UKGTP7 Results & Photos Thread

  • Thread starter Famine
So the final question then becomes location....
Would be great to be able to visit somewhere that isnt Newark for a change so i'm ;) at Spec, Roo and Famine!!!
But.... seeing as people are getting to know their way around, the old faithful will always be prepared!!!
Already looking forward to October now!
So, the 27th/28th October.

I shall put a word into work to see what is available.

Anyone who remembers from the (not too) dim and distant past where I work must now keep their mouths shut. ;)

However, if an inexpensive item of merchandise is available, then I shall bring it along to be offered as a prize. And if one of the very expensive items of mechandise is available, it will be coming with me to give little prizes to anyone who wants them. :mischievous:

You may guess where I work at your leisure, I'm sure much hilarity will ensue from those guessing who don't remember who I am. :) Needless to say, if you don't know, I ain't tellin', and you'll have to come to 'The Ocho' to find out.

So, the 27th/28th October.

I shall put a word into work to see what is available.

Anyone who remembers from the (not too) dim and distant past where I work must now keep their mouths shut. ;)

However, if an inexpensive item of merchandise is available, then I shall bring it along to be offered as a prize. And if one of the very expensive items of mechandise is available, it will be coming with me to give little prizes to anyone who wants them. :mischievous:

You may guess where I work at your leisure, I'm sure much hilarity will ensue from those guessing who don't remember who I am. :) Needless to say, if you don't know, I ain't tellin', and you'll have to come to 'The Ocho' to find out.


It's not a weatherspoons is it?
It's not a weatherspoons is it?

Ahhhhhhhh.... mmmmmmmm.... no. :)

Like the man in the mirror says, '"that one's for free."

I'm quite looking forward to this. I've got some serious work to do to unrubbish myself, but hey. :)

I can see from the pictures how much space you need. Do you have to pay for the school use, or is it very kindly donated free-of-charge? If there is some sort of budget for room hire, what is it?

The school we've used so far comes at the charge of £75 a day! which we just divide between everyone. Attendees have risen well enough that its usually bout £12 each.

@sureshot : it usually takes that long to get started, cos we can never be sure people will arrive exactly at the same time, plus the networking takes some time....

although i have a strange curiosity as to what Venari does for a living, i'm not brave enough to fall into the discussion!
I think i know where he worx....

The question is, is it a small form of merchandise worth keeping, or is it the kind that you throw away once the ink's run out/ handle's fallen off/strap's gotten too loose.

I wonder what colour the big form of merchandise will come in, dont forget Venari, Sukerkin may be attending......

I'll certainly try - the problem seems to be that the UKGTP's are hitting Bank Holiday week-ends which also tend to be the times when my iaido has seminars/gradings et al :(.

I'd really like to make the next one tho', as there have been a number of new faces I'm yet to meet (including the future Mrs-Famine :embarrassed:).
and now for the bad news:

My assistance to the next UKGTP is compromised at the moment... nothing yet, but some things have come up which would make it impossible for me to attend. Still, nothing is certain as of yet.
Are you just looking for a way out Diego??
I know driving style leaves you feeling some what inadequate, but i promise not to make a mockery of you infront of Vicky!!!! I'll let you pass i promise.... :sly:

Disappointed I missed the earlier opportunity of the obvious whopping great double-(single-?)entendre regarding 'ramming'.

So this is the usual tone of a UKGTP? :) Sounds like I'll fit right in. (No ramming required, then...)

Oh dear.

Famine, when are you finally going to finish the monday?

oh, and there's a chance i'll be coming for the ocho. yay :)
We need (well, I need) Ocho gossip.

Here's mine: prizes (of all values) available, but I can't confirm the biggie until a few weeks before the event.

Actually, I'll be doing a bit of a tour North this weekend if anyone wants to dripfeed me tea on the way. I think I'm going to go to Scotland, setting out early Saturday morning from my little Castle here in Banbury.

I'm keeping fingers crossed for the weather. It was surprisingly good last weekend (hood down for all but 5 mins of the 500 miles I drove around Wales) and I got sunburnt! Maybe this weekend will be my undoing. If I buy 30-block, it'll jinx it.

I went south, as it happens. I noted the floods in Leicestershire and Derby and thought 'maybe not'.

Will completion include more videos?

Speaking of which, any chance there's a video of the supercar race around Fuji 2005... with the battle for 1st place daan and I fought to the end?