≈ The DriveTrain Challenge - Come Join us Fridays for some relaxed racingOpen 

  • Thread starter jobyone
As part of the big shake up the Original DTC event will now be run at the end of the season of the new DTC Event. More details of that event will follow in the next few days but for now I wanted to let people know that the next O-DTC event will be:

The Original DTC
Next Race March 15th

(Event will take place in a Club Members only room)

03/15/2015 at 9:30 PM EST/ 6:30 pm PST

This event will run with a combined PP of:
1700 (SH)
All cars PP must be between 404 and 446

Qualifying and the first race will take place at

If you would like to participate in the next event please post in this thread that you would like to take part. I will add your name to the list. You can also add your name and car lineup to the.

sign up sheet
Here is how it works.

Each week a PP Limit is chosen. This weeks PP limit can be found above.

You must choose 4 cars that the total combined PP value does not exceed the limit for the event. Each car can only be used in one race. Additionally you must use 1 of each of the following drivetrains in your lineup:

FF- Front Engined/Front Wheel Drive
4WD - 4 Wheel Drive (any engine position)
FR - Front Engined/Rear Wheel Drive
MR/RR - Mid Engine(or Rear Engined)/Rear Wheel Drive

When Calculating the PP total the value is for a un-tuned, non power limited car with an oil change. This is what is referred to as the Known PP* value for the car. The list of Known PP values can be found by clicking on the car image above.

The Event
Qualifying and the first race take place at a track chosen by last weeks runner up. This weeks qualifying track can be found by clicking on the Calendar image above.

The next three races will take place at tracks chosen by the winner of the previous race. The winner can pick from the eligible track list that can be found by clicking on the track image above. Additionally the list is broken up in to three groups. Each group can only have one track chosen from it in a nights event.

DTC Eligible Tracks

Group A

Group B

Group C

Tire Restrictions:

Under 1600 PP Cap - Comfort Soft
1601-1750 PP Cap - Sports Hards
1751-1900 PP Cap - Sports Mediums
1901 and over PP Cap - Sports Softs

Thats it. I hope you come give it a try!


*Some cars have a modified PP Please refer to this list for more details.
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Silly question time - how the heck to you take that photo?

See how well it works!


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Is tonight just a practice race, says season starts 2-15, I had something come up and won't make it tonight.
Is tonight just a practice race, says season starts 2-15, I had something come up and won't make it tonight.
Tonight is practice. Next week is the first Week of proper racing.

I've changed the wheels on my CRX, in case that mattered for your guide. The rest of my cars are the same. Looks good so far. 👍

And yeah, what time are we meeting? Practice tonight would be a good way for me to find out if my connection is good enough.
Are you guys that good or do I suck that bad?

Edit: I'll bet my driving has offended some environmentalists today.
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Great racing tonight, was a pleasure to have new guys racing with us. Guard we all were in your showes before, it's better to practice racing In groups then doing solo laps. Saw u were up in middle of pack for awhile.
Had fun guys. 7 on track for practice was good. Lets get a few more people signed up for next week. Jumping in cold to the NSX with no practice was a challenge to say the least. After the first two laps things got better.

White - running with these guys will make you faster. Just do not get frustrated or give up. Watch the replays and when you get a chance jump in to a practice room with people and they will help you out. It is amazing how just a small bit of advice can make a big improvement. Are you using a wheel or a controller?
Great stuff tonight guys. Had a blast and looks like the season will feature some great battles. Hopefully, @brntguy @Parcells2 @Zii1993 can take part when the season gets started.

Hang in there white. You have the speed just need to fine tune it. Like the others said, track time with these guys will help in more ways than you know.