≈ The DriveTrain Challenge - Come Join us Fridays for some relaxed racingOpen 

  • Thread starter jobyone
Welcome to the DriveTrain Challenge

Season 1 Schedule


All are welcome to join us
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If you want to use actual pictures of the cars for the spotters guide we could use the Community feature but in a different way. Each person could share a photo of each car that they want to use and we could screen grab the shot in the Community section. This way each driver gets their freedom to be as creative as they want with the picture and then they just share it on the photo stream. The picture should obviously include the entire car and the number (if it can have one). Those pictures should come out much better.

I should be running my TT today after work.
If people want to post images of there cars I will use those. If you do not want a unique image just share your car in the community feature and I will use that one.
Also I have been trying to figure out what to call the new event and have not come up with anything I like. Does anyone have any thoughts?
Perhaps "Drivetrain Spec Series" would emphasize the fact that the cars are chosen and not free to pick as in the DTC.
I should have some pics to upload in a few minutes... Does everybody want to see them or should I give them straight to joby?

Edit: I'll put them in a spoiler.
Knock Out Qualifying Standings

Week 1

Honda CRX siR '90 @ Tsukuba - 389pp - CS - VF


Knock-Out Qualifying

Just a reminder that ANYONE that is not a confirmed Top 8 drivers and want's to race next week, must attempt to qualify using the KOQ process. Additionally, Top 8 drivers are welcomed to submit times if they wish and will not impact KOQ process.

Once you are in the KOQ Time Trial, when you're ready, click the black & white (not green) start race flag and drive around until the timer expires and let the game take you back to the room lobby. If you leave before the time expires and takes you back to the room lobby, your time will not be recorded.

This Week's KOQ closes on Friday 2/13/15 @ 11:00pm eastern.

KOQ Results.png

Please let me know if you have any questions.​
(Sorry for double post)

All pictures are from my first lap and from completed drifts (except for the last one of the NSX...and I held it for a long time and then proceeded to demolish the car.)

Edit: You can pick your favorites to use.
Edit II: How do I fix the broken links?

It's spicy enough as is :)

I haven't driven it yet, but if it doesn't try to kill me within the first 5 seconds of leaving the pitlane, I am going to be highly disappointed since those are my expectations from reading all the comments about it :P
I hear backtracking, that means I'm going to be upset aren't I....

In unrelated news, my shiny new PC I ordered nearly 3 months ago may be getting shipped to me at the end of this month. I will hold off getting excited until I have it in my apartment since it's been so long however :indiff:
I think I had maybe two laps around Suzuka in the NSX where I didn't spin or go off track. Part of the problem may also be the super slippery green stuff at the edge of the track. And that I am very rusty.
I think the NSX deserves respect. Perhaps bieng a second or two off your best pace to keep it on track is the best option. In practice last sunday the first two laps (the first in the car on SS) were not fun. After that things got better and I stayed on track.

Oh and had a moment so fixed the RS200.