UKGTP9 - The Nono Equipment Thread

  • Thread starter Sureboss
We're leaving at 0730 and it takes almost exactly an hour and a half to get to Newark from the back of beyond.
I am driving Ellie and will be very grouchy when I get there. You have been warned.
I am driving Ellie and will be very grouchy when I get there. You have been warned.

Because you're driving Ellie? (Shame on you.)
Or because you're a grumpy bustard who doesn't like mornings? (Hello member #2, I'm the chairman of that club.)
Or for indeterminate and unlikely to be explained reason three? (Planetarium exposition ransack terminal marmalade, flange globular rhythm spanner.)

EDIT: Oh crikey, you're not Famine, you're Milford Cubicle. Oooooooops... (I think I'm going to hell. After being beaten. Severely.)
I remember the days when I used to have brakes...

I don't recall using those at any point...

Venari - good call. I assume they know, but I'll give them a bell in the morning. Also, you're going to be beaten to death with the damp ends of your own, recently "traumatically amputated" forearms.
Slight change in plan, we will be driving to Roo's then he is taking me (and Car-less) up to Newark. I didn't think it was fair on my Dad to take 15 hrs out of his bank holiday weekend, thanks Roo. Most appreciated [/englishbutler]
Slight change in plan, we will be driving to Roo's then he is taking me (and Car-less) up to Newark. I didn't think it was fair on my Dad to take 15 hrs out of his bank holiday weekend, thanks Roo. Most appreciated [/englishbutler]
In a mini?

They are all small TVs though. It will be tight, but I think we'll be fine. E-class' are quite big. I can always have my rucksack/backpack on my lap.

I just put in the details for the route to Roo's house. AA route planner said to go up to the M25 and a long, a 70 mile journey and 1hr40. Auto Route express goes cross country (as close to as the crow flies as you can get), 49 miles, 1hr 25. Although when we were planning to pick up Ashley it said to go across to France and back...
I now have Mars' DFP, and I've got another LCD TV that I can bring.

And I may be bringing a Holden too...
Can you fit an Australian car inside your car? Like a Russian doll? Keep going and you'll find a bottle of Vodka.
Oh, cork. Al's PS2 is a fattie. :yuck:

So, we're needing a network adapter or a PSTwo slim still. I'm pulling strings as we speak, but go and beg borrow steal now folks.
I've just PM'd Bee to see if we can borrow his slimmy; if he's willing to let us borrow it I'll pick it up on the way to Newark. Watch this space.
Heh. I could pick it up too - and I saw him last night too, when I went to see Iron Man!
Heh. I could pick it up too - and I saw him last night too, when I went to see Iron Man!

Both of you can't pick it up, half each ;)

I wish I could help out, but I can't think of anyone around here with a slimline PS2.
If it comes to it, there is a Gamestation in Newark and I'm sure a pre-owned PS2 could be bought from them if needed.
Just an update on my end, I have most things packed including the cockpit :D.

I am however suffering form an undiagnosed case of influenzagastritisolioarrhea :yuck: with a hint of hypochondria and it appears to be getting worse. If it keeps up I will have to question my comitment to going, and I will have to resort to hiring a courrier to lend my equipment and send a wad of cash to pay for my empty space :(

Its damn aweful timing but I am not going to let it slow me down on the track. :grumpy:
You're not allowed to quit now. We have a fully fledged nurse on hand anyway.
I'm all packed and ready to go, and feeling fine ;)

PS2 (Fattie) has been dismantled and dusted out, so should hopefully be reliable if a spare network adapter turns up. Sleeping bag and inflatable bagged, and I'm now about to head out the door. See you all in the morning.

P.s. I hope Stevisiov. has also managed to bag some alternative sleeping arrangements!
I'm all packed and ready to go, and feeling fine ;)

PS2 (Fattie) has been dismantled and dusted out, so should hopefully be reliable if a spare network adapter turns up. Sleeping bag and inflatable bagged, and I'm now about to head out the door. See you all in the morning.

P.s. I hope Stevisiov. has also managed to bag some alternative sleeping arrangements!

I decided last week that I would save my money and take a sleeping bag, take a sleep in the peugeot. I've done it before and its nice and comfortable. Though I would be apprieciative if someone would allow me to use a shower facility. :D

On another note, I am getting steadily worse, I hope I have stopped being sick (amoung other less favorable symptoms) by the end of the night. :ill: