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  • Thread starter zer05ive
@GumballCGT is out of the car (has been for about 40 minutes). He was 13th at the driver switch. Bryan Heitkotter is in the car now and has moved up to 6th in class. Listed as only 8 second behind the leader, a podium spot is not too far away.

Maybe scratch all that. Update I just saw has him in 13th. Maybe pit stops where going on?

Just watched the black Aston Martin make a totally stupid move. He blew the braking into the bus loop and instead of just coasting through to rejoin the field, he turned hard left and headed across the grass into the bus loop and toward the field. Some how he didn't blast through the field. He got the car straight and rejoined the race. Totally unsafe move.
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"The short answer is licensing. I'm sure if you negotiated the agreements and wrote the check to all the necessary parties including the manufacturer, all sponsors on the race cars, and PD, Kaz would be happy to send a team to model the car."

I clearly see your point J. but, you're way smarter than that.
PD doesn't have to copy any official race car and deal with any sponsor brand that doesn't want to negotiate they're name into this game, that's why they had the brilliant idea of the famous "base model" cars, so GT6 loyal players can get they're hands in this fast and reliable GT machines.
Secondly, PD have they're very own sponsors like Castrol, Toyo tires, Direzza, etc., why not create a bunch of racing paint skins that includes they're own sponsors that we can apply in our base models just like i-racing does? They gave us 200 different helmets and race suits, why not some 200 racing paint schemes?
Like all of you I love GranTurismo and it's really sad to see it rated 8 out of ten best race sim right now. I want it to be number 1 again so PD better wake up, better understand what gamers want and go for it full speed ahead. If i-racing is number 1 and r-factor is number 2 in the world right now, it's because gamers want to race real race cars, not 1989 Mazda Miatas.
Mybad there 8th rite now
I clearly see your point J. but, you're way smarter than that.
PD doesn't have to copy any official race car and deal with any sponsor brand that doesn't want to negotiate they're name into this game, that's why they had the brilliant idea of the famous "base model" cars, so GT6 loyal players can get they're hands in this fast and reliable GT machines.
Secondly, PD have they're very own sponsors like Castrol, Toyo tires, Direzza, etc., why not create a bunch of racing paint skins that includes they're own sponsors that we can apply in our base models just like i-racing does? They gave us 200 different helmets and race suits, why not some 200 racing paint schemes?
Like all of you I love GranTurismo and it's really sad to see it rated 8 out of ten best race sim right now. I want it to be number 1 again so PD better wake up, better understand what gamers want and go for it full speed ahead. If i-racing is number 1 and r-factor is number 2 in the world right now, it's because gamers want to race real race cars, not 1989 Mazda Miatas.

You got me on having to pay the sponsors. Base models would get around that but you've still got to pay licensing fees to the manufacturer and you still have to pay the modelers at PD to do the work of creating new car models. As was stated earlier, it's not just a matter of slapping on some aero bits and calling it a race car. It's a new car from the ground up and that takes time and money.

Stickers and stripes in set locations would be a nice addition that shouldn't be that hard to code into the game.

You may have hit on something else in your post. Gamers may want to have nothing but race cars with big power and big grip that you can point in a direction and go fast but racers will race anything that they can get to move as long as there is competition to be had.
Hi everyone! How do I get started racing on here? PSN ID: BNC610

@Norm Chaichan

Here's your official SNAIL Welcome Post!
Thanks for your interest!
Here's what you need to know (and do) in order to join:

We run a clean league by enforcing a strict penalty system based on the SNAIL OLR (which is a modified version of the GTP OLR). We also expect all of our drivers to know and follow The Good Racecraft Guide. Please become versed in both if you aren't already. Once that is complete, please follow the steps below to complete your entry into the league:

1. You start a conversation and add @CoachMK21, @Dragonwhisky, @JLBowler, @nmcp1 & @zer05ive as participants. The conversation title should be "Request To Join".

2. SNAIL Administrators will respond with specific instructions on what you need to accomplish to join the SNAIL [Spec] Racing club. Sunday races are organized exclusively through the GT6 Community features within the game.

3. Place the following links (URLs) in the favorites (or bookmarks) in your web browser for quick reference. Please make every effort to read and understand the following links. Over the years a great deal of time and effort has gone into creating this league and we would like nothing more than to have you but we ask that you take the time and effort to do your homework. 99.9% of any question you may have about SNAIL can be found in the posts below.
4. You drive fast and clean on Sunday 👍

Again, the original post has everything you need to know about what to expect on Sunday night and what you will need to have completed in order to be competitive. If you have any questions, please feel free to post your question on the thread. If you have a preference for car/wheel colour and racing number, please follow the instruction contained here.

During the week we run a number of different events, we encourage all SNAILs to join as many as possible.
Welcome to SNAIL :cheers:
You got me on having to pay the sponsors. Base models would get around that but you've still got to pay licensing fees to the manufacturer and you still have to pay the modelers at PD to do the work of creating new car models. As was stated earlier, it's not just a matter of slapping on some aero bits and calling it a race car. It's a new car from the ground up and that takes time and money.

You may have hit on something else in your post. Gamers may want to have nothing but race cars with big power and big grip that you can point in a direction and go fast but racers will race anything that they can get to move as long as there is competition to be had.
Money we already paid! Money that should have already have been put into GT6. Not just building a better home screen but laying in better AI, giving us new tracks, cleaning out the garage of pointless and repeat cars and generally making the game a better experience!

That's not even taking in to consideration the track editor and other failed promises brought forward by PD. Which is why I will be very weary about buying GT7 I will have to check all reviews before buying it. They had a huge fan base that clambered to buy gt6 under the assumption that it was going to be a bigger better badder gt5 and to my point of view it is a feeble attempt to either keep to the status qua of having 2 gran turismo games per generation of the systems or just as a huge cash grab to fund GT7.

The problem with the second theory is it will hurt GT7 with either presales in general or sales as a whole.
You got me on having to pay the sponsors. Base models would get around that but you've still got to pay licensing fees to the manufacturer and you still have to pay the modelers at PD to do the work of creating new car models. As was stated earlier, it's not just a matter of slapping on some aero bits and calling it a race car. It's a new car from the ground up and that takes time and money.

When you open a company to start selling a product, you hire workers and obviously pay them to do they're work.
If you want to be competitive in this extremely competitive world, you have to make your workers work harder and pay them better.
You want to keep selling 20 million copies worldwide, boy, you really gotta do something really good.
Everyone is so blinded by the negativity that gets thrown at GT6. Think about this for a second. We have approximately 150 new cars in GT6. At the moment by my count, we have 11 new racing locations that we didn't have in GT5, and an updated location being Suzuka. That itself, could be an entirely new game. Yes, there were features mentioned that we haven't seen yet, but I'm at least still having tons of fun with the 'small' selection of cars and places we can race. GT6 does look nicer than GT5 as well, though it doesn't look as realistic as what is coming down the pipe now. The visual part of GT6 is easily a few years old now, so it's outdated as I'd expect.
Everyone is so blinded by the negativity that gets thrown at GT6. Think about this for a second. We have approximately 150 new cars in GT6. At the moment by my count, we have 11 new racing locations that we didn't have in GT5, and an updated location being Suzuka. That itself, could be an entirely new game. Yes, there were features mentioned that we haven't seen yet, but I'm at least still having tons of fun with the 'small' selection of cars and places we can race. GT6 does look nicer than GT5 as well, though it doesn't look as realistic as what is coming down the pipe now. The visual part of GT6 is easily a few years old now, so it's outdated as I'd expect.
How can you realistically say that you expected to buy outdated graphics from a brand new game? Not that I expected 100% awesomeness from GT6 all I wanted was better AI and more variety during offline play.
Put it this way falango... Before, people had granturismo, played granturismo all the available time and then, in order to keep the magic and avoid premature jading, we would play some minor games. Now it's the other way around... people are playing other games and coming back to granturismo just to chill a little bit and eventually to refreshave basic racing instincts.
Everyone is so blinded by the negativity that gets thrown at GT6. Think about this for a second. We have approximately 150 new cars in GT6. At the moment by my count, we have 11 new racing locations that we didn't have in GT5, and an updated location being Suzuka. That itself, could be an entirely new game. Yes, there were features mentioned that we haven't seen yet, but I'm at least still having tons of fun with the 'small' selection of cars and places we can race. GT6 does look nicer than GT5 as well, though it doesn't look as realistic as what is coming down the pipe now. The visual part of GT6 is easily a few years old now, so it's outdated as I'd expect.

