◆ SNAIL [Spec] Racing - Join now to win an Almeida Motor Racing Checklist enrollment!!Open 

  • Thread starter zer05ive
Spider update. The enemy forces have retreated for now, I believe they like to work under the cover if night. I do not think I have been bitten, but if I start feeling funny I'll high tail it to the hospital.
Spider update. The enemy forces have retreated for now, I believe they like to work under the cover if night. I do not think I have been bitten, but if I start feeling funny I'll high tail it to the hospital.

Time to call the exterminator. I have had my dwellings sprayed every spring for a long time. Rarely see any bugs / spiders. Do not like spiders one bit.
Time to call the exterminator. I have had my dwellings sprayed every spring for a long time. Rarely see any bugs / spiders. Do not like spiders one bit.

I guess you would not be interested in racing in a Snail racing series called Spider Racing. It's eight different races in one night! LOL!
That's your opinion and you're entitled to it 👍

I used to think along those lines, when the cars weren't to my liking, but have over the last 6 months or so changed my viewpoint.

I learn way, way more about driving and racing with vehicles I'm not 100% comfortable with. When I got on track with the Ginetta last night, I had an uh oh moment, but soon became accustomed to the way the car, for lack of a better word, listed. I learned something 👍

To me this kind of stuff is what makes S.N.A.I.L., S.N.A.I.L. We're not running the same type of cars from week to week or for that matter from round to round.
Do your best to learn the car, win next week and we'll pick your choice apart :lol:


Here is what it says to prize winners about choosing a car.

Preliminary prize winners, please don't announce your car and/or track selection until all racing complaints are filed and you are given the "all clear" to announce your selection. It's also important that you review our Car/Track History so that you can see a complete history of how many times we've raced each car and track (just scroll to the right of that tab). Please remember that originality is always appreciated. Therefore, picking cars and tracks that we've never raced is a plus (but not required).

No where that I've read does it say you should pick a car or track that you think everybody in the league would like. When someone wins the prize of picking the car/track it is suppose to make them feel good just as it should as winning any kind of prize in life. But it doesn't make one feel so good when you pick you prize only to be told by your fellow S.N.A.I.L members that your pick sucks. Not every car/track pick someone makes is going to suit everybody. Everyone in this world has his/hers likes and dislikes, it would be a boring world if we all liked the same thing. We can't always have a car that has tires that stick to the track like super glue. and ride around the track like a monorail at Disneyworld. And for the haters of the picks you have the option to hit the watch race button instead of the enter track button.
Man, Harley, if you were a but more active, I think you would fit nicely into the void of optimistic cynicism left by Apmaddock.
There is always the NAP button as well, if you really don't like 1 or more of the combos that week.
Winners are free to choose whatever combination they want however, everyone else is free to complain about it all they want. If you don't want someone to complain about your pick, choose more wisely. There is a good reason (some) people want grippier tires; it produces closer racing.

All that said, the G4 is fun once you realize you have to drive it like a vintage car, but the Mustang was not meant to turn. It's obvious it was set up for top speed; notice the giant gap between 4th and 5th's gear ratios.
If a "Back Marker" may posit an opinion. The enjoyable aspect to racing in SNAIL is the variation of cars - tracks which require us to learn the different requirements and excel.
I believe that function of our league is what has developed Academy contestants from SNAIL to the top.
Probably better to quietly accept the Winner's choices and be determined to improve and enjoy the "Thrill of Victory". If not a Div victory - a personal accomplishment.
Just my opinion.
If a "Back Marker" may posit an opinion. The enjoyable aspect to racing in SNAIL is the variation of cars - tracks which require us to learn the different requirements and excel.
I believe that function of our league is what has developed Academy contestants from SNAIL to the top.
Probably better to quietly accept the Winner's choices and be determined to improve and enjoy the "Thrill of Victory". If not a Div victory - a personal accomplishment.
Just my opinion.

Well Said TEX
If I ever made a pick, I know I would strive for (fill in whatever is your personal cuppa SNAIL good racing/fun to try/whatever). Pretty sure we have different choices and tastes on these ideas.

I think Harleyman did his thing. We race Sunday. We vote when we are done. Repeat. ;-)
If I ever made a pick, I know I would strive for (fill in whatever is your personal cuppa SNAIL good racing/fun to try/whatever). Pretty sure we have different choices and tastes on these ideas.

I think Harleyman did his thing. We race Sunday. We vote when we are done. Repeat. ;-)

👍 except you forgot 'rinse'!
If a "Back Marker" may posit an opinion. The enjoyable aspect to racing in SNAIL is the variation of cars - tracks which require us to learn the different requirements and excel.
I believe that function of our league is what has developed Academy contestants from SNAIL to the top.
Probably better to quietly accept the Winner's choices and be determined to improve and enjoy the "Thrill of Victory". If not a Div victory - a personal accomplishment.
Just my opinion.

