I'm very interested in joining a league.
Pacific time is -8 GMT correct?
AMWeaver47Sorry nobody has answered you. Pacific time is -8 GMT meaning we race at 7pm Pacific time. If you are in fact from/in Sweden, that would mean racing would be around 4am (if I still remember my 1st grade math) your time. If that timing is ok, I can't see why you couldn't join us.
That is dedication if you finish a race at 4am - 6am. Massive respect if you attempt it
I'm very interested in joining a league.
Pacific time is -8 GMT correct?
I'll be there as well. Enjoy the NSX while we can, although 600 miles later I'm kind of sick of it.
See you there(S.P.E.C_Racing's lobby right?)
AJHG1000See you there(S.P.E.C_Racing's lobby right?)
I could see that becoming a bit routine.
What's the next car up for this Enduro event?
Actually it's in snail_divisionw lounge. Send an fr if you need it. Cmbeal or I can accept before the race.
No! If you haven't already , send a friend request to SNAIL_Division2 and someone will except so you can race tonight and in future SPEC races.
Actually it's in snail_divisionw lounge. Send an fr if you need it. Cmbeal or I can accept before the race.
Edit: ninja'd by tcrash!
Sorry for the caps!
Any room for me. I'm sitting on the couch bored out of my mind watching Pawn Stars...I'm willing to hop in if there's space.
Network trouble. I'm trying to reconnect. Please don't start without me. Been fighting with my ISP all day.
Network trouble. I'm trying to reconnect. Please don't start without me. Been fighting with my ISP all day.
****! Did anybody save the replay?
I forgot to -_-
****! Did anybody save the replay?
I forgot to -_-
I got it.