◆ SNAIL [DriveTrain Challenge - DTC] Racing - Closed

  • Thread starter jobyone
You think Tuesday nights are fun. Try racing with us on Thursday night. Lineup is set and I'm already ready...

Muscle Car
Rally Car
Mazda RX7
Honda Front wheel

Go ahead a pick one from each group with a 1825pp cap.
OK guys, here is what I have for this Thursday 10pm EST/7pm PST.

The first event and qualifying, at the request of last Thursday's winner @bloodredsky, will be Apricot Hill Reverse at 9am. The following cars are eligible on sports medium tires:

Muscle Cars (over 1500kg):

View attachment 145798

The winner of the first race will get to choose from the following three events so they are in no particular order.

Courtesy of @kendawg, on sports medium tires 4WD Rally Car Championship:

View attachment 145894

From @tezgm99, racing on sports medium tires the Rotary Club - Mazda RX-7 (FD):

View attachment 145796

And to give the FF drivetrain a little love, on sports hard tires the Type R Challenge:

View attachment 145882

The performance point total for the night will be 1825pp, so choose one car from each list with the total PP being under 1825.

Example line-up:
Chevy Nova SS '70 - 470pp
Ford Focus Rally Car '99 - 486pp
Mazda RX-7 Type RS-R (FD) '97 - 448pp
Honda Civic Type R (EP) '04 - 421pp
Ok guys I have everything updated in my original post for tonight here, Hyundai Rally Car included.

Are you OK with the muscle cars on sports medium tires? I almost want to make it sports hard to make it more challenging but it's your call. Not like I need to make it harder for myself anyway. :rolleyes:

Spreadsheet looks awesome!
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The lower the tires, the more fun I have. (If it were up to me, the classic muscle would be on CS) So yes, SH are fine please and thanks. I tested a couple classic muscles on SS/SM and they have way, way too much traction, IMO.

Small rant time - I'm beginning to think everyone here likes easy/weak tracks, and hates all the harder/most unique tracks in this game. Example: Spa was voted off the list somehow(widely recognized as one of the worlds' premiere racing tracks) after six weeks or so of not racing it even once (yet apricot hill is picked every single week) The one race we had at Bathurst, was a complete mess, cars wrecking all over the place....I don't know how boring flat Indy road is picked basically week in week out either...it's got to be one of my least favorite courses(boring/easy and flat/one dimensional imo)

The fact that Apricot Hill gets picked every single week, tells me one major thing. That people are terrified to get out of their comfort zones, scared to try new things, close minded. I was thinking eventually after so many AH picks, someone would rock it in reverse, or at night, or with some weather (or all of the above). But no, i guess people know the track forward so it gets picked. FYI AH reverse is so nice (in case you didn't know).

That's kinda the reason why I've picked oddball tracks lately, because I'm trying to get a sense of who is an 'all rounder' here. Some people could care less what track gets picked, if it's in the game, then it's fair play. There's no reason to have all these real life badass character laden tracks in the game, if people think 'there too hard' and never race on them./Rant #harderisbetter (that's what she said)
Slagging off everyone in the group when it's reasonably obvious you're trying to single out an individual is hardly the way to go about making them want to actually respond with an answer that doesn't include contempt or sarcasm :indiff:
So yes, SH are fine please and thanks. I tested a couple classic muscles on SS/SM and they have way, way too much traction, IMO.

Changed. Thanks.

So for tonight, the muscle cars and type R cars will be sports hard. The RX-7 cars and rally cars will be sports medium.
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You want to know what we like? We like good close racing for everyone. I could race Motegi Super Speedway all night if we were going to be door to door every lap.

But when tracks like Nurb Nord or Sarthe get picked then the field gets spread out and it's no fun. I personally absolutely hate driving around by myself.

Contrarily, picking tracks with zero passing zones is also no fun. Nurb Nord and Cote de Azur fall into this category. Nurb Nord and Matterhorn gets a double whammy for being crap to pass and crap for close racing. Cote is crap to pass and Sarthe is crap for close racing.

The reason Spa was voted off was because we raced it almost every night. I think it is universally loved by all but eventually people rotate new tracks in to freshen it up.

Anyways...go ahead and condescend all you want about all of us not being able to (or want to) race hard tracks...because we love that...really. But they aren't too hard, they just don't promote close racing.

If all the other tracks are so damn easy for you then you should win every race easily.

In the beginning, this series started with only 5 or 6 of us regulars. So it was very important we all had a good time...and the only way to do that was have close racing. So we tend to choose tracks condusive to that end.

There are plenty of Nurb Nord and Sarthe rooms in the open lobbies...have at it.

Rant over.
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I'm definitely not in that "we" group you mentioned Joe, as I raced every night on Nord with GT5 and have begun doing so again on GT6. Many new people very often and we run 3 laps and there are always a few very close battles throughout almost every race. Sure every once in a while there is a guy that runs away with it or someone falls behind. We are also running tuned vehicles so it should happen even more often that the grid is spread out as people add many variables by tuning.

