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  • Thread starter zer05ive
I use a Swype keyboard on my phone and usually I'm sliding so quickly that I don't catch errors.

We could run an analysis to find if it's significant where you finished relevant to starting position. We would need to add a variable though, that being if a crash was involved, otherwise those outliers would disrupt the outcome. Oh then we could determine the deviation from start to potential finishing position. If i had the time, it'd be neat to simulate an evening based on 1 race, wouldn't it. with reverse grid, we'd be guaranteed unique finishes, however the results will eventually double back and the outcomes would repeat themselves. Numbers are magnificent!
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Thanks to the Racing Goddess, I'm now able to show the image!!!

Did some reformatting last night:
1. Got the Best Lap down to milliseconds
2. Added a Best Lap Delta column to show the difference between your best laps in both races.
3. Highlited the best value in each of the columns.
4. Added the cars used for each of the races.

For this Sundays races, I'm going to add:
1. total time
2. gap
3. total time delta
4. tires used for the race

Ahhhh, numbers :)

It was nothing, but You're Welcome, just the same.

Clearly someone loves their numbers. :lol: The spread sheet looks great, you goddess is pleased. ;)
We could run an analysis to find if it's significant where you finished relevant to starting position. We would need to add a variable though, that being if a crash was involved, otherwise those outliers would disrupt the outcome. Oh then we could determine the deviation from start to potential finishing position. If i had the time, it'd be neat to simulate an evening based on 1 race, wouldn't it. with reverse grid, we'd be guaranteed unique finishes, however the results will eventually double back and the outcomes would repeat themselves. Numbers are magnificent!

Another thought...since accidents happen..we could factor in a random event that halts a portion of the cars for a set time once a race starts. we'll have to assign each car a speed it's likely to achieve...this is getting complicated. the more i think about it three more I want to track down a grad student looking for extra credit to pull this off. :lol:

Cyborgs + integers = :D

also...cheeb.. I've got the best lap first race last week I believe. perhaps it could be bold. :sly:
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Another thought...since accidents happen..we could factor in a random event that halts a portion of the cars for a set time once a race starts. we'll have to assign each car a speed it's likely to achieve...this is getting complicated. the more i think about it three more I want to track down a grad student looking for extra credit to pull this off. :lol:

Cyborgs + integers = :D

I'm just in data gathering, not analysis. Knock yourself out :lol:

also...cheeb.. I've got the best lap first race last week I believe. perhaps it could be bold. :sly:

Crap, figures the Cyborg would find an error. I should run the image past you, before posting!
Hey, what time are the races tonight. I see all other information regarding the races tonight but the time. :(
Actually, he could see you, so you weren't that close to getting clipped at all. Maddock is a decent racer. His issue that night was that those racers he took out did not appear on his screen. This has happened to a couple of racers here, and to myself as well, though out in the open lobby, not during a snail event. In my case, the other person wasnt even on my drivers list, I had no idea they were on the course. They could see me fine, but my ps3 acted like they were still in the lobby. No idea what causes the glitchs, but Im going to assume that it either happens upon entering the course, or the lobby. In my experience, and in one of Maddocks experiences when we were doing, I believe, a Wednesday session, simply leaving the course and coming back, or leaving the lobby and reentering wasnt enough to fix the issue.
I dont assume to know how those races turned out, but I got a feeling that if you go over all the replays, SParco and the other fella never where at any point in his game. My assumption is that its a glitch when someone logs into the lobbies "server", and their "cleint" program starts communicating with the server. Somehow one of the players packets misses the transfer of data and is subsequently ignored afterwards. The weird thing is, is that I believe both people in the one incident that I saw with Maddock, and I cant remember the other racer. Neither could see each other. generally its just one person experiencing the issue. The other weird this is that I believe both left, returned, and still couldn't see each other.

Thanks to the Racing Goddess, I'm now able to show the image!!!