Not to mention a new physics engine, improved menu navigation, and more options for running online races. The only two things that have been promised and not delivered on yet is B-Spec and the Course Maker. Don't forget that we haven't paid for one piece of DLC during the life of GT6.

When you open a company to start selling a product, you hire workers and obviously pay them to do they're work.
If you want to be competitive in this extremely competitive world, you have to make your workers work harder and pay them better.
You want to keep selling 20 million copies worldwide, boy, you really gotta do something really good.

I don't think the employees at PD have a problem with working hard. There are many stories floating around about employees sleeping under their desks at the office. There have also been recent public efforts by PD to recruit more employees. The issue is that these employees work year round and PD only sells a bunch of games when one releases. It's a small company and projects have to be prioritized.

How can you realistically say that you expected to buy outdated graphics from a brand new game? Not that I expected 100% awesomeness from GT6 all I wanted was better AI and more variety during offline play.

Everyone knew it was on PS3 which meant the graphics would not be as great as they could be on next gen. With that being said, GT6 has graphics that are on par with some next gen games and is a step up from GT5. If all you wanted was improvements to the offline play, I fear you are part of a shrinking demographic is gaming. The best AI out there is the online portion of the game and that will be true for any game. You can have the best AI known to man and it's still not going to be as aware and intuitive as a real person racing against you.
How can you realistically say that you expected to buy outdated graphics from a brand new game? Not that I expected 100% awesomeness from GT6 all I wanted was better AI and more variety during offline play.

I'm saying it's now outdated, not when I bought it. When I bought it, it still wasn't super realistic, but it's never really been that anyways. So many people expect so much from it. You have to pool your resources. Do you want them to focus on making it look very realistic? You're going to have to sacrifice something. Want lots of vehicles and tracks to choose from, you'll probably have to sacrifice something for it.
All I gotta say is you guys sure do expect a lot for your measly $50 of game dollars. How many countless crappy games have you bought for whatever platform and played it maybe two or three times and shelved it...no updates, no online play etc.

For GT to have as many cars as it does, and as many features...not to mention all the updates they continually provide (with no real obligation to do so)...you guys sure do ask a helluva lot.

For $50 stupid bucks (and no continuing subscription fees) I have received more enjoyment out of the GT franchise (and I have only played GT, GT2, GT5 and GT6) than all the other games I have played as an adult combined.

Stop whining and be glad for what we do have...which is a really awesome source of cheap entertainment.
All I gotta say is you guys sure do expect a lot for your measly $50 of game dollars. How many countless crappy games have you bought for whatever platform and played it maybe two or three times and shelved it...no updates, no online play etc.

For GT to have as many cars as it does, and as many features...not to mention all the updates they continually provide (with no real obligation to do so)...you guys sure do ask a helluva lot.

For $50 stupid bucks (and no continuing subscription fees) I have received more enjoyment out of the GT franchise (and I have only played GT, GT2, GT5 and GT6) than all the other games I have played as an adult combined.

Stop whining and be glad for what we do have...which is a really awesome source of cheap entertainment.

But it's so easy for people to complain when they don't know what goes into the end result. I haven't worked in a game studio, but I have lots of friends that do, and my line of work overlaps. Even with a good understanding of what goes into these kinds of games, I'm amazed at what comes out. I've played GT, GT2, GT4, GT5 Prologue, GT5, and GT6, and I have no clue how many thousands of hours of enjoyment I've got out of it, as well as education. Factoring in the consoles, games, and wheels, not bad for $1000 give or take.

Also, I personally think it's funny how much people complain about a video game, yet they still play it.
Yeah Joe, but the world moves constantly and right now we are living in an era that the same $50,00 are able to bring even better and more realistic entreteinement. Wait for March 17.

