►TURTLE RACING LEAGUE l Saturday Night Enduro Series l Accepting New Members Everyday!Open 

  • Thread starter Ph1sh
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I'd like to join. I can handle no assists, but drive with DS3. Not shure if its too late. I have a car for Silverstone. Div. 3 if possible.
white/black #91
PSN euclid58
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mics should be off unless talking. when mics are on all the time, you get to hear breathing, ticking, moving your head, your wheel's gears whining, you buddy talking in the background, your mom vacuuming, etc. etc. to me, that's f'ing annoying especially when wearing a headset. mic off unless talking should be the rule, imho. other's opinion's may vary.

mics should be off unless talking. when mics are on all the time, you get to hear breathing, ticking, moving your head, your wheel's gears whining, you buddy talking in the background, your mom vacuuming, etc. etc. to me, that's f'ing annoying especially when wearing a headset. mic off unless talking should be the rule, imho. other's opinion's may vary.


Yeah, this all makes sense. I put my mic under my bottom lip to solve the breathing problem. Just doesn't work when I laugh. :P
LoL Randy, Nice one though. That tickled me pretty good
Yeah before my Obutto came I tried sitting on a picture of it and it didn't work. So I tried it with my clothes on and it was just weird. Thats why I can say with some authority that the picture thing don't work.

Do they make mics that are voice activated? That'd be cool.

Man I'm tired I need some sleep.
I'd like to join. I can handle no assists, but drive with DS3. Not shure if its too late. I have a car for Silverstone. Div. 3 if possible.
white/black #91
PSN euclid58
Hello friends,, like to join your firs endurance race 2014, black car- white wheels and nuber 7! PLEASE!
Welcome to turtle racing league guys

Speedy, #7 is taken
Hey turtles. Finally emerging from my ear infection (because apparently I'm a 4 year old) induced coma... what'd I miss?
NO problem Ph1 ih hope #77 will do then?
Thanks for advance!
Its taken but the person who has it hasn't raced with us yet so ill give it too you, welcome!! You will be in division 1 since we have raced and you are fast as well! 👍
@euclid58 I added you to division 3 your set!

Speedy I'm working on adding you currently away from home but I'm getting you added to division 1
So I smashed my finger as badly as one can without actually crushing it a few days ago. I was hoping to be able to bend it a little so I could make the race this Saturday but it hasn't gotten any better at all so far. It looks like I will be out for a while. Very frustrating, this race should be awesome. I haven't had any luck at all where GT6 is concerned so far. My stockyard ate 26 of my cars in the first week and it's been a downhill slide ever since.
So I smashed my finger as badly as one can without actually crushing it a few days ago. I was hoping to be able to bend it a little so I could make the race this Saturday but it hasn't gotten any better at all so far. It looks like I will be out for a while. Very frustrating, this race should be awesome. I haven't had any luck at all where GT6 is concerned so far. My stockyard ate 26 of my cars in the first week and it's been a downhill slide ever since.
Ah man that sucks!

@BustedFoSho @Spliffy ill be updating the google doc tonight for tomorrow's race
I hope so. I don't trust the odds of the servers though. They've made me a bit edgy on racing online. It's starting to take forever just for the login bonus to come on. :(
Turtle Racing League - Enduro Racing Series Preview


SilverStone's First Race on The GP course was all the way back in 1948! As we all know that Silverstone is the home of where legends race and begin at. Many Races have been held here from F1 to SuperGT and Much more! Also This is a home track for all the GT Academy Racers! As im sure most of you tried GT Academy back in July! It sure was a Test to find the fastest Racers out there!

But This Saturday! Turtle Racing League is Headed off to their first Special Class Race at Silverstone! The Turtles have been practicing all week just for the big race at Silverstone! 40 Laps! Crazy door to door Racing, Pit Strategy and Much More! Which Turtle will bring home the win in each Division?? Will the Severs at Silverstone be Laggy? hopefully not!

We have many fast turtles up top, but this week could just be about consistency! Which turtle can be very consistent up there? You will have to attend this crazy turtle event to Find Out!! As well as the Race Results when the Results are Tallied Up!

GoodLuck to All Turtles! This is 1 Crazy Combo!

Man, I gotta say the only corners I'm still having trouble on and losing my 1 second I am off the faster paces are the Maggotts and Becketts combo... studying the faster guy's lap replays, I see them maintaining around 80 through Becketts and I can't even come close to that... anywhere past 75 and I'm spending some time over in the grass... otherwise I'm feeling more confident about this race as a whole. (I really wanted to make it out to Weds practice, but I would've been grumpy and frustrated from previously mentioned ear infection). If I can just figure out that corner, I'll be hitting the 1:30's... but I suppose taking the track in a more conservative style would be better for my tires and likely better for my overall race-time.

As @ANFD said previously "I count any race I finish higher than my qualifier a win for me" and I agree... problem is a generally set my best lap in qualifier, haha. I don't want to "win"... I want to improve... I want to get to the point where my actual races more closely reflect my laptimes, haha.