Did some reformatting last night:
1. Got the Best Lap down to milliseconds
2. Added a Best Lap Delta column to show the difference between your best laps in both races.
3. Highlited the best value in each of the columns.
4. Added the cars used for each of the races.

For this Sundays races, I'm going to add:
1. total time
2. gap
3. total time delta
4. tires used for the race

Ahhhh, numbers :)

Looks good, cheeb! I've updated Sunday night's results to reflect the updated stats sheet. 👍
can't wait till sunday. I think i finally got a hold of driving at daytona to the point where I wont be a safety hazard.
I know that you did a listing of results / next week stands and that's great. What about a complete listing of all divisions listing drivers, including the 'new comers' to the group who will be starting in Div 3. While I'm not in that group, I'm curious to know exactly how many entrants we have for the Sunday even races. It would also serve as a the official list of drivers for each division, as well as an acknowledgement to the new drivers that they are in fact listed in the race.

Just a thought
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This Drivers List is no longer valid.

The Shiny New Drivers List can be found here.​

GT Planet ID / PSN ID

Division 1 (SNAIL_Division1 lounge)
irmopars / Mighty_mopar
Nicktune / Nic-KL
dabneyd / dabneyd
kcheeb / kcheeb - Division 1 Race Director - unable to race July 22nd post 8706
fzappa / tcrash15
AG07WRXTR / AG07WRXTR - unable to race July 22nd post 8872
JLBowler / jlbowler
Dragonwar233 / ADR_BRONCO
diabolicwyvern / Diabolicwyvern
bdubclub / bdubclub
esh / GTP_esh
RIP_Welsh_Don / RIP_Welsh_Don - requested to join July 15th post 8470 - starting in Division 1 on July 15th
paddycars1 / howyakeeping1 - requested to join July 14th post 8407 - starting in Division 1 on July 15th
Jonsey80 / mrjones_80 - requested to join July 15th post 8507 - starting in Division 1 on July 22nd
EpicGonzago / EpicGonzago3 - requested to join July 17th post 8717 - starting in Division 1 on July 22nd
KingBestJr / KingBestJr - requested to join July 18th post 8803 - starting in Division 1 on July 22nd
WiiFreak / WiiFreak - requested to join July 18th post 8787 - starting in Division 1 on July 22nd
JerseyDriverSS / JerseyDriverSS - requested to join July 18th post 8724 - starting in Division 1 on July 22nd

DrKronin / DrKronin - unable to race July 22nd notified July 20th post 8930

Division 2 (SNAIL_Division2 lounge)
spooble / spooble
Rallywagon / rallywgn81 - Division 2 Race Director
aubdogg3 / aubdogg - unable to race July 22nd post 8903
rofajole / rofajole
cmbeal317 / cmbeal317
ExoSphere64 / exosphere64
zer05ive / zer05ive
BeRandom / GTP_BeRandom
greestlightnin / greest_lightnin
Turbo91stdcivic / Turbo91stdcivic
dylansan / GTP_dylansan
tezgm99 / tezgm99 - unable to race July 22nd post 8707
Strunz1098 / GTP_STRUNS1098
Apmaddock / Apmaddock
Izzyracer97 / no_bull_racin97
whatbadgerseat / whatbadgerseat
Oshawa-Joe / Oshawa-Joe
dgaf95integra / dgafaboutany1420 - requested to join July 14th post 8416 - starting in Division 2 on July 15th
JazzNine / JazzVanWolfe - requested to join July 11th post 8315 - starting in Division 2 on July 15th
chev46 / chevbacca46 - requested to join July 18th post 8748 - starting in Division 2 on July 22nd

