GT4 WRS Week 113 : AMG Touring Car @ Infineon Raceway

  • Thread starter Sjaak


GTP_Race Admin
The Netherlands
:: GT4 WRS Week 113 ::


This week a race on the famous Infineon Sports Car Course with the Mercedes AMG Touring Car.

Race Details:

  • [*]Mode: Arcade Mode > Time Trial > World Circuits

    [*]Track: Infineon Raceway : Sports Car Course

    [*]Make: Germany > Mercedes

    [*]Model: AMG Mercedes 190 E - Touring Car '92

Vehicle Specifics:

  • [*]Power: (20%) 452hp

    [*]Weight: (-10%) 882kg

    [*]Driving Aids: Any

    [*]Top Speed: Any

    [*]Transmission: Any

    [*]Tyre Type: Racing Soft

Week 113 Race Specifics:
All paved areas are track regardless of lines and cones.

Standard Clean OLR Rules:

  • [*]2 wheels on (or vertically in line with) the track at all times

    [*]rumble/ripple strips are part of the track

    [*]no contact with walls or objects, visible or invisible

    [*]if you're not 100% sure that your lap is clean, then consider it dirty

    [*]no hybrids

    [*]no cheating of any kind

    [*]nothing that goes against the spirit of the rules

    [*]save your replay ('Save Replay' icon)

Thread rules:
The following info cannot be discussed in this thread (they can, however, be discussed on MSN or via other private conversation methods):

  • [*]lap time

    [*]any information which can be used to infer lap time

All submissions must be sent by PM to me sjaak68

  • [*]you can submit only once per race

    [*]please include in your submission PM your division, name and final lap time

    [*]deadline is Monday 25th June 6pm GMT

    [*]if you are unsure of the deadline try This

Time verification:
Save your replay and keep it at least a full week after the time has been submitted:

  • [*]all gold times each week will be required to submit a replay for verification

    [*]any submitted time is subject to a time verification request

    [*]when a time verification has been requested, the concerned racer must provide a replay before the next race deadline

    [*]failure to do so will result in the removal of the unverified submission from WRS results

    [*]video replays are not accepted, only .max, .xps or .sps files can be verified
Awesoem choice.
Looks like a great race on one of my favorite tracks! :cheers:
Want to first say hello. Newest Div 1 member here. Just finished the qualifier race, and was hoping my first race would be on a different track, but this is a fun course with the amg.
One lap done and I think I'm doing pretty good so far. Here's what I have...

Hope to compare with others soon.
Welcome cantBbeat! Seems you may actually live up to your name!

Anywho, awesome car choice, on a good track... Now if only it was GT Mode... :P I'll get around to it sometime this week.
Nice...That'll give me something to do this week, gonna be stuck in damn hotel rooms for most of it so the PS2'll be getting packed up tonight to come with me. :D

Although no net access will mean I won't know how far behind I am till later in the week.
This ranks very highly on the awesome-ometer! 👍👍👍

Had a few quick laps (10 or so) before I leave for work.

T1 17.727
T2 55.074

Grip in abundance, and plenty to be tidied up! :drool:

Although having run so many test laps on Infineon Stock Car course to prepare events to run at SF Bay Area GT Party LAN races, I keep forgetting we're running Sports Car course, and ploughing head on into the barricade across the track at turn 4! :ouch: :dunce:
^ Same for me.
As someone had written in his sig : Leave no cone standing.

Edit :
After 6 laps (gearing 320) : 18.472 / 56.028
Good fun combo!! First splits after about +/- 10 laps:

T1: 18.521
T2: 55.787
IMHO Another nice combo Sjaak!👍 first 10 laps+/- yeilded:


Not a lot of time this week.........again, but we'll give'r a go!
Had a run, seems like a nice combo once again.👍

My splits from my first session:
T1: 17.546
T2: 54.050

This was actually a quite good lap and I'm not sure that I will be able to improve it that much more...

Just a thought... It's very interesting how different the Mercedes is compared to the Toyota from last week. With the Toyota you could gain speed and time by gearing up early... that is certainly not the case this week!:sly:
Just a thought... It's very interesting how different the Mercedes is compared to the Toyota from last week. With the Toyota you could gain speed and time by gearing up early... that is certainly not the case this week!:sly:

So it looks like I'll be banging cones and the rev limiter this week. Sweet.


Also would like to welcome new WRS drivers. Good luck!
Am enjoying my first ventures in WRS.

T1 18:133
T2 54:941

Hopefully plenty left in the tank.

Tried a few more laps after work, and beginning to get a better feel for the car now. Still this thing looses traction easy though.


new splits:
T1- 17.471
T2- 54.425

this may be the one I won't better. finish was amazing.
First 10 min session:

T1 - :17.852
T2 - :54.481
Finish, horrible cause I lost my edge (for now it seems, lol)

I'm really rusty, a lot has been goin' on lately guys, sorry I haven't been around, but here is my excuse(s):

I'm studying to take my A+ cert tests next week
Working full time
Partying when I can
Got engaged over memorial day weekend (plus planning for that fiasco, lol)
Been playing a lot of pc games in my spare time instead

I keep telling myself to stop playing gt4 so much :dopey: I had a bad afternoon and decided to take my agression out on the poor inocent dtm :lol: Used 270 top speed, and rapped it hard, full brake/throttle in the first off camber blind turns, probably blew the engine and melted the wheels...


