My final T's:
Ive had enough.
For those of you interested, here is a VEXD lap round Infineon, using 260 gearing, all from memory. (ive bin round enuff bloody times now i should remember it
From the start of a fresh session, approach the hairpin, then turn hard in third and full throttle out to give yourself an extra fast straight. Keep close to the left hand wall where it kinx, making the straight straighter, and keep the car as straight as possible as long as possible to accelerate faster, making sure to go for 6th at 125MPH.
Hit the line at 134/5MPH.
Approaching the first of the two chicanes, lift off and re-apply throttle to swing the nose in towards the kerb on the left, and as you hit it, be on the brakes and steering right, and shifting down to third simultaneously to take the right hander. I find in order to get this thing to stick, you must never have throttle on half, or it understeers, so bring the speed down for the right turn, and when its appropriate, release the brake, and floor the throttle, running the right hand kerb if possible, and also possibly grabbing 4th to stabilize the car as you leave the turn to head for the next uphill chicane.
You should be in 5th when you brake just slightly to narrowly run the next left hand kerb and I hit 4th mid-turn to get the nose to stick, again with some braking, depends on your line, but do turn in early to catch the flat part of the right hand kerb over the crest ( not the bit that launches you into space), and grab 5th to stabilize as you ride the left hand lap saver kerb at T1.
3rd gear and full-lift-full to take the right hander after T1, remember VEXD says half throttle will give you understeer, and accelerate round the long right hander up the hill some more, remembering to change to 6th at 125MPH for maximum acceleration.
As you hit the crest, you should be steering left from the right hand side of the course, and bringing the car over to brake in a straight line as far around the turn as possible. Down to 4th and once you know you can hit full throttle and the car will pull all the way round, then go for it, grabbing 5th to stabilize as you exit. (i use the supports of the bridge as a sighting point for full gas)
6th at 125MPH students! (this is 260 gearing)
there is a dark area on the track, where the braking point is for the double right, and just after i pass it, im heading diagonally across the track from left to right, braking in a straight line down to 3rd gear for the first right of the two.
Once full throttle can be applied, do so, just missing the raised green/turquoise kerb on the right, and grab 4th to stabilize the exit of the turn.
Stay right, and cut the first of the two bits of kerb in the way, but miss the second, which bounces you, as you swing her in left to ride the kerb on the left, by lifting off to get the turn in. Youve passed T2 by now.
By keeping slightly left here, you are enabling full throttle and straightening the following right turn, which you should find you can run the right-hand kerb of, grabbing 6th as you do, flat-out down the hill.
If you got it right, you may run the slightest bit of left hand kerb that appears on the edge of the big expanse of grass as you accelerate towards the final two corners.
Remember what VEXD said about understeer and half throttle?
The fast sweeper right which leads down to the hairpin can be anticipated and cut nicely at a high speed (though not as high as Mr P's:tup: or holl's:tup:, if youre VEXD:tdown:
) by guessing how the car will understeer, turning in too early, and using that understeer to get round the turn, which isnt really a turn unless you make it one. Hope you all follow me there.
The final hairpin, when i get alongside the first of the cones on the left, i hit the brakes, down to 3rd, and give full throttle almost immediately as the ass slides round, and you narrowly miss the wall on the left, remembering to change earlyish and straighten the bent-straight as much as possible, hitting 6th at 125MPH, and the line at some time or other.
Hope that gives you all something to read.
Now please, someone, tell me where i'm going wrong...
Good luck to all