To answer all those folks getting anxious and/or impatient with knowing who's getting what and when.
We have two"Prize Coordinators" designated, them being
@vsfit and
@GTP_Vertigo, that take care of PMing the prize candidates, once the all clear is given, advising them they are that week's chosen ones and offering assistance with combo originality and history. Admittedly, Vertigo has been off the grid lately so most of this burden has been placed on vsfit. If someone wants to step up and team up with vsfit, PM
@zer05ive and let him know.
One of the reasons zer0 and I work on double tapping a TOPP and STOPP on Monday nights is just for the reason of visibility. You want to know preliminary results and if the all clear has been given? Find that TOPP for the latest results and right below it will be the update that clears, or not, the prize winners for choices. We've been doing it this way for many weeks now. You can check it if you like by going to Post 2 and clicking the results link for previous weeks.
If the prize winners aren't all clear, another post will be made later in the week, after the stewards have determined who gets what, alerting those members that are prize winners at that time.
If some time passes between zer0 reserving a TOPP and actually getting the results edited and posted, he will make another post alerting everyone that it has been done. As far as the all clear being given. This will not happen until 11PM Eastern, at the earliest, ever. That's the deadline for IR submittals and that announcement must wait until that time. The all clear will never be given until the preliminary results are posted.
If anyone is curious what TOPP and STOPP stand for, they are;
Top Of Page Post
Second Top Of Page Post
The STOPP post could also be interpreted just as it says. Everyone can hold off posting until those 2 posts have been edited with current information. Some folks can't seem to resist however.