◆ SNAIL [Spec] Racing - Join now to win an Almeida Motor Racing Checklist enrollment!!Open 

  • Thread starter zer05ive
@zer05ive I too like the idea, just not the time. Not that a Saturday afternoon would do me well either. Friday night would though.
The problem with Friday night is that my daughter goes to bed much later than she does on school nights, and the fact that my wife doesn't think I should be "playing video games" when I should be helping to take care of her is the main reason I can't race on Sunday nights. How late could you race on Friday nights?

I like the concept and the name. Monday nights are definitely out for me. How about Fridays? Saturday afternoons?
Same question for you on Friday nights. How late could you race? Saturday afternoons could be a possibility since that's when my daughter takes a nap on the weekends.

I like the idea of some of the casual ideas on the weekend, can possibly set up some earlier blocks of themed ideas? Could be a way to spread the SNAIL idea - 10 am-11:30 am Sat could be American Steel, Noon - 1:30 4WD Evo/Subaru battles 2-3:30 GT300 4-5:30 Vintage/Small, something. Just grab an idea and set a general time or something... then again, you don't want to schedule something that you can't do regularly... hrm...
Are you talking about taking the "mystery" part of my concept and making themed (and numbered) lists of ten cars, then randomly selecting which one will be raced? Or am I way off?

@zer05ive, maybe you can expand the list some after the first event. Watermelonpunch has a couple of lists of well matched cars, and I am slowly compiling some lists myself. And a lot of us have a grip of anniversary cars collecting dust...
I can see the possibility of creating a new list of ten cars on the One-Make List get stale or boring, but I really don't see that happening for a while. Admittedly, my favorite part of the "Mystic" idea is that there are exactly ten cars on the One-Make list that have a traditional manual transmission. When I discovered that, I had that "it's meant to be" kind of a feeling. :)

I am interested and although I am somewhat uncertain for the time......how about Sunday 7:00 EST?
I wouldn't be able to race that early on Sunday or any day for that matter. I also don't think there'd be much interest from SNAILs since it's right before league night. Can you race on Friday nights or Saturday afternoons?
How late could you race on Friday nights?

While I can't commit to participating in this on a weekly basis, I will join in as often as possible.
I just started using the clutch and H gate and really enjoy it. Not using it on league night though, that's for sure.
And, the chance to be on track with zer05ive for the first time since I joined. :cheers:

Sounds like fun.

Race Date - Sun Feb 16 2014
Penalty Rate 82%
Banner by dabneyd

SNOLR Quote for the Week:
Stewards have the ability to assess penalties that are found during race reviewing, but we will not actively look for things to penalize.
Penalties for ghosting violations, or for cutting corner or going four wheels off track to gain an advantage can be reported directly to the Steward by any driver witnessing the problem without talking to the other driver first.

The Polyphony Digital Gran Turismo 6 Replay Lottery appears to have turned off the lights and shut it's doors. Thankfully.

Below are the results of the 17 incidents on file this week

Division 2 - 1 incident on file
  • Round 3 - Race 2 - Level 2 - 6 points and 2 weeks probation.

Division 4 - 3 incidents on file
  • Round 3 - Race 2 - Level 2 - 8 points.
  • Round 3 - Race 2 - Level 1 - 1 points.
  • Round 3 - Race 2 - Level 3 - 12 points.
  • 21 points total and 6 weeks probation

Division 6 - 12 incidents on file
  • Round 1 - Race 1 - Level 2 - 6 points and 2 weeks probation.
  • Round 1 - Race 1 - Level 4 - 13 points.
  • Round 2 - Race 1 - Level 3 - 12 points.
  • 25 points total and 6 weeks probation.
  • Round 1 - Race 2 - Level 1 - 2 points halved to 1 for self report.
  • Round 2 - Race 2 - Level 1 - 1 points.
  • Round 2 - Race 1 - Level 1 - 1 points.
  • Round 2 - Race 1 - Level 4 - 13 points.
  • 14 points total and 5 weeks probation.
  • Round 2 - Race 2 - Level 2 - 6 points halved to 3 for on-track concession and doubled back to 6 for probation violation
  • Round 1 - Race 2 - Level 4 - 15 points doubled to 30 for probation violation.
  • 36 points total and 6 weeks probation remain.
Division 8 - 1 incident on file
  • Round 2 - Race 2 - Level 2 - 6 points and 2 weeks probation.