Division 3 (SNAIL_Division3 lounge)
moi_2212 / moi_2212
Millerhd / Millerhd
Skills / Skills_19657
wrxsilver / g-MachineREX
nateral00 / nateral00
Handlebar / Handlebar-Man - unable to race July 29th post 9017
GranTurismo916 / atongo619
jdogg11985 / j-dogg11985
Vol Jbolaz / a_garris - Division 3 Race Director
sethfraz22 / sethfraz22
patches0127 / patches_mcfluffy
Chiochan / ChuthuluGoat
donconater / donconater
screaming chief / SCREAMING_CHIEF
eagle123vick / eagle123vick - requested to join July 9th post 8148 - starting in Division 3 on July 15th
GtPrecision / Gt_Precision - requested to join July 11th post 8283 - starting in Division 3 on July 15th
spracing / qwertyuioopggvcds - requested to join July 14th post 8418 - starting in Division 3 on July 15th
Subbielov3r / jboy32 - requested to join July 14th post 8419 - starting in Division 3 on July 15th
sudmanster / sudmanster - requested to join July 14th post 8417 - starting in Division 3 on July 22nd
KissMyGlock / KissMyGlock

torresdong / torres_dong
yermama904 / yer_mama904 - unable to race July 22nd post 9012
captainswan / GTP_CaptainSwan
ProtegeDrifter / LR-L2L-xDriFtZz

New S.N.A.I.L.s
ANFD / ANFD - requested to join July 9th post 8204 - will start racing in August
DJones / Da_Panda_Bear - requested to join July 18th post 8839
Shigegaki / GTP_Shigegaki - requested to join July 19th post 8921
iamsupernasty / iamsupernasty - requested to join July 19th post 8929
SPIDERMANLOL1 / SPIDERMANLOL1 - requested to join July 21st post 8993

On Hold
jbica / jbica
dvdoughboy / dvdoughboy - unsure of status
leadbedr / leadbedr - unable to race for a while - notified June 23rd post 7460
ckoerner210 / ckoerner210 - unable to race for a while as of June 9th, notified via pm.
JeffHarris / jeffandleigh * - unable to race for a month or so, notified June 23rd post 7450
polizei / booch16 - interested in racing with S.N.A.I.L., will advise when able to commit full time.
ImToLegitToQuit / ImToLegitToQuit - out from March 25th, notified March 22nd (Training new S.N.A.I.L.).
Infinital-NG / Infinital-NG - out from April 15th, notified April 11th (Life getting in the way, Training new S.N.A.I.L.)

What happened to the jelly?

Associate S.N.A.I.L.s (unable to partake in Sundays festivities)
imtomtomim / imtomtomim - will let us know when he can race
dsgerbc / dsgerbc - will let us know when he can race - notified via pm
BlacqueJacques / GTP_BlacqueJack - unable to race Sundays - post 8596
sharkie / M1SS-D3V10US - unable to race Sundays - notified July 7th post 8033
WingZeroCustom / ND_4_SPD_Naruto - resigned from league
Bye Ya / Bye_Ya * - unable to race Sunday nights - notified via pm
GianDoe / GianDoe * - unable to race Sunday nights - notified via pm
Psycho Tuber / Psycho-Tuber - unable to race Sundays - notified June 19th post 7243
rperez915 / bullseye915 - unable to race Sundays - notified June 18th post 7177
fastzxr / joshp305 * - requested to join June 13th post 7054 - new to online racing
GlennGolfer1 / GlennGolfer1 - fine tuning skills - notified May 17th post 5785
Hogster-iR - HogsterGT - unable to race full time - notified Apr 30 post 4519
driftmunkey / driftmunkey - contacted via GT Planet.
Esotic1972 / Esotic1972 - contacted via GT Planet.
Absalom_2 / Absalom_2 - post 2695
dudeondacouch / dudeondacouch - post 2691 & 2705
celicagt113 / celicagt113 - post 3007
GTP_Aguilar / GTP_Aguilar - International driver - requested to join April 12th post 3486
joehazell / joehazell - International driver - requested to join April 12th post 3512

Handy S.N.A.I.L. Information Links
S.N.A.I.L. Race Complaint Process (Tell someone that cares)
S.N.A.I.L. Advance Notice Policy (Keep the herders happy)
S.N.A.I.L. League Responsibilities (Who's who in the zoo)

