As you guys know our SNAIL populated Enduance team DART ( Disabled Antique Racing Team) is made up of 4 disabled guys, one Antique Disabled guy, a verified Uber Antique, and one quite healthy young ( ish) Beep Beepish D1 guy. We are having a blast and have a number of fans ( gluttons for punishment no doubt.)
BUT I found someone for us all to root for in the REAL WORLD. Twitter, if set up with the right people to follow is an amazing source of racing into. Well, meet Michael Johnson, 22 year old, paralized, Pro Mazda driver on the Mazda road to indy.
One of his racing heroes is Alessandro Zanardi and that should come as no surprise. Michael Johnson, the 22-year-old Pro Mazda Championship driver from Flint, Michigan is preparing for his second season in the Road to Indy middle-echelo