We hear the prize selections (course/car) late tonight or early Tuesday, right?
I can't remember if I started on 14k or 28k. All that I can remember was how annoying it was to hear the phrase "surfing the web."
Around our house it was definitely "trudging the web."
Eventually we moved up to 56k, but I went off to college where we had a T3 line. This was before there was much streaming of anything going on so internet traffic was happily uncluttered. Things were lightning fast and great. The cable internet my Junior and Senior years wasn't too bad, either.
Four years later I moved back home for a while and back to 56k... I'm still not back to where I once was.
Have you run the Mach 1? It's pretty much useless in stock form due to a very low transmission limit.
Unless you're running a very short course. I'm too lazy to go back and look but even Autumn Ring Mini would be pushing it.
Hey Handlebar,
The course/car combos are asked to be selected within 24 hours of the race and I believe Bowler and Rally have ratified the Division 1 results.
So, sometime tonight we should have our weekly practice rota announced 👍
Our findings have been sent to Zero. Should I send them to you as well Cheeb?
a Mac LCII with 14.4k and Aol 2.0
I made a lot of mistakes last night which were quite out of character, and I appologize to anyone who may have been victims of my numerous spins, especially Naruto at Deep Forest and Miss Devious at Cape Ring.
*Group Hug*
Awesome job on the picsYou've always had a knack for em'
Yep. I moved up to pinch you a bit but I think I left enough room for you to come through. Had to get in your head a bit, though, to give myself a chance.
Can you say 300 baud modem on a Commodore 64![]()
If I may say something on this topic, racefan, I watched the replay for Cape Ring, Race 2, you may want to extend your apology to whatbadgeseat as well. The replay (that I have) shows the spin he suffered in Race 2, Lap 1, Turn 2/3, was due to a "pit maneuver". This cause him to caused his spin and then end up as a "road-block". It's my opinion that his lead to the other events happening during this race. Again, it's only my opinion.
Upon review of this replay, I can see where you're coming from, and I do apologize to badger for that incidental contact. However, I certainly wasn't attempting a "pit maneuver" there. At the time it looked to me like badger came across my nose, otherwise I would have pulled over to give him the position back like last week at Autumn Ring. I think that was just a product of the close racing that was going on, but I am sorry if I took undue advantage of the situation.
My Car/Track for this week will be:
Trial Mountain Reverse
Chevy Corvette Z06 (C6) 2006
irmoparsHandlebar, if need be, during the week, setup a room or even join a Div1/2/3 room and put all the rules in place, except the Driving line. Use that during the week if you have to, to know the "suggested line", and rough points on were to brake/gas. This will help if your "all over the place, with no beginning in sight".
I know there is no Driving line on race night, but would it be considered to be allowed during the weeks practicing to give some of the newer guys help?
I know I'm new to the league and I'm sorry mopar but that is some bad advice. Handlebar turn everything off, ABS included and practice, practice and then practice some more. Turn Manual transmission on as well. You an only you have a particular driving style...you need to find it and hone it. Sorry for the brutal honesty.
Just a reminder MONDAY MAYHEM will be starting in about an hour Click the link and check out this weeks format for the first hour and the new team format for C&M. Going on in the Div3 lounge, Be there!