Car Color/Number Choice List (This is an optional S.N.A.I.L. program)

Fallen off the face of the Earth
racefan78 / racefan78 - no show June 17th - sent reminder pm June 24th - unsure of status
Orca1019 / Orca1019 * - no show June 17th - sent reminder pm June 24th - unsure of status
timo_timo666 / timo_timo666 - does anyone have any information on timo_timo? I can't find any other than race results. - no show June 17th
ianjames25 / iceburgeson - Relegated to Division 2 - No Show June 17th
TylerGiese / SeattleTyler - DNR June 10th without notice
bigbarnesbefast / bigbarnesbefast - DNR June 10th without notice
tcoffin014 / tcoffin014 - DNR June 10th without notice
Team Ak47 / sand_zaggin * - DNR June 10th without notice
Eat_Lead89 / Eat_Lead89 - DNR May 20th without notice
autoxse-r - DNR May 20th without notice
SmokeyLungz / SmokeyLungz- - DNR May 20th without notice
Justin5447 / Justin5447 - DNR May 20th without notice
JaySin85 / JaySin85 - DNR May 20th without notice
jellis1 / Jellis1 - DNR Apr 29th without advance notice - DNR May 6th.
koreanbro / koreanbro - DNR April 15th without advance notice.
gt5assn / Puddin_Head_ - relegated to Division 3 - DNR Mar 25th - DNR April 1st.
deepsouth - The__Reaper - DNR April 1st. can't find GTP ID.
rahlo142 / rahlo142 - requested to join March 28th post 2738 - DNR April 1st.
SaGaSpeedLab / aDirtySpic- - DNR Mar 25th - DNR April 1st.
djx2391 / djx2391 - DNR Mar 25th - DNR April 1st.
Space_Echo / Space_Echo - DNR Mar 25th - DNR April 1st.
chfslap606 / chfslap606 - DNR Mar 25th - DNR April 1st.
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Your welcome Devious. Shame you cant get into C&M, Outside of the lopsided team last night, someone with your skill would make a great mouse. It does make a big deference if you enjoy it though.
Actually, I think I will work on a prototype for next Monday's (26) event. More to come on an upgraded C&M.
I will ask this, who can semi commit themselves for an hour of C&M on mondays, or perhaps a day thats good for you all, where we can run a static team C&M. Meaning, you are on a team with one of the other SNAIL members, or someone else you know perhaps, for the length of a season. Season length to be determined, though I think a month or two should suffice. If I can get some for sures on monday, I'll definitely will run this event.
Anyway. more info to come!
Turn 1, Lap 1 is a :nervous: moment, I agree, but the Bus Stop isn't a :scared: or even a :nervous: , it more of a :embarrassed: then a :sly: then then a :D moment. It's no biggie.

I find Turn 1 tricky as I need to get my turn in right before I start braking. Plus I've changed my angle of attack based on following you around there :sly: adjusting ...

For me the bus stop is fun, the biggest problem I have is the turn in for the exit. I tend be late and get penalized, although I have followed you, bowler and mopar through there enough now, it's getting better. One little slip through it though and say hello grass, goodbye grip :lol:
Your welcome Devious. Shame you cant get into C&M, Outside of the lopsided team last night, someone with your skill would make a great mouse. It does make a big deference if you enjoy it though.
Actually, I think I will work on a prototype for next Monday's (26) event. More to come on an upgraded C&M.
I will ask this, who can semi commit themselves for an hour of C&M on mondays, or perhaps a day thats good for you all, where we can run a static team C&M. Meaning, you are on a team with one of the other SNAIL members, or someone else you know perhaps, for the length of a season. Season length to be determined, though I think a month or two should suffice. If I can get some for sures on monday, I'll definitely will run this event.
Anyway. more info to come!

