Turtle Racing League - Enduro Racing Series
Please Everyone take a minute to read our new Rule that will help all of us
Gentleman Rule
In 2 Situations the Gentleman Rule Can apply, first off, when racing with a group of racers around you, and hitting someone off track, you are at fault, you must give their position back and wait up for them, even if it requires loosing positions. Second off, When going off track, and cars are around you, the on track cars have the right of way, and when it's the correct time, please cautiously return to track when it is safe too, even if it requires to brake or let off the gas pedal to allow on track racers past you. Failing to follow the Gentleman Rule, and getting a race complaint against you will lead to Stewards Penalizing you for not following the rule. The Basic Saying is, when you make a mistake, you are at fault and be a Gentleman about it. We do not want to be saying to everyone week by week that you cant go off track or push someone off track. We all make mistakes on track sometimes weather hitting someone off track, or going off track, but when happening, be a Gentleman about it. Please Know that Turtle Racing League Does NOT take penalty's very serious, we are all here to have a blast racing together. For the most part the first couple of times we will talk to you about what happened and make sure it does Not happen again. We all make mistakes off and on track, and we want to turn your mistakes into successful by knowing not to do that again.
The Gentleman Rule is now under Policies in The O.P
Turtle Racing League - Simply The Best