“My First Gran Turismo” Demo Discussion

  • Thread starter Famine
"Cars obtained by completing 'My First Gran Turismo' can be unlocked in 'Gran Turismo 7' if the same account for PlayStation™Network is used with both games."

That is a strange way to say "unlocks do carry over", and it makes me doubt is means that but instead will mean nothing.
"Cars obtained by completing 'My First Gran Turismo' can be unlocked in 'Gran Turismo 7' if the same account for PlayStation™Network is used with both games."
But that's a good thing at least, for once when something is sensible with PD 🤣 I wonder how you'll obtain the cars in MFGT, I doubt you'll have to use credits but rather get them through completing game features, which will paint a different picture than the GT7 experience 😅
"Cars obtained by completing 'My First Gran Turismo' can be unlocked in 'Gran Turismo 7' if the same account for PlayStation™Network is used with both games."

That is a strange way to say "unlocks do carry over", and it makes me doubt is means that but instead will mean nothing.
Wonder if it will work for us that already have GT7? (Don’t see why not!) If we complete MFGT will we get the cars in our GT7 garage? Wouldn’t mind some free cars!
But What a waste of time by PD. God.
Why ? Having a demo will allow many players to try GT7 for free, I think it is a good idea. Plus they used mostly content that is already in game.

And it is a good news for us too, as it means that they intend GT7 to remain active for a good bit, they would not have taken the time to create a demo for a game they don't plan to invest time and energy anymore.
I have a friend who’s into cars like I am but has never played GT, so I think this would be perfect for him, especially since he’s already got a PS5. He’s currently away for a couple weeks, though. Hopefully if he does like this demo, he’ll get GT7 itself, and then we could do stuff like compare lap times.
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Its a demo. I mean, technically MY first Gran Turismo was a demo so it makes sense. Its kind of wild to expect something called "My First Gran Tursimo" to cater to folks that been playing for over 20 years. :lol:
It depends how they read "my first". "My first" in the sense my first experience with GT, for players who started years ago, means a trip back to memory lane.

But it is not this sense of "my first" and I am not sure why people got this interpretation, things were relatively clear when they announced it.

Looks to me that Sony, PD and Kaz are just tired of this usual crowd of ungrateful moaners and eternal complainers that we all are here, never happy with anything they do for us, even for free...

so they have decided to do a PR stunt and reach out to other new customers who have never been aware of GT's existence, reaching out to people born in 2017 or slightly earlier, and anyone else who has not yet been exposed to the GT series... making a new generation of fans.... (edit: more than likely, Sony Entertainment pressuring PD to release a Demo game, that will be beneficial to the entire eco system, a way to attract new GT players, who up until now, have been put off by the intensity of getting on the game, and the level of commitment needed to enjoy it).

i reckon if i had never seen GT in my life and stumbled upon this "My First GT", i would most definitely be hooked and become a fan of what they have to offer...

this is an opportunity for Sony, PD and Kaz to make sure they have another generation of fans for the next 30 years, as we just all continue to be old granpas yelling at the sky...

This is not for us... this is for others noobs to the series... they are just trying to tap into new market of people living under rocks.
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I will say, if you asked me to guess the cars PD would put into a free demo, I think I'd have gone 500 deep into the roster before I guessed the Citroen DS Pallas of all things.
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Looks to me that Sony, PD and Kaz are just tired of this usual crowd of ungrateful moaners and eternal complainers that we all are here, never happy with anything they do for us, even for free...

so they have decided to do a PR stunt and reach out to other new customers who have never been aware of GT's existence, reaching out to people born in 2017 or slightly earlier, and anyone else who has not yet been exposed to the GT series... making a new generation of fans....

i reckon if i had never seen GT in my life and stumbled upon this "My First GT", i would most definitely be hooked and become a fan of what they have to offer...

this is an opportunity for Sony, PD and Kaz to make sure they have another generation of fans for the next 30 years, as we just all continue to be old granpas yelling at the sky...

This is not for us... this is for others noobs to the series... they are just trying to tap into new market of people living under rocks.

Your way of looking at this is very true. It's intented to possibly reach new players and grow the community and off course more people that buy their game.
What about catering to the existing fans and community? Isn't this way more profitable to have both side of players on their hand?
I see the same thing with the CoD franchise. These days Activision is always catering to new players, but leaving those old trusty fans in the cold resulting in losing their old playerbase...