I've tried the C&M and I don't like the dirty nature of it. Now if the tire wear was off, then I might like it better. At least then that would give a fighting chance to anyone how is getting gang-raped :nervous: :scared: by everyone in the room, like I did in both races last night. 👎

IF I still had tires after the countless spins (and I do mean countless), then I would've at least had a chance to make my way back, but with tire wear on, and being made everyone's biotch, I didn't have any chance whatsoever, and everyone knows it. I find no honor or joy in C&M or C&S with the current settings.

On a side note...
I have noticed there are some people who have come to me for tutoring and I have helped them to shave their best lap time down by a couple of seconds in some case. these same people seem to forget what they were taught just the night before, in some cases. I'm getting the impression that my efforts are going to waste. We did a even clean races last night, and I know I helped 2 drives improve them times by correcting their lines - only to find that they have completely forgotten how to take the turns correctly in the races. Personally I cannot help but think it's because of the dirty races this group likes to do during the week. Personally I don't care for the dirty racing, and if you like to do, then do it, it's all good. However, I do think that I'm going to change the policy on tutoring sessions and hold them session at the same time as the dirty races are taking place. Perhaps then the information Mopar and I are sharing will not get lost within the bad habits that dirty racing promotes.
Hey everyone, I apologize for such short notice, but I won't be able to make it on Sunday. I will be out of town at a wedding. If I need to bumped down to D2, that's fine with me. It is possible I will be back in time, but I would rather say I will be absent than take the risk of committing and then not being able to make it. Sorry again.
I do plan to race on Sundays, but I might miss the first race. Just depends on Wife. So if I need to be bumped out for someone else as I'm not listed, that's fine.
Hey everyone, I apologize for such short notice, but I won't be able to make it on Sunday. I will be out of town at a wedding. If I need to bumped down to D2, that's fine with me. It is possible I will be back in time, but I would rather say I will be absent than take the risk of committing and then not being able to make it. Sorry again.

Hey ckoerner, your spot will be held, in accordance with S.N.A.I.L. policy. Thanks for letting us know! If you are back in time, feel free to jump into the lounge.

I do plan to race on Sundays, but I might miss the first race. Just depends on Wife. So if I need to be bumped out for someone else as I'm not listed, that's fine.

Hey Infinital-NG, thanks for letting us know. I wasn't sure if you were in or not, confirmed now.
I find Turn 1 tricky as I need to get my turn in right before I start braking. Plus I've changed my angle of attack based on following you around there :sly: adjusting ...

For me the bus stop is fun, the biggest problem I have is the turn in for the exit. I tend be late and get penalized, although I have followed you, bowler and mopar through there enough now, it's getting better. One little slip through it though and say hello grass, goodbye grip :lol:

Yes Turn 1 @ Daytona is a little tricky, but practice makes a world of difference for this turn. Once you know why the car behaves the way it does, you can correct it by changing the way you drive any said turn. Now that you know what you should NOT be doing and why, it's simply a matter of figuring how to get the car to do what you it to. This usually means changing something and seeing what happens (trial & error method) and that works, but if you understand the physics of a car, you just right to the issue and correct it. Practice Turn 1 and you get a better feel for that turn and you'll amazed at just how deceptively simple the change to your approach will make you start loving the turn instead of dreading it.

The Bus Stop is all about speed, nothing more, nothing less. Carry as much speed through the Bus Stop as possible. The WAY you do that is what will make you fast on the exit. It sounds like you have a grip on how to take the Bus Stop, and you just need to practice it. I can give you the answers to every turn, but part of the joy is to be given just enough information to figure it out on your own. It's more enjoyably that way. I can tell you exactly what to do and when, but you'll still need to practice and master it for yourself, I cannot do that for you.
I've tried the C&M and I don't like the dirty nature of it. Now if the tire wear was off, then I might like it better. At least then that would give a fighting chance to anyone how is getting gang-raped :nervous: :scared: by everyone in the room, like I did in both races last night. 👎

IF I still had tires after the countless spins (and I do mean countless), then I would've at least had a chance to make my way back, but with tire wear on, and being made everyone's biotch, I didn't have any chance whatsoever, and everyone knows it. I find no honor or joy in C&M or C&S with the current settings.

