◆ SNAIL [GT1 Championship] Series

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the 4WD have an advantage in the rain I lost 30 seconds to the leader in the final lap alone

It was really difficult to just stay on track while trying to race hard. I lost a tremendous amount of time when it started to pour. Add the fact that not one but TWO awd cars were vying for my position made it even worse. The last lap was almost impossible and in the end I simply couldn't stay on track. I wiped out around the bend doing 45 mph ?!? (Which was helped along by scorps mild sideswipe albeit in a slow motion like fashion.

I'm competitive on track I like the thrill of hard competition. That's what makes this game fun to me. Obviously I like to win but I'm more interested in the battles. As you can't always win. For that matter I think I lose more then I win so you can't say I'm being unreasonable in this instance.

But if I spend the time to practice and strategize within the rules that were set. Only to then watch them seemingly get tossed out the window. I think it's fair for me to be upset!

It really got me when we ignored the fact that it started to rain. We should have called it right there. It just wasn't right to try and go along with something that was immediately flagged as not apart of the rules and regulations for that track.

I'm happy in the end the right thing was done. the only bad part now is. I'm pretty sure the turn out for his race will be horrid. The start of this race was really great it only turned ugly when it started to rain.
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I am sorry to hear that tex
Me too unfortunately. My time is so short, that I would've been happy to pull out halfway, and restart. I was completely under the impression that the race was legal as no one made a comment during the race to cancel or abaondon. Only a humor comment about the conditions.

I had a fantastic time, and endured the conditions like all 15 drivers. Actually the best online race I've been part of in sometime. Throuroughky enjoyed it, as concentration was an utmost necessity.

Have a great week folks...
Me too unfortunately. My time is so short, that I would've been happy to pull out halfway, and restart. I was completely under the impression that the race was legal as no one made a comment during the race to cancel or abaondon. Only a humor comment about the conditions.

I had a fantastic time, and endured the conditions like all 15 drivers. Actually the best online race I've been part of in sometime. Throuroughky enjoyed it, as concentration was an utmost necessity.

Have a great week folks...

My response to Tex's message, should've stated that I won't be part of the rerun guys. If the consensus was to consider this a null event, then it stays a null event and no second attempt should be made. This only benefits those who will participate. No points for anyone is a better option, and keeps the championship fair.

Take care boys.
I did make a comment. I made two comments. They were ignored.

If 5 people show up to race the event then those 5 should rewarded for it. That would be fair. This race should have never happened. Just because it was fun doesn't make it ok. So many things wrong with this don't know where to begin. So I won't.
the ONLY reason for the rerun is the conditions got too bad. If the surface water had of stayed below 50% it would of stayed the battles got even tighter due to the which I'm great with having the rain falling.

I was weighing on whether to finish the race under caution for the last 2 laps.

Now Trick since you closed that private convo so I can't type to you.... Tex wasn't out of line, You were! The race wasn't over and people were still on track trying to finish. I don't even care what you were saying, Just because you cross the finish line doesn't give you have the right to spike up on your mic. ON TOP of that it's against snail to be on your mic during the race.

Now for specifically what was said, I don't need to be brow beat about the rain and the fact that it got so bad I WAS THERE TOO. and as Tex said this is endro racing, rain happens whether or not you are prepared for it. If the rain had of just happened and just stayed as rain that would of been 1 thing but because the conditions deteriorated so greatly that the option was even given.
ah it's just water under the bridge.. (see what I did there?)
I think we get on with the next race and move on. I am sure the next race will cause more controversy than this race. the speed disparity will be the biggest problem and there is no work around this issue.
I would like to appologize in advance, I am sorry for not getting the BOP perfect but it is close and I am sure once we get past the NASCAR track all will be fine with the BOP again.

My current best lap around Daytona is 1:57.568 without the draft.
ah it's just water under the bridge.. (see what I did there?)
I think we get on with the next race and move on. I am sure the next race will cause more controversy than this race. the speed disparity will be the biggest problem and there is no work around this issue.
I would like to appologize in advance, I am sorry for not getting the BOP perfect but it is close and I am sure once we get past the NASCAR track all will be fine with the BOP again.

My current best lap around Daytona is 1:57.568 without the draft.

Just pointing out that this is not the NASCAR track. I don't race NASCAR, but I have raced on this road course.


Last night I made a comment that was uncalled for - and I sincerely offer an apology to all who heard it. (each of you will remember the comment/statement without my reiterating it here.) No "further" comment from me, about it, is warranted.

@Die_Birdy_Die - Thank you for maintaining a calm and level leadership in our Series.
the ONLY reason for the rerun is the conditions got too bad. If the surface water had of stayed below 50% it would of stayed the battles got even tighter due to the which I'm great with having the rain falling.

I was weighing on whether to finish the race under caution for the last 2 laps.

Now Trick since you closed that private convo so I can't type to you.... Tex wasn't out of line, You were! The race wasn't over and people were still on track trying to finish. I don't even care what you were saying, Just because you cross the finish line doesn't give you have the right to spike up on your mic. ON TOP of that it's against snail to be on your mic during the race.

Now for specifically what was said, I don't need to be brow beat about the rain and the fact that it got so bad I WAS THERE TOO. and as Tex said this is endro racing, rain happens whether or not you are prepared for it. If the rain had of just happened and just stayed as rain that would of been 1 thing but because the conditions deteriorated so greatly that the option was even given.

so you planned this "rain"? it was all apart of the setup ? no, I don't believe that is the case. This is what is called a mistake. It was a big mistake. It should be followed by an apology not excuses to justify the mistake. A couple of us came on the mics a bit early after the race. I realized my mistake and stopped chatting until the last couple were of racers finished. I apologize for that. I thought everyone was done.

I shouldn't have to come on the mic to say anything about it raining which eventually turned into a down pour. which totally effected the race. The race should have been stopped the second it started to rain. No one should have to say anything because the race SHOULD HAVE BEEN STOPPED AND RESTARTED.

You make it sound like we all show up and hope that it doesn't rain or that the weather will be co operative ?!? you do know we control all of this right?

It doesn't matter if it was "fun" for some or if it seemed ok. Should i take this same approach with my car setup. Well i had more fun with 450hp on this track so I decided to do that instead of follow the guidelines set before me. come on!

You made a mistake, end of story.

we practiced for dry conditions. It was suppose to be dry conditions. Fun or not fun has nothing to do with this huge mistake. stop trying to make it sound like it was out of your control. This shouldn't even be a discussion.
I can understand all points and sides regarding last night. Since i am just a midpack nobody i am sure my opinion doesnt mean much but i think since no one will be happy no matter what we should just throw it out and not re run it. Its tough to run a series and its tough to host so i dont think we should get on birdy or champ for an obviously unforeseen error. Rather than hash it out and get upset with each other lets reset and get back at it at Daytona. Look forward to another tough race guys!
I can understand all points and sides regarding last night. Since i am just a midpack nobody i am sure my opinion doesnt mean much but i think since no one will be happy no matter what we should just throw it out and not re run it. Its tough to run a series and its tough to host so i dont think we should get on birdy or champ for an obviously unforeseen error. Rather than hash it out and get upset with each other lets reset and get back at it at Daytona. Look forward to another tough race guys!

I think this is the way to go! a re run will have a poor showing. If at the end of the season a final race is required to determine who wins. Then we can do autumn ring to settle the difference. Also, If we were to do a re run, to be totally fair we technically should/would have to make everyone use the strategy they used in this first race. Of course how do you enforce something like that. pretty much impossible.

I would rather just forget this whole mess and pretend it never happened. @Whitey093 you always discuss matters with a rational and fair unbiased POV your opinion matters a great deal.

*side note: I'm super impressed that your competing despite the cars short comings. when this seasons is done, no one will be able to back out because their car is too slow. your setting a fantastic precedent by racing the full season despite the odds against you.
I think this is the way to go! a re run will have a poor showing. If at the end of the season a final race is required to determine who wins. Then we can do autumn ring to settle the difference. Also, If we were to do a re run, to be totally fair we technically should/would have to make everyone use the strategy they used in this first race. Of course how do you enforce something like that. pretty much impossible.

I would rather just forget this whole mess and pretend it never happened. @Whitey093 you always discuss matters with a rational and fair unbiased POV your opinion matters a great deal.

*side note: I'm super impressed that your competing despite the cars short comings. when this seasons is done, no one will be able to back out because their car is too slow. your setting a fantastic precedent by racing the full season despite the odds against you.
Excuse me? I have a terrible car and still run:) It's my internet that makes up my shortcomings, oh and school
Excuse me? I have a terrible car and still run:) It's my internet that makes up my shortcomings, oh and school

my apologies @Jakedog23 I should have included everyone who is battling with car that is a little slower then the others. I picked whitey because he won last season and now he's just trying to stay afloat. It was a good example but your right by chiming in jake. my bad.
my apologies @Jakedog23 I should have included everyone who is battling with car that is a little slower then the others. I picked whitey because he won last season and now he's just trying to stay afloat. It was a good example but your right by chiming in jake. my bad.
I just like giving people crap I understand Whitey's position also as he had a car that could basically drive itself and still own us all:)
Alright all ready. We all were there and dealt with it. Nobody practices it either. Move on. It's beginning to get old. But not unexpected as usual.

i would say the same thing if i was in a awd car in heavy rain. You wouldn't even need to practice just turn on the music and enjoy the final stages of the race in comfort and luxury and style :/

Audi -all roads driven/ land of quattro!
The worst part about last night was my girlfriend sitting next to me on the couch watching me fight for my life to stay on track while criticizing me for not catching kg and asking me "i thought you were good at this game what happened?" Lool
That's why I lock my door when I race silence, except the engine, is very nice

I've been driving on ice and snow for six weeks, with 7' snow banks.

I felt like I was back home in the wet and dreary UK.

Can I suggest next season we add changeable weather to an event?

Oh, sorry! I was just having a chuckle to myself. Wasn't trying to instigate.

Love y'all....
The worst part about last night was my girlfriend sitting next to me on the couch watching me fight for my life to stay on track while criticizing me for not catching kg and asking me "i thought you were good at this game what happened?" Lool

lmao lol......ah man women can't live with em....

thats totally how it would go down the race they watch is ass backwards from the norm. I love that she got on you for not performing haha totally hilarious.
The worst part about last night was my girlfriend sitting next to me on the couch watching me fight for my life to stay on track while criticizing me for not catching kg and asking me "i thought you were good at this game what happened?" Lool
I had nice lead over u and u ran me down, then u raced me hard but clean and very respectful, would me funny if she said just knock Him out of the way lol
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I've been driving on ice and snow for six weeks, with 7' snow banks.

I felt like I was back home in the wet and dreary UK.

Can I suggest next season we add changeable weather to an event?

Oh, sorry! I was just having a chuckle to myself. Wasn't trying to instigate.

Love y'all....
We did a race with weather once and the conditions are uncontrollable. Once you hit 75% you are no longer driving you are just surviving. If and or when we move on to the Ps4 hopefully the game will have controllable weather.
It makes the racing just that much more fun!
Hell we had the "rain" race at red bull ring at it never rained. All that work trying to figure out a strategy and then nothing happened. Maybe if we had a fixed 30% surface water all race or something with no variability we could try that. Maybe.
Hell we had the "rain" race at red bull ring at it never rained. All that work trying to figure out a strategy and then nothing happened. Maybe if we had a fixed 30% surface water all race or something with no variability we could try that. Maybe.
It doesn't. i've read up on what that 30% means and it's a roll of the dice per hour. Example if the race is 1 hr long the dice is rolled 30 times and in those 30 times it can start or stop raining but you never know if and or when it will happen.
i would say the same thing if i was in a awd car in heavy rain. You wouldn't even need to practice just turn on the music and enjoy the final stages of the race in comfort and luxury and style :/

Audi -all roads driven/ land of quattro!
I prefer my classic Carpenters CD, as I knocking on the door of the driver doing everything possible to hold me up, so that he will have me, and the next car that used the delay to catch up and add to the mix. Great stwategy Mr Doc!
I prefer my classic Carpenters CD, as I knocking on the door of the driver doing everything possible to hold me up, so that he will have me, and the next car that used the delay to catch up and add to the mix. Great stwategy Mr Doc!


Hold you up? I think you mean the car that did every thing possible to stay on track in a down pour with no idea what to expect or how to handle it. If you want a great example of holding someone up however. watch the first 5 or 6 laps of the race from the drivers POV directly behind you. That was textbook!
I think we heard enough. Before it gets any uglier I offer my advice:

It looks like there are three popular (or not so popular) options. With all three of them we have some that like it, some that don't and some that don't care. They are:
- Void the results
- Keep the results
- Rerun the race

@Die_Birdy_Die you have input and opinions from almost everybody that raced last night. It doesn't matter which way we go, we will have somebody that doesn't like it, or somebody that does, or somebody that doesn't care. You can't satisfy everybody - fact of life

I therefore suggest you make a final "take-it-or-leave-it" call about last night and the rest of us suck it up, be happy or go cry in your own little corner and we move on to next week.

What say ye?
Sorry, no time to look future back then the one behind me. Or the one that had to share the road along side while trying a pass. I did see the wall stand its ground once, lol. What I am trying to get across is that when a car drifts with all four wheels (smoking), I must think it is out of control and it should maintain an outside line during the passing attempt. Cutting back inside after a slide is blocking.
I think we heard enough. Before it gets any uglier I offer my advice:

It looks like there are three popular (or not so popular) options. With all three of them we have some that like it, some that don't and some that don't care. They are:
- Void the results
- Keep the results
- Rerun the race

@Die_Birdy_Die you have input and opinions from almost everybody that raced last night. It doesn't matter which way we go, we will have somebody that doesn't like it, or somebody that does, or somebody that doesn't care. You can't satisfy everybody - fact of life

I therefore suggest you make a final "take-it-or-leave-it" call about last night and the rest of us suck it up, be happy or go cry in your own little corner and we move on to next week.

What say ye?

This was already decided last night. it was voted on to re run the event.
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