Monaco is better with slow vehicles but I will agree there is very little room for passing, I won't agree with Nur there though. I think people like me and Blood just feel all the tracks that are wide, flat and mostly have sweepers instead of sharp turns kinda blend together and get bland (kinda like the F1 calender) without a few tight complex courses.

I agree driving by yourself definitely isn't as fun as pack racing. I ran by myself the entire Motegi race :scared:.

I enjoy all the racing I've been involved in this group so far but the last tuesday was the funnest to me so far.

As far as your bad passing tracks, no Eiger or London? :odd:

Blood you came in kinda in the wrong way I think as you are never going to get good responses calling things others like "weak" or "easy" or calling them "close minded".

Either way I'll have a fun week in and week out when I join as a lot of the fun I have here is talking during the race, I'm largely one of those doesn't matter what track people as long as I have at least 2 people near me to battle and there are people to shoot the 🤬 with I'm good.

Hope you all have a good night of racing tonight.
My lineup for tonight:
Chevy Corvette Stingray '69 462pp
Mazda RX -7 Type RS-R '97 448pp
Peugeot Rally Car '99 490pp
Honda Civic Type R '04 421pp
As far as your bad passing tracks, no Eiger or London? :odd:

Well I'm not going to list every track on the GT6 track list...just the ones that concerned us recently. Personally I think Eiger is decent for smaller cars. London is crap for everything.

You can go to almost any spot on Nord and not be able to put 2 normal sized cars beside each other with a few feet between the two AND have a foot or two to the edge of the track.

Case in point with Sarthe....we ran there once...and the speed differences on the straight between some of our cars was over 30mph. That is just no fun. We ran Nord once or twice back in the day and the field was so spread out it was ridiculous. You forget we all aren't running the same PP cars like a tuning room. There could be a swing of 50pp between cars at 500pp.

You guys should be able to get your Nord and Sarthe rocks off all week at the dedicated lobbies for those tracks. Plenty of them to go around.

Anyways...time for a shower. Might be able to get on tonight. Doubtful but possible.
I knew what problem would happen at La Sarthe as it was the same with shuffle racing on GT5, which is why I didn't mention it.

I don't agree Nord doesn't allow close racing and many passes. So that would detach me from the "we" that think's as such. Also that 50pp swing leads to people being far behind in every race I've been in so far here. There are small groups that are close together in the races and people either ahead, in the middle or at the back alone. It's racing.

Other than it being a long track and fast what else makes it much different? The average width of the tracks sections are 26-30 ft, a Dodge Challenger (a fat car) is 6'3". You don't like the track and a few others don't as well that's fine.

I think you're just getting your "rocks off" arguing. I'll see you guys next week, work pending.
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I don't think I fit in that group either as I'm open for every single track in the game... Except the schlaife, because it's off limits of my concept of a race track feeling more as a pikes peak, Baja, Dakar mix thing in bad asphalt. Feels like a bunch of idiots racing down some country road cuz they know there's barely any traffic or cops there.
A couple of weeks ago we went to Ascari where I never raced on line before and managed a nice 2nd place with a custom Clio. Although I'm not one of the most talented racer in our community, I definitely love above average technical tracks.
My personal choice was adding Mount Panorama.
I knew what problem would happen at La Sarthe as it was the same with shuffle racing on GT5, which is why I didn't mention it.

I don't agree Nord doesn't allow close racing and many passes.

Other than it being a long track and fast what else makes it much different? The average width of the tracks sections are 26-30 ft, a Dodge Challenger (a fat car) is 6'3". You don't like the track and a few others don't as well that's fine.
Are those measurements from a spec book somewhere? I just took a Challenger on the track for the first several miles of track and there is no way you are fitting three chargers across any section of track. Maybe two...but not at speed. And no passing if the guy in front doesn't want you to. Unless you want to mow some grass to make it happen.

All the tracks in the game and all I hear is Nord, Nord.

If you get to choose the track and you pick Nord and JobyOne allows it...then that's where we go.

All the more incentive for me to win and make sure it doesn't happen :)
They were and typing nordschliefe gt6 on google (as I was wondering if I was just used to the track and that made it feel wider) brings up pictures that show how wide it is
http://i1.ytimg.com/vi/8HSu_BWCPrw/0.jpg. That section is at least 4 wide if touching doors.

I like Nord, when it was my time I asked about it as the SNAIL Spec Series says it's too long.

That's the same way I look at it with ovals so why are we debating? Other than Bloods original tone I don't see the problem.

I chose not long ago so you have little to be worried about there.
I second the idea of putting in HSR instead of Nurb. It seems like all the other tracks we run were chosen because they offer relatively wide pavement with plenty of passing zones, which is important for a series like this. Nurb has neither of those things, and HSR does.

This was over a year ago
Quick question, are only the first group cars allowed to race in the qualifying race. Like are we only qualifying with the muscle cars?