On a side note...
I have noticed there are some people who have come to me for tutoring and I have helped them to shave their best lap time down by a couple of seconds in some case. these same people seem to forget what they were taught just the night before, in some cases. I'm getting the impression that my efforts are going to waste. We did a even clean races last night, and I know I helped 2 drives improve them times by correcting their lines - only to find that they have completely forgotten how to take the turns correctly in the races. Personally I cannot help but think it's because of the dirty races this group likes to do during the week. Personally I don't care for the dirty racing, and if you like to do, then do it, it's all good. However, I do think that I'm going to change the policy on tutoring sessions and hold them session at the same time as the dirty races are taking place. Perhaps then the information Mopar and I are sharing will not get lost within the bad habits that dirty racing promotes.

I've not raced in the C&M as it falls on nights that I have other plans. To me it sounds like a lot of fun and it seems that way from most of the responses.

It's too bad you didn't enjoy it, but I think part of it has to do with having a large target on you :sly: And also your racing background, it goes against your instincts.

I'm not sure if it erases what you and mopar are teaching, I do know one thing, old habits are hard to break. I read once that a habit takes one or two weeks to form and six to eight to break. From my own life experiences that's not far from the truth.

My 2 cents.
I'm just in data gathering, not analysis. Knock yourself out

I may love statistics, but I'm also lazy!

I would hypothesize, especially within division 1, that there are a high number of events falling outside the standard deviation. aka: what we're doing here is not only fun but statistically significant Wohoo!
I may love statistics, but I'm also lazy!

I would hypothesize, especially within division 1, that there are a high number of events falling outside the standard deviation. aka: what we're doing here is not only fun but statistically significant Wohoo!

An English Major that loves statistics :confused: You're running concurrent programs aren't you :)

👍 for statistically significant
Your welcome Devious. Shame you cant get into C&M, Outside of the lopsided team last night, someone with your skill would make a great mouse. It does make a big deference if you enjoy it though.
Actually, I think I will work on a prototype for next Monday's (26) event. More to come on an upgraded C&M.
I will ask this, who can semi commit themselves for an hour of C&M on mondays, or perhaps a day thats good for you

I have no problem with commitment. I've been told different by someone, but she's not here so I can lie without fear. :lol:

Math was my first love. Sad nerd story: I used to sit inside on nice days as a kid practice math skills. I was a C.I.T or cyborg-in-training and numbers rocked!

0101010 1001 010

see: 👍
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I've not raced in the C&M as it falls on nights that I have other plans. To me it sounds like a lot of fun and it seems that way from most of the responses.

Like I said the other night, I find going to the dentist to have my wisdom teeth extracted to be more fun than the current C&M and C&S games.

It's too bad you didn't enjoy it, but I think part of it has to do with having a large target on you :sly: And also your racing background, it goes against your instincts.

I was in the lead and I expected to be target. When I was taken out, I feel from 1st to last in 5 seconds flats! that's okay, I expected that. I worked my way up to 5th, and was taken out again, and spun so much I lost count and again, I find myself in last position. My tires were now down to 70%, just like that! Okay, that's fine, I can still get back in this and I still have a change. I'm good. I make my way through the field and reach 7th place where I was raped so hard by seemingly EVERYONE, my car again spun around so much my roommate who was watch was getting motion sickness! Again I fall to last, and my tires are now down to 15%!! WTF?!?! REALLY?!? Are you Phucking Kidding Me?!? That's B.S.! At this point I have no change in hell of being competitive, let alone finishing the "race". Again, I start driving and I get rammed up the "donkey" so hard due to the speed differential, I spin again! I now have 0% tires!!

I will not be taking part in any more C&M or C&S games with tire wear on. The fact is, not only did I got phucked by everyone in that race, but apparently their grandmother, and her dog too! No it was not enjoyable. If there is not chance of winning then what's the point?

