Haze developer: PSN is better than Xbox Live

  • Thread starter Pebb
Southampton, UK
Source: PSPSPS

Well that's sort of the gist of Spong's interview with the game's project leader Derek Littlewood, although his reasons for it are a little... vague.

According to Littlewood, PlayStation Network's lack of structure means developers are free to do what they want online, although this comes at a cost of increased development time and resources. Which is a bit like saying having nowhere to live is great, as you can live anywhere!

"We've been able to do it in the way we want to" says Derek, of Haze's PS3 online stuff, and he reckons the rigid, defined nature of Xbox Live is making developers lazy and keeping games stuck in various ruts thanks to Microsoft's insistence that everything's done in the same way across the board.

We hope he's right and that Free Radical is preparing something special for Haze's online play. Free Rad is one of the world's top developers, and if even half the TimeSplitters magic and charm makes it into Haze, it'll be a definite PS3 must buy - especially as its "timed exclusive" nature means it won't hit Xbox 360 until next year.
Ubisoft has announced that HAZE is now totally Playstation 3 exclusive...


Hopefully we will be getting back some classic timesplitters action...

Its seems Ubisoft is starting to take the lead on 3rd party PS3 development using specific PS3 dev teams like on GRAW2... could we be in for more exclusives from Ubisoft or games primarily dev'ed for Playstation 3?

Things are looking up!


TVR&Ferrari_Fan, it may be worth changing the title of this thread to say its now exclusive, if you agree?
So I watched this typical Sci-Fi channel "C" movie Android Apocalypse and I noticed it has the same guy thats the lead character from Haze. The movie plot is very similar to Haze, guy(android) doesn't like the evil androids so he turns on them to save mankind kinda thing. I think digital representations of real actors are a good thing for games. This guy is no star but if Haze is a hit he could see some fan fair. Can't really tell what kinda of actor he is since he plays a near emotionless android and that was barely convincing. Its sad but my interest in haze went up 2 points since seeing the movie.
They have elements of the Rare team, I'm excited. Don't necessarily agree with the PSN vs Live but that's just opinion.
Its from a developers perspective not the consumers. Clearly Live has a large upper hand but PSN allows developers total freedom if they chose. Look at Unreal Tournament 3, it will features user made mods and total conversions that are not possible through live for free. Not possible because free mods and conversion have no money value and MS will put a price on any kind of total conversion for a gmae.
I can't get enough of this game! I can't wait to be playing it on my PS3!

These guys are BRILLANT! 👍
Its from a developers perspective not the consumers. Clearly Live has a large upper hand but PSN allows developers total freedom if they chose. Look at Unreal Tournament 3, it will features user made mods and total conversions that are not possible through live for free. Not possible because free mods and conversion have no money value and MS will put a price on any kind of total conversion for a gmae.

I apologize I misread - I saw it as him saying that PSN is the better online component whereas he's saying it can allow developers more freedom.