Wrong and freaky? Yes. Worth a criminal prosecution?

  • Thread starter Famine


GTP Editor, GTPEDIA Author
United Kingdom
Rule 12
Like the title says, wierd and freaky? Certainly - but is it really worth bringing a criminal prosecution against the actions of two consenting adults? Exactly who is the victim here?

(don't click on the link if you are of a sensitive nature)
Well the obvious first... An 18 yr old isn't an adult and can't be consenting. Second of all... and I say this with the greatest sincere... who would want to "do it" (because it's the only term I can use without hurling) with their mom especially if they look like that?! :scared:

Seriously, these two need to get their heads checked... I'd say if there's any criminal prosecution it should be child abuse. That's all I got.
Well the obvious first... An 18 yr old isn't an adult and can't be consenting.

Err... yes they are. 18 year olds are legal adults. In the UK 16 year olds can give consent for sex - though not to someone in a "position of trust" (relative, family friend, employer/colleague, teacher/other education worker).

I'd say if there's any criminal prosecution it should be child abuse.

There's no legal child involved... Just two legal adults.

As I said, it's wierd and freaky, but I can't imagine why they pose such a threat to us all that there must be an expensive criminal prosecution (they're always expensive) and one of them must be locked up for 2 years.
Well the obvious first... An 18 yr old isn't an adult and can't be consenting. Second of all... and I say this with the greatest sincere... who would want to "do it" (because it's the only term I can use without hurling) with their mom especially if they look like that?! :scared:

Seriously, these two need to get their heads checked... I'd say if there's any criminal prosecution it should be child abuse. That's all I got.

In the UK an 18yr old is an adult.
who would want to "do it" with their mom especially if they look like that?! :scared:
His mother is cooked. What was he thinking?

There is nothing wrong with this, all I am seeing is a mom who is having an R-Kelly moment with her son. Maybe she had no other man to do it with. :yuck:

It's not worth a criminal prosecution, because the dude is 18, he can make his own choices, well, I would get the18 year old arrested for having such terrible taste. :lol:
Well it maybe the law but I don't know any 18 yr. old that is in any condition to make such a decision... :rolleyes:

I didn't say jail time but she should be labeled with child abuse and both get counseling or something.

Maybe she had no other man to do it with. :yuck:

Maybe Sprite could fill in... ? 💡
Well it maybe the law but I don't know any 18 yr. old that is in any condition to make such a decision... :rolleyes:

I don't understand this comment.

16 year olds are permitted, by law, to consent to sex - so long as the other person is not in a "position of trust" (as detailed above).
18 year olds are legal adults, and have all the legal rights, privileges and responsibilities that comes with it.

So, moving on from these clearly defined legalities, is a criminal prosecution - which takes time and a great deal of money - really necessary when one consenting adult has sex with another consenting adult in the privacy of their home?

Who does this prosecution protect?

I didn't say jail time but she should be labeled with child abuse and both get counseling or something.

There is no-one involved who is a legal child. Had the son been 8 instead of 18, then yes, there would be.

Maybe Sprite could fill in... ? 💡

And 18 year old isn’t in condition to make the decision to have sex? :odd:

Any idiot can have sex, but it's what happens after in the brain and well if the guy knocks the girl up too... :cough: Children raising children... :cough:
Any idiot can have sex, but it's what happens after in the brain and well if the guy knocks the girl up too... :cough: Children raising children... :cough:

An EIGHTEEN YEAR OLD isn't a child...
…WHAT!? I don’t understand how you can keep arguing that an 18 year old is not an adult.
I'm not just talking about this situation I'm talking about 18 yr. olds having sex. Do you know how many teen parents or teens with some kind of disease or academic deficiency there are here? So... Adult? uh... no.
I'm not just talking about this situation I'm talking about 18 yr. olds having sex. Do you know how many teen parents or teens with some kind of disease or academic deficiency there are here? So... Adult? uh... no.

What, here at GTPlanet?
I guess it's worth a criminal prosecution because of one simple fact: it is illegal. The real question is 'why is incest among adults illegal?' and the answer(s) are somewhat subjective. It's maybe easier to consider why the laws are there at all and who they are designed to protect. It's very difficult to know who else (other than the perpetrators) may be affected - i.e. what psychological effect might it have on a younger sibling to know that your older sibling (a consenting adult) is being bonked by your Mum or Dad??... there are a few obvious reasons why familial sexual relationships are prohibited, and even more less obvious reasons. It can be (and often is) the result of an abuse of parental power, a betrayal of trust or a disregard of one's responsibilities as a parent not only to the 'victim' (or co-perpetrator) but also to the rest of the family as a whole - however, I don't doubt that every case is unique.

However, to keep it simple, in this case between two 'seemingly' consensual adults - they knew fine that incest is illegal and yet they went ahead and did it anyway. What purpose a prosecution? Well, what sort of a message does it put out if they are not prosecuted?

I found a bit about it in this pdf file... (no pun intended :P ) (see page 26)
I'm not just talking about this situation I'm talking about 18 yr. olds having sex. Do you know how many teen parents or teens with some kind of disease or academic deficiency there are here? So... Adult? uh... no.

Dude... 18 is an adult. Everywhere. The only thing I can think of anywhere that 18 year olds aren't automatically entitled to as adults is being served alcohol in public bars in the USA.

You can get married at 16...
^Yeah ok... I'm not talking about law anymore...

No... uh.. USA or even just California.

Well the age of consent in California is also 18. At that age you could legally have been driving for a year(?) - but you think 18 is still too young to have sex?
How do you think someone should be judged as an adult or not?
And that's a very good question...
It also raises the issue that 'adulthood' itself is by no means the only basis of consent. Just as a 20-year old with a mental age of 8 cannot and should not be considered capable of giving consent, similarly the issue of consent giving and taking between family members is not clear cut either. Even taking incest aside, should someone who works in a hospice looking after mentally disabled adults with mental ages below the 'age of consent' be allowed to take sexual advantage of their patients? In the case of incest, the rules are fairly simple - age doesn't come into the equation. It's illegal either way.
Those people obviously have no morals. I don't think it's worth a criminal prosecution as they both consented to it. Although it does worry me when they mention that he was having a fit and "one thing led to another". I would probably question there sanity to be honest.
As previously stated, incest is illegal. They commited a crime, therefore they deserve prosecution. The psychological effects on other family members will be damaging now, and if it's not yet mentally affected the mother and son, it most certainly will later on.
I'm sure both parties were aware of the illegality of it, and one could say that they took advantage of each other (if the panic attack story has any basis in truth).
I feel sorry for the other family members.👎