I'm not sure if it erases what you and mopar are teaching, I do know one thing, old habits are hard to break. I read once that a habit takes one or two weeks to form and six to eight to break. From my own life experiences that's not far from the truth.

My 2 cents.

The fact is Mopar & I had worked with 2 people the night before and they were hitting the marks correctly and doing it right, lap after lap. THEN the following night, we watch the same 2 people screw up that same turns that we drilled into their heads. The same poor line, the same bad approach the same sketchy exit , Everything. Yes, I really do think the dirty racing is re-enforcing the bad driving habits. Mopar & I have talked about this and we agree that tutoring sessions will be held during the same time as the dirty racing events.
Like I said the other night, I find going to the dentist to have my wisdom teeth extracted to be more fun than the current C&M and C&S games.

Established, not once did I tell you should enjoy it, I said a lot of other people enjoy it and it sounds like fun to me.

I will not be taking part in any more C&M or C&S games with tire wear on.

That's what S.N.A.I.L. is about, people taking part in the myriad of activities offered and they enjoy.

If there is not chance of winning then what's the point?

To have fun???

Mopar & I have talked about this and we agree that tutoring sessions will be held during the same time as the dirty racing events.

They are your sessions and it's your prerogative to choose when you run them.

I've been thinking about the rooms the club has and am starting to lean towards the ideas presented by a few others, Devious, Garris etc:

SNAIL_Division1 - all division 1 drivers are friended, used for Sunday races.
SNAIL_Division2 - all division 2 drivers are friended, used for Sunday races.
SNAIL_Division3 - all division 3 drivers are friended, used for Sunday races.

Benefits: clear, consistent and as easy to maintain as using Zer05ive for div 3. It will also reduce the number of friends Zer0's personal account has. When we move to 4 divisions, it'll be simple to add SNAIL_Division4 and do the shuffle. Versus having to move all Div 3 drivers to the new Div 3 account and add the Div 4 drivers to Zer0.

Okay, I've just sent everyone on this list a friend invite from the PSN account that corresponds to their division. That means 12 friend requests were sent out from the SNAIL_Division2 account to the 12 drivers currently in Division2. However, I sent a whopping 20 friend requests from the SNAIL_Division3 account. That includes everyone on the list, plus SCREAMING_CHIEF (I expect him to race on Sunday), Lookbeer (he said he can't sign onto gtplanet), Esotic1972, chfslap606, and yer_mama904. It's unlikely that all of them will join, but I wanted them to at least have the option. There were a few others that I didn't send a Division3 invite to because we haven't heard from them in a while.

These rooms can also be used by any of the friended drivers during the week for practice out of the public eye. Just post in this thread, going to practice in SNAIL_DivisionN, if anyone wants to join me ...

Maybe we should specify the type of racing that will take place in each account during the week. I think it would make sense to correlate the "seriousness" of the activities with the Division number. For example, the Division1 lounge would be reserved for "serious" tutoring sessions and practice, while the Division3 lounge would be reserved for "anti-serious" or "dirty" Cat & Mouse and Team Battles. :lol:

We could also have a SNAIL_FreeRun1, or some such, that any S.N.A.I.L., regardless of division, can be friended with. Benefits: Fewer personal friends (helps lag), a gathering place for S.N.A.I.L.s to practice or just drive without outside influence.

The way I see it, our Division1/2/3 lounges are currently only used for two hours out of the whole week. Why not make them more useful by holding events in them during the rest of the week as I mentioned above? If we did that, there wouldn't be a need for a SNAIL_FreeRun1 account and that means less PSN accounts that our members would need to add. Of course if we went with that idea, that would mean a lot of more people would have access to the Division1 lounge, including on Sunday nights. Do you think we'd have to worry about people joining the wrong lounge on league night? Or as garris said in this post, maybe we should just trust that our members know how system works and will join the correct lounge on Sunday night. 👍

Thoughts? Suggestions?
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