• RetroGiant Photography • September 2013 •

  • Thread starter RetroGiant
Yeah, I ain't even gonna bother updating my gallery anymore, Just send you the shots to make them look 100x better than anything I could ever do.
Yeah, I ain't even gonna bother updating my gallery anymore, Just send you the shots to make them look 100x better than anything I could ever do.

I'm feeling the same.

The Aventador set is just so stupidly godlike good that I pretty much lose all motivation to do any updates myself.

It has to be said RG, this set is without any doubt the most impressive I've seen as of yet on these boards. Gtuned's talent with angles and your toning skills; it's beautiful to behold the results. God bless both of you!
Wow. Simply epic editing here, I really must try out this style of lighting myself. The lens flares and patches of light are simply stunning, as are the intense colours.
For sure some of the best shots i ever seen of the aventador:tup::drool:. Especially that 1st one. Top class stuff! Loved it:).
Witchcraft! Burn the witch!


Absolutely incredible editing work, RG. You're on a level of your own with these 👍

W T F :drool::eek:

I have no Words...
I can't deny this is the best Reventon set by the whole GTP community. IMO. :drool:
Just look at the brake disc and wheels, PD graphic + RG epic-editing = Real!
Well I'm not sure what to say but these were the best set of comments I have ever received. Thank you all so much and I'm really glad everyone enjoyed them. I doubt I'll ever be able to top that set. This here isn't per-say a remix as its not really a set, but just some randoms, and of course, more with gtuned shots. Just kept them as 800px but I do have full size. Thanks once again for all the great comments, means a lot!








*Black mans voice*


I request this in 2560x1600 wallpaper size pl0x!


Thank you guys once again for the great comments on the past updates. Sorry I haven't updated in forever, been busy with life, other games, work, the usual. I figured I could at least do something, so I haven't made a calendar desktop wallpaper in a while so I figured why not. Tweaked this image just a tad more than the original. At least its something I suppose.

Click for full HD


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