Cheers to all of you Turtles for being lighthearted and just creating an overall comfortable place to try to take these steps... honestly, I know sometimes it sounds like maybe I'm taking it too seriously, but really I'm not... and if it weren't for all the playful jabs and lighthearted fun I probably WOULD be taking it way too seriously and not be having nearly as much fun... and likely would've just given up and gone back to TT's. :bowdown:
I was installing a new fawcet in the kitchen sink Wednesday night and got to the practice room after the race started so I spent the whole race spectating. I was quite confused by the fact that about half the drivers were routinely cutting corners and driving well off track (all 4 wheels well beyond the racing surface). I figured that since it was just a practice, what I thought to be a rule didn't apply here. However, the more I record replays of races for video editing, the more I've noticed several drivers routinely getting all 4 wheels off the track and well behind any boundry or curbing (usually gaining advantage when they do this). Other leagues I've participated in have rules relative to this and they are enforced. I have never heard anyone in Turtle mention or recommend to follow this rule .... so my question is, do you guys just disregard track boundries ?
I was installing a new fawcet in the kitchen sink Wednesday night and got to the practice room after the race started so I spent the whole race spectating. I was quite confused by the fact that about half the drivers were routinely cutting corners and driving well off track (all 4 wheels well beyond the racing surface). I figured that since it was just a practice, what I thought to be a rule didn't apply here. However, the more I record replays of races for video editing, the more I've noticed several drivers routinely getting all 4 wheels off the track and well behind any boundry or curbing (usually gaining advantage when they do this). Other leagues I've participated in have rules relative to this and they are enforced. I have never heard anyone in Turtle mention or recommend to follow this rule .... so my question is, do you guys just disregard track boundries ?

I was installing a new fawcet in the kitchen sink Wednesday night and got to the practice room after the race started so I spent the whole race spectating. I was quite confused by the fact that about half the drivers were routinely cutting corners and driving well off track (all 4 wheels well beyond the racing surface). I figured that since it was just a practice, what I thought to be a rule didn't apply here. However, the more I record replays of races for video editing, the more I've noticed several drivers routinely getting all 4 wheels off the track and well behind any boundry or curbing (usually gaining advantage when they do this). Other leagues I've participated in have rules relative to this and they are enforced. I have never heard anyone in Turtle mention or recommend to follow this rule .... so my question is, do you guys just disregard track boundries ?

It's hard not to "follow" when you see the guy ahead doing it, and know he's hitting the 28 and 29 second marks. We'll probably enforce boundary abuse more when the community features arrive and prizes come into play. Imagine someone watching 10-16 guys do a 45 minute race... I don't think we have anyone with that much time. Give each person someone's replay to watch by X date? And what's the penalty? Did they gain time on that corner? Do we add 1-5 seconds onto their final time? It becomes a giant technical nightmare... So we just need to trust each other for now, and remember that just because the game doesn't penalise us, doesn't mean it's right, and we should let up on the gas to get back on track asap. Just my two cents. :)
I do think we need an official ruling... there are a few tracks i wont run in this league because of people disregarding track boundaries. (Le mans and Laguna Seca) I dont know why it bothers me, i guess it just feels dirty and fake. For those that know me, they may know me as being indifferent to almost everything, but this is a point of pride for me. 1 or two wheels on the edge... no biggie. All 4 wheels to the right of the right boundary going into turn one of Leguna Seca... I just won't race that race. My only problem with Gran Turismo penalties are they are not nearly as harsh as they should be. I can almost guarantee that I'm a minority in that belief though, lol.
Disregarding track boundaries seems unfair in all cases. Someone who really doesn't care for the love of racing should be taught a lesson. Getting off track is one thing, but continuing to do so is wayoff the state of mind. Besides, it'll show up in their lap times, and section times. I think I know what I'll be doing this Sunday, just for everyone's favor.
Phish, I'd like to request a color combo change: Matte Dark Silver body/Matte Black wheels 👍 same combo I ran in the 24 Min. Of Daytona last night in HST.
Turtle Racing League - Enduro Racing Series - Track Boundary Official Ruling


I think the main area some Turtles are going Off Track is Copse. Copse is the Fast right hander after the brooklands and the Luffield. The Main Ruling On This is 2 Tires Must be ON TRACK at ALL TIMES. The Curbs of the Copse and Out of Copse is ON TRACK. However when all Tires Go Off Track, Since the Penalty System in GT6 simply Sucks! You must be very careful going back on Track.

For Example!

Lets say I go completely off track, and a Car is right behind me, the Car behind me has the Right of way to keep his line, he does Not have to Move over to let you back on. Saying that, you must let the Driver By You, then when clear, approach back on to Track. Again Ill say it if you are still confused, I go off the track and a driver is behind me and stays on his line by the curb, he does NOT have to move over to let you back on, you must be aware where each racer is before going back on track even if it means to let off the gas or brake before going on track.

I know it sucks to fall back, but that is the Penalty, and If I do get any complaints of someone crashing or hitting anybody going back on track, your points WILL be disqualified for the week and other information on your penalty will be notified in a private Message.

Thank-you all for asking about the track Boundary, especially to @scarecrow937 and @ANFD

If you have any Future Track Boundary Questions, Please Post in the Thread for an Official Ruling!

GoodLuck At Silverstone Grand Prix Turtles!

Turtle Racing League - Enduro Racing Series - Simply The Best
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