I agree as well, but everyone needs to realize that no one is exempt from criticism. You win, you pick, we'll complain.
Including me, more frequently than I would like to admit.

I am trying on a bit more of a "Hakuna Matata" attitude about how I choose to spend my time and energy on hobbies.
Spider update. The enemy forces have retreated for now, I believe they like to work under the cover if night. I do not think I have been bitten, but if I start feeling funny I'll high tail it to the hospital.

Brown recluse bites aren't anything to mess around with.

A few years ago my father noticed a small bump on his thigh and thought it was a pimple. A few days pass and he starts to get symptoms such as headaches and nausea and the bump got worse. He went to the hospital and was admitted right away and spent almost a week there but some damage had been done because the venom was already eating away at the flesh and skin (he also is diabetic which caused more problems with his blood sugar.) He was able to get treated and was released and now only has a small scar from the wound.

Just be careful with things like that because they can get bad pretty quickly. Don't want to make you paranoid or anything but if you notice any changes I'd see a doctor just to be safe.
Recluse bites are nothing to mess with. I had the same thing happen a couple years ago. Ended up with a scar on my back the size of a golf balll...Next time you see the spiders try to capture one.. That way if something bad starts to happen you have the culprit and the hospital can correctly diagnose for the right treatment..
Having spent the last 50 minutes unsuccessfully trying to string a mighty 2-3 incident free laps together on either new combo.... Without any traffic...


I think I need to clean the garage.
Having spent the last 50 minutes unsuccessfully trying to string a mighty 2-3 incident free laps together on either new combo.... Without any traffic...


I think I need to clean the garage.

Im right there with you handlebar. Im spending more time backwards than I am forward with the g4. The stang isnt bad. 1:04.993 is the best I can do with the g4. But I couldnt run more than 3 laps without spinning wrecking pow smash!!
Im a must go go for this sunday! Hope to see some of the old fast folks in division 3 this sunday, currently in division 3 to get some practice!
I learn way, way more about driving and racing with vehicles I'm not 100% comfortable with. When I got on track with the Ginetta last night, I had an uh oh moment, but soon became accustomed to the way the car, for lack of a better word, listed. I learned something 👍

To me this kind of stuff is what makes S.N.A.I.L., S.N.A.I.L. We're not running the same type of cars from week to week or for that matter from round to round.
Do your best to learn the car, win next week and we'll pick your choice apart :lol:

That's what it's all about. Variety and adaptability FTW!

If a "Back Marker" may posit an opinion. The enjoyable aspect to racing in SNAIL is the variation of cars - tracks which require us to learn the different requirements and excel.
I believe that function of our league is what has developed Academy contestants from SNAIL to the top.
Probably better to quietly accept the Winner's choices and be determined to improve and enjoy the "Thrill of Victory". If not a Div victory - a personal accomplishment.
Just my opinion.

Speaking of "Academy contestants from SNAIL", many of our D1 brothers are en route to Silverstone at this very moment. Let's show them some S.N.A.I.L. support and let them know we're thinking about them! :)
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If a "Back Marker" may posit an opinion. The enjoyable aspect to racing in SNAIL is the variation of cars - tracks which require us to learn the different requirements and excel.
I believe that function of our league is what has developed Academy contestants from SNAIL to the top.
Probably better to quietly accept the Winner's choices and be determined to improve and enjoy the "Thrill of Victory". If not a Div victory - a personal accomplishment.
Just my opinion.

Words of wisdom! Thanks Tex!
It would have been nice to have some cheese and crackers to go along with all the whine last night at practice!
Without being rude or suggesting people to press other buttons instead of the race one, i manage well the ability of accepting opinions different than mine just to say that, as everybody knows, I love battling other drivers, not my own bloody car!
Second, both the Gineta and the Ford are so freaking bad that for the first time in this practices I saw right in front of me awesome drivers like Dabneyd, Owens and Martin coming out of corners straight to the sand banks or grass areas aside the track!!!!
And as a final point, i really find amazing to see a guy like Harley Man getting cynical about other people's opinion about his unlucky choice as I remember him racing in BloodRedSky"s room and constantly complaining about Granturismo in general, our pp choices, the tires we wore, how bad the cars was, how bad the PSN was, how much everything sucked e-v-e-r-y-s-i-n-g-l-e-d-a-y he raced with us. I don't remember, ever, anyone, including me, telling him to go press the off button or any other one!!!

"It would have been nice to have some cheese and crackers to go along with all the whine last night at practice!"
Does this mean that A LOT of people agrees with my opinion?
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Everything sits better on a Ritz!



...I'll show myself out.
Schmiggz.... A few less Red Bulls would do your blood pressure a world of good. No idea how you can call that "without being rude..."

Fewer personal attacks would do all of us some good, esp with Zer05ive getting publicity for SNAIL.
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