Actually, there have been a lot of T300 issues in our gang. This is one reason to keep manufacturing away from these third world countries where quality control is iffy at best. I am one of the lucky ones I guess, like I said earlier, I beat that wheel like rented the point of the wheel itself getting loose on the shaft. The ring is tight, but the wheel moves about a quarter inch. Things are getting worn inside. Might need a tune up. Wow, that almost sounded dirty.
My next step if I take it will be the fanatec wheel and pedals. I don't golf, I don't play hockey anymore, I don't get to fly as much as I like,( you want an expensive hobby, buy an airplane or a boat. ka ching Ka ching). My point being, as a hobby, I don't mind spending a few bucks to make my experience as real and fun as possible. I find my entertainment dollar goes a lot further when you are burning virtual gasoline as opposed to aviation fuel and I get the excitement of racing with guys I am proud to call friends. I know some of you guys better than my "real" friends and I've never met face to face with any of you, except Aero, who just won't go away. Lol.
As for that wheel, that's weird. Gotta be a software issue. Try it on another machine? Could there be a driver update missing? If you can plug it into a PC and hook up to TM website and update the drivers? Switch to PS4? Pedal cord all the way in? Hope you find the problem.