Man, that's a ton of fun. Too bad so many tech issues. First time I've experienced this "tire bug" too. I heard somebody say they couldn't change their tire compounds. I had the same problem. During my race pits I was given no option for fuel OR tires. I DO have all 3 compounds of tires for the car too. Weird.
We were actually ripe with connection problems.Annoyed I missed this, it was at 9am here and its my sisters birthday.
Hope it was good cya next week
I couldn't change my tires either. I wanted to use racing hard after the first set of softs.
Yep, I wanted to use RM's. I could get 4 or 5 laps more out of them. I don't really know how my tire life was in the race, but in practice I could manage 15 on softs, 19 on mediums. So S,S,M would have been my preferred tire strategy.
Yes I like the 70-75% on all tracks I will be on tonight after my board to do some more testingI say we chalk it up to a practice run. That being said, if we try Monday and have a similar result,'we are going to have a tough decision to make.
Since the season has effeftively been postponed. What are your thoughts on running at 70% power at all tracks. I feel like it will allow the cars to handle a little bit more like their real life counterparts, without having to introduce tuning. Will make the oval races more exciting IMO.
I say we all race with racing soft in real nascar every car has the same tires the only differences is how many each team orders for that race weekend. Give me your input.
Hello fellas last night was a big mess with connections I only saw 5 drivers. I need everyone's input I'm leaning on last night could be chalked up as another test run and see what happens this Monday. So on that note please leave your thoughts bad or good.
@goofytyler your connection is need to be host if you don't mind bro
The Men's room (full power, no aids etc.) and the Ladies' room (whatever power you can handle with TC and ABS allowed).
You guys are killin' me.
I think this concept is possibly too new and untested to warrant a season. Personally, I think it may find greater success if it's slowed down a bit and just run as a weekly race for now. No points.. none of that serious stuff. Just race and figure "it" out. They're stock cars guys... It is what it is, and it's hard. I say we have two rooms. The Men's room (full power, no aids etc.) and the Ladies' room (whatever power you can handle with TC and ABS allowed).
Personally, I don't really want to run dumbed down stock cars. There's ten thousand other clubs to race cars that have been made "easy" to drive (Race Mod pick of the week).
I'm gonna race karts tonight. I"ll be near the back as usual and I'm ok with that.
My thoughts are that we should keep the monday night as practice/test race for now until we can get it all dialed in and make it a proper championship. I also think we should keep the cars full powered and no aids but I'd be happy to race with limited power as well