I get that it's a demo, but maybe they also could have done something in the main game for those that already own the game.
get that it's a demo, but maybe they also could have done something in the main game for those that already own the game.
easier to use what they already have to cater to new people, than to tediously create new things for existing fan who are always B*%#$#^ no matter what is put out...

much more effective and efficient for them to cater to the new crowd, they are not getting any more of our money...

old wife vs new wife effect...

EDIT: we here are the "old wife" always be nagging for a yes or no.... it is no wonder that Kaz would prefer to find a newer and younger wife, who will appreciate the little things that he does...
if we want Kaz to come back to us, we should be nicer to him and put out.... lol (did i offend anyone here ?)
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What about catering to the existing fans and community?
Isn't it what they do (or at least try) already with content updates for GT7 ??? Why should they do something like that in a demo catered to NEW players ?
I choose to play Sony Studios games on PC because I don't want to buy any version of PS5, so the fact that this demo only speaks to their installed base of console users is disappointing.
easier to use what they already have to cater to new people, than to tediously create new things for existing fan who are always B*%#$#^ no matter what is put out...

much more effective and efficient for them to cater to the new crowd, they are not getting any more of our money...

old wife vs new wife effect...
I see your point :) But still, listening to the community what they want should be a good start. But yeah PD.
I choose to play Sony Studios games on PC because I don't want to buy any version of PS5, so the fact that this demo only speaks to their installed base of console users is disappointing.
getting new gamers to buy your games for PC is certainly nice, i agree with you...

but from Sony's perspective, they much prefer and are prioritizing getting new gamers to buy the new PS5 Slim or PS5 Pro and the games.... $$$$$ony

@Lomic and @Nacho Libre :
I agree with your points too, it was a missed opportunity from PD to reward their loyal fans with a few new content to rekindle our love of the series....
by the way i love your avatar (tried to make that car in GT7) and the movie !
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Your way of looking at this is very true. It's intented to possibly reach new players and grow the community and off course more people that buy their game.
What about catering to the existing fans and community? Isn't this way more profitable to have both side of players on their hand?
I see the same thing with the CoD franchise. These days Activision is always catering to new players, but leaving those old trusty fans in the cold resulting in losing their old playerbase...

I get that it's a demo, but maybe they also could have done something in the main game for those that already own the game.
In what universe is making the same amount of money more profitable than making more money? We already have the game, we're already in their hand. Before you go there, if we decide to leave, 1. Its been good run. 2. You'll be replaced with the people they draw in with MARKETING...because thats what this really is. Its a BUSINESS move. Folks aren't even TRYING to use logic, its just straight "WHAT ABOUT ME?!?!" Not realizing the more for PD, the more for US.
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Isn't it what they do (or at least try) already with content updates for GT7 ??? Why should they do something like that in a demo catered to NEW players ?
The whole point this demo comes out is because Playstation exist for 30 years now and they want to put GT in the spotlights with it. So it would have been nice to also give something special to the existant playerbase. Now i don't say i expected something, just saying it would be very nice if they did.

In what universe is making the same amount of money more profitable than making more money? We already have the game, we're already in their hand. Before you go there, if we decide to leave, 1. Its been good run. 2. You'll be replaced with the people they draw in with MARKETING...because thats what this really is. Its a BUSINESS move. Folks aren't even TRYING to use logic, its just straight "WHAT ABOUT ME?!?!" Not realizing the more for PD, the more for US.
Yeah i get that. But that is whats wrong with the current business model. Yes they have our money, but i'm sure many players will be cautious buying GT8 after being disappointed with GT7. The reason we still play a GT game today is because we are invested in the franchise because of the nostalgia. Investing to keep that playerbase happy is imo worth it if i were PD.
@Lomic and @Nacho Libre :
I agree with your points too, it was a missed opportunity from PD to reward their loyal fans
I've never said that. To the contrary. PD is already rewarding us with new content nearly monthly. (The fact that we may not enjoy all of it is another question).
The whole point this demo comes out is because Playstation exist for 30 years now and they want to put GT in the spotlights with it.
or the whole point of this demo is to attract new players.

I think we will soon see some speedruns on MFGT, could be fun.
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