Another thing, I'm not really complaining.... just question if " can't it really be better?"
Yeah Joe, but the world moves constantly and right now we are living in an era that the same $50,00 are able to bring even better and more realistic entreteinement. Wait for March 17.

Another thing, I'm not really complaining.... just question if " can't it really be better?"

Project Cars had better be a huge leap forward in physics and graphics because the 80 or so cars at launch with the 52 layouts for tracks pales in comparison to what GT6 offers even if you throw out the duplicates that GT has. Don't argue that some cars are irrelevant, racers will race anything they can get to move so every car that will move is raceable.

I say 80 or so for cars because they haven't published a car list as of yet. They have 52 layouts listed with some locations have 4 and 5 different layouts to get to 52. They are, of course, planning DLC but I seriously doubt we will see free DLC from them like we do with PD.

My concern about Project Cars is that it's community developed and if they got too many of those guys that think no car should ever be equipped with anything grippier than comfort medium tires then the game could be in trouble. Hopefully there were more guys in the community and on the development team that had their heads on straight to overshadow those morons.
Yeah Joe, but the world moves constantly and right now we are living in an era that the same $50,00 are able to bring even better and more realistic entreteinement. Wait for March 17.

Another thing, I'm not really complaining.... just question if " can't it really be better?"

It's called progression. A minute after you bought your tv, a bigger and better one came out. Same with your phone, your car, so you should expect the same with games. Also, as already stated, GT6 is made for an 8 year old console, so instantly, you can't expect the same as what we were seeing from games in development from, what was then, the next gen consoles.

@Schmiggz, your "can't it really be better" question obviously has a yes answer, but at what cost? Are you going to have to wait another year if you wanted a better game? Are you going to have to pay an extra $10 at release, or pay for DLC? Can you honestly say that your $50 or $60 you spent for this game was well spent, or no? I assume yes, because you're still playing.

Another thing too. I think people are not really embracing the fact that 8 years ago, what we got on disc after we left the store was all that we got from that game, nothing extra. Was there a bug with a track? You're stuck with it, for good. I think that you can chalk up online patches and updates to that progression of technology, but isn't it pretty amazing? We are getting free tracks, free cars, free updates. We've already paid our money, but they are still providing us with new things to do, new things to play with, new challenges.
Hi everyone! How do I get started racing on here? PSN: Hcfirefighter09


Here's your official SNAIL Welcome Post!
Thanks for your interest!
Here's what you need to know (and do) in order to join:

We run a clean league by enforcing a strict penalty system based on the SNAIL OLR (which is a modified version of the GTP OLR). We also expect all of our drivers to know and follow The Good Racecraft Guide. Please become versed in both if you aren't already. Once that is complete, please follow the steps below to complete your entry into the league:

1. You start a conversation and add @CoachMK21, @Dragonwhisky, @JLBowler, @nmcp1 & @zer05ive as participants. The conversation title should be "Request To Join".

2. SNAIL Administrators will respond with specific instructions on what you need to accomplish to join the SNAIL [Spec] Racing club. Sunday races are organized exclusively through the GT6 Community features within the game.

3. Place the following links (URLs) in the favorites (or bookmarks) in your web browser for quick reference. Please make every effort to read and understand the following links. Over the years a great deal of time and effort has gone into creating this league and we would like nothing more than to have you but we ask that you take the time and effort to do your homework. 99.9% of any question you may have about SNAIL can be found in the posts below.
4. You drive fast and clean on Sunday 👍

Again, the original post has everything you need to know about what to expect on Sunday night and what you will need to have completed in order to be competitive. If you have any questions, please feel free to post your question on the thread. If you have a preference for car/wheel colour and racing number, please follow the instruction contained here.

During the week we run a number of different events, we encourage all SNAILs to join as many as possible.
Welcome to SNAIL :cheers:
@nmcp1 I'm convinced you don't do anything at work, lol. You're on top of these welcome posts so quick, every time!

To add to my comment about what we got from the store was all we got for a game. Remember when you actually had to go to the store to buy the game? Now all we have to do is hit a few buttons to either download it, or buy it from Amazon and tell someone to bring the game to my doorstep :P

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