This one had an ok finish, the highspeed right is hard for me and I did not go slower then 129mph I think, so not to bad. I had a few 17'8xx and don't know if any better t2's or not. Another good combo Sjaak 👍
Im impressed with the combo too sjaak, its nice and quick, lots of aggression can be used trying to get this thing round the turns quickly, reminds me of hanging on to karts round twisty trax, the same sort of feeling.
I almost found myself doing a "Touring Mars" round some turns. :sly:👍

Ive realised why some people have found their first limit already but think there is much more time to be had out of this combo with the right amount of input.

Here are my first T's after 10 laps or so:


There are a lot of turns which i took wide on this lap, and the left hander under the bridge holds the most time on this course, so will need to be perfected.
Im using 320 at present, but im not happy with the gearing, though going lower or higher has not given me a better result.
Lower gearing does tend to offer more grip, but time is lost through gear changes, and higher gearing offers less transmission input, and a smoother run, but often leaves the car lagging, when it needs to be kept up in the higher rev range to perform.

I will see if i have time for another session this week.

Good luck to all

Ate some din din and took another 10 min session:

T1 - :17.860 (17.5 is my goal here..we'll see)
T2 - :54.350 (need 53.9 before I'm happy)
Final, nailed it and blew my ghost out of the water :)
Changed Top Speed To 270

EDIT - I think I'm done for now after 45min I've got:

T1 - :17.668
T2 - :53.822
Final - .213 from a big barrier I'd love to cross, one in which I bet Kyle will venture into 👍. Lost about .2 from that blistering run I had earlier, I may go back if I have time, gotta study tho :)

Good to see you in here Jerome!!!
Although having run so many test laps on Infineon Stock Car course to prepare events to run at SF Bay Area GT Party LAN races, I keep forgetting we're running Sports Car course, and ploughing head on into the barricade across the track at turn 4! :ouch: :dunce:
Eh, you know that there's nothing wrong with the Sports car course for LAN races, right? :P Seattle too, make sure you don't forget that one...

And GTBadboy, how dare you!!! How is that game, anyway...

We'll see if I get to it tonight, I may be watching Season 6 of Smallville as I just got it all downloaded... :sly:
thought i would try to join this week...first run not to bad

Hey there buddy, don't want to rain on your parade too much, but I think you should make sure you're on the Racing Soft tires, instead of the more likely Racing Super Soft tires. We're on Softs only this week. :cheers: Good to see you in here!
Eh, you know that there's nothing wrong with the Sports car course for LAN races, right? :P Seattle too, make sure you don't forget that one...

Oh definitely! One of my best memories of UKGTP V was winning a race at Infineon Sports Car Course by a very small margin from Famine who glued his Lotus Esprit to my rear bumper early in the race and abjectly refused to let go! :scared:

(From UKGTPV Thread) Race 1 - Seattle
Nice start - cars few of us have driven, on a fierce, barriered circuit full of 90 degree bends. And "the" chicane... Mars (205), Smallhorses (205) and vexd (Renault) took up a quick three way lead, pulling away from Famine (Audi), switching places with frightening regularity and precious little incident until Smallhorses overcooked it a little into the chicane on lap 4 allowing vexd past for a place he never relinquished. He then compounded it by losing it on the tramlines in one of the longest-lasting crashes I've ever seen - and I got to see it quite close-up as a passed him mid-track...

So yes Seattle is a definite too, although hopefully without me repeating the carnage mentioned above! :dopey:

I'm just using the Stock car course as one of 3 tracks to compare laptimes for comparable cars for pick'n'mix events, as it's one that Famine favours for testing, and his events have generally come out really well!

Anyway, back on topic! Damn! I totally forgot that gears are tuneable in Arcade mode, :dunce: I just set power, weight and went at it! Still, early days yet, and provided I don't do something stupid like get locked into a 200pt attempt at a 24hr race this week, I'm hoping to get some time in to run this combo a lot! 👍 Too many beers at my wife's colleague's leaving do tonight to have any hopes of running anything quick tonight, but will be back for more tomorrow! :D
Ran a quick 1 hour session and its not too bad apart from the tyres spin like hell if you hit the rumbles on a turn like just after T1 :P ... anyway my best save so far has 17.515 / 53.631 but I've been .1 faster at each split so still a good bit left .. cool combo 👍

edit: I forgot to say I'm using gear autoset @ 290 with no aids 👍
thought i would try to join this week...first run not to bad


Damn, with splits like that, you won't be Div3 for long (I hope ;) )
thought I'd share a discovery. Gearing really helps make this car handle a lot better depending on what you choose. I was able to hit a 16.996 on the first split, but then completeley messed up my run by going off track on the next turn.

This really is a good car. never really liked it until now. :)
Thats a beauty of a T1 beat, and Ron, always a pleasure to tail u all day :)
