in the eye with a bouncy ball, but I somehow managed to do it to myself, by dropping a bouncy ball and immediately bending down to pick it up, at which point it hit my square in the eye. Bit silly, really.)

Ah! The wonders of Postgraduate, Post-Doctoral education! :P

@ Milford Cubicle, your new username scared the crap out of me, I thought you were a corporate spy! :eek: I work for a company headquartered in Milford, Massachussetts, USA and on appearing back for work to find e-mails in my inbox for threads at GTP by a certain "Milford Cubicle" had me pooing housebuilding blocks! :P I thought my service director had figured out where I spend my freetime! :nervous: