◆ SNAIL Holiday Events

@Grandpa Money
Update your entry status if you have any changes. Thx

Edit: with the number of drivers barely over one room, doesn’t make sense to have 2 rooms. ‘Yes’ response drivers will be given preference to the room.
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Status as of 4:00 pm today.
The "Yes" members must sign in before 9:25 pm please, so that we can open the room for the maybe's if you are MIA for whatever reason. We will use this thread and I will also have a live broadcast going (see Rednose Ferrari YouTube) so that you can see how many people are in the lobby



@Rednose58 @Rob Brown @Noob01_lmdead @Phlano099 @Neutty @Timlour @thracerviewr @TEX36 @Bologna_Duc @Fudman420 @TomMang_68 @Lozano1 @stelephant @Grandpa Money @Nicktune @Herimopp89 @SAMHAIN85 @Nick Cannella @Mully465 @gulfvet67
Nurb Practice room open
Memorial event is getting close! The first car will be the Toyota SFR 2015 (N100).

‘Yes’ respondents, please enter room by 9:25 EST or your spot will be made available to the ‘maybe’ respondents.

Sorry to those ‘maybe’ guys that may not get a spot, wish we would have had an overwhelming response to make multiple lobbies.
@Rob Brown I’m really sorry, but I won’t be able participate anymore. Something came up and it won’t give me enought time to play. Thanks for organizing the event and good luck to everyone!
I would be a maybe for labor day. The day before I'm headed to the Portland gp to watch Indy car and I might be home by that time but I'm not sure how I'll feel about racing that evening.
I dunno my plans yet, but it could be a good idea. It's been a few years now that we do something special on Labor Day. If you're not gonna do it, you have to make your decision fairly quick so that we can plan for something else. ... Like Raptor vs Tundra Rally Night or something silly like that.

Labor Day is around the corner! @Nuetty, could there be a bigger turn out for the snail challenge if it were Labor Day Sunday?

It is possible. I didn’t even think about that. What does everyone think?

I dunno my plans yet, but it could be a good idea. It's been a few years now that we do something special on Labor Day. If you're not gonna do it, you have to make your decision fairly quick so that we can plan for something else. ... Like Raptor vs Tundra Rally Night or something silly like that.


You guys tell me. It will be no big deal for me to change the date. If you guys have an idea to for it.
Perhaps we get a few more BOD opinions. If no issues with it, you could modify your Challenge top of page survey and ask all (current and newly) interested to review dates (with Sunday included) to decide when to have it.
If we don’t use Sunday, I would be happy to do another Nurburgring event (slightly modified based on learnings).
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Perhaps we get a few more BOD opinions. If no issues with it, you could modify your Challenge top of page survey and ask all (current and newly) interested to review dates (with Sunday included) to decide when to have it.
If we don’t use Sunday, I would be happy to do another Nurburgring event (slightly modified based on learnings).
After thinking about it I will keep my event as a stand alone.

I would love to see what you come up with @Rob Brown so have at it.

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