These results can be viewed on the SNAIL Steward Review Sheet.

* * * * * * * * * * * * *
Thanks to Chiochan, DrKronin, Handlebar-Man and JLBowler for their reviews this week
Don't forget to claim your $hells for completing reviews.

* * * * * * * * * * * * *​

These changes affect the final standings.
Full final results can be found here.
***If you were penalized and would like further explanation regarding the incident, PM your Division Steward and they will let you know what the stewards saw and our opinions on it.***​
While I can't commit to participating in this on a weekly basis, I will join in as often as possible.
I just started using the clutch and H gate and really enjoy it. Not using it on league night though, that's for sure.
And, the chance to be on track with zer05ive for the first time since I joined. :cheers:

Sounds like fun.
I'll reinstall my clutch pedal for this!
I removed it cause I kept getting neutral when I was braking.
please don't reply with any instructions about positioning the pedal, I know!
I'll reinstall my clutch pedal for this!
I removed it cause I kept getting neutral when I was braking.
please don't reply with any instructions about positioning the pedal, I know!

I might slide mine back over and take a shot at it as well. It's a little too far away now to be used.
I liked the post, but I'll also say that I'm interested in the shifter races. Is there overlap between people who want to do shifter races and people who do the dirt races on Wednesday night?
Same question for you on Friday nights. How late could you race? Saturday afternoons could be a possibility since that's when my daughter takes a nap on the weekends.

Friday nights are usually pretty open for me. Wife and I aren't partiers so that would be a better time for me. Saturday afternoons would be randomly not good because that's when the wife and I are likely to go out for a movie and dinner. But even that would be workable on a regular basis because we don't do that often.
Friday night is a good time for me. I don't see any Saturday work in the near future, and week nights I just don't have time to plug in the wheel.

I'm bummed that I missed out on dragons clutch and cruise night. Really wanted to join.
Friday night is a good time for me. I don't see any Saturday work in the near future, and week nights I just don't have time to plug in the wheel.

I'm bummed that I missed out on dragons clutch and cruise night. Really wanted to join.

There will be others.

Race Date - Sun Feb 16 2014
Penalty Rate 82%
Banner by dabneyd

SNOLR Quote for the Week:

The Polyphony Digital Gran Turismo 6 Replay Lottery appears to have turned off the lights and shut it's doors. Thankfully.

Below are the results of the 17 incidents on file this week

Division 2 - 1 incident on file
  • Round 3 - Race 2 - Level 2 - 6 points and 2 weeks probation.

Division 4 - 3 incidents on file
  • Round 3 - Race 2 - Level 2 - 8 points.
  • Round 3 - Race 2 - Level 1 - 1 points.
  • Round 3 - Race 2 - Level 3 - 12 points.
  • 21 points total and 6 weeks probation

Division 6 - 12 incidents on file
  • Round 1 - Race 1 - Level 2 - 6 points and 2 weeks probation.
  • Round 1 - Race 1 - Level 4 - 13 points.
  • Round 2 - Race 1 - Level 3 - 12 points.
  • 25 points total and 6 weeks probation.
  • Round 1 - Race 2 - Level 1 - 2 points halved to 1 for self report.
  • Round 2 - Race 2 - Level 1 - 1 points.
  • Round 2 - Race 1 - Level 1 - 1 points.
  • Round 2 - Race 1 - Level 4 - 13 points.
  • 14 points total and 5 weeks probation.
  • Round 2 - Race 2 - Level 2 - 6 points halved to 3 for on-track concession and doubled back to 6 for probation violation
  • Round 1 - Race 2 - Level 4 - 15 points doubled to 30 for probation violation.
  • 36 points total and 6 weeks probation remain.
Division 8 - 1 incident on file
  • Round 2 - Race 2 - Level 2 - 6 points and 2 weeks probation.

These results can be viewed on the SNAIL Steward Review Sheet.

* * * * * * * * * * * * *
Thanks to Chiochan, DrKronin, Handlebar-Man and JLBowler for their reviews this week
Don't forget to claim your $hells for completing reviews.

* * * * * * * * * * * * *​

These changes affect the final standings.
Full final results can be found here.
***If you were penalized and would like further explanation regarding the incident, PM your Division Steward and they will let you know what the stewards saw and our opinions on it.***​

... So the prize winners have changed correct?..... here comes the fishys!

might as well make it as simple and neon like as possible.... So that we can get practice started on time!
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Going to hop online in about 20 minutes. Any west coasters up for 30 minutes ogf practice/goofing off?
Room number


@zer05ive so I was on my own and decided to give a go at no abs with the Elise at Fuji. It was great. I got faster each lap and finally hit a 1:44 flat with more to come. It made me think maybe your mystic event should be no abs. Since everyone is using good wheels with shifters why not push the limits?

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I'm the newest S.N.A.I.L member (Division 4). Due to my education I can only attend on holidays, ATM. So I'll let you guys know when I can attend.

Race Date - Sun Feb 16 2014
Penalty Rate 82%
Banner by dabneyd

SNOLR Quote for the Week:

The Polyphony Digital Gran Turismo 6 Replay Lottery appears to have turned off the lights and shut it's doors. Thankfully.

Below are the results of the 17 incidents on file this week

Division 2 - 1 incident on file
  • Round 3 - Race 2 - Level 2 - 6 points and 2 weeks probation.

Division 4 - 3 incidents on file
  • Round 3 - Race 2 - Level 2 - 8 points.
  • Round 3 - Race 2 - Level 1 - 1 points.
  • Round 3 - Race 2 - Level 3 - 12 points.
  • 21 points total and 6 weeks probation

Division 6 - 12 incidents on file
  • Round 1 - Race 1 - Level 2 - 6 points and 2 weeks probation.
  • Round 1 - Race 1 - Level 4 - 13 points.
  • Round 2 - Race 1 - Level 3 - 12 points.
  • 25 points total and 6 weeks probation.
  • Round 1 - Race 2 - Level 1 - 2 points halved to 1 for self report.
  • Round 2 - Race 2 - Level 1 - 1 points.
  • Round 2 - Race 1 - Level 1 - 1 points.
  • Round 2 - Race 1 - Level 4 - 13 points.
  • 14 points total and 5 weeks probation.
  • Round 2 - Race 2 - Level 2 - 6 points halved to 3 for on-track concession and doubled back to 6 for probation violation
  • Round 1 - Race 2 - Level 4 - 15 points doubled to 30 for probation violation.
  • 36 points total and 6 weeks probation remain.
Division 8 - 1 incident on file
  • Round 2 - Race 2 - Level 2 - 6 points and 2 weeks probation.

These results can be viewed on the SNAIL Steward Review Sheet.

* * * * * * * * * * * * *
Thanks to Chiochan, DrKronin, Handlebar-Man and JLBowler for their reviews this week
Don't forget to claim your $hells for completing reviews.

* * * * * * * * * * * * *​

These changes affect the final standings.
Full final results can be found here.
***If you were penalized and would like further explanation regarding the incident, PM your Division Steward and they will let you know what the stewards saw and our opinions on it.***​
some heavy violations this past week :odd:

Race Date - Sun Feb 16 2014
Penalty Rate 82%
Banner by dabneyd

SNOLR Quote for the Week:

The Polyphony Digital Gran Turismo 6 Replay Lottery appears to have turned off the lights and shut it's doors. Thankfully.

These results can be viewed on the SNAIL Steward Review Sheet.

* * * * * * * * * * * * *
Thanks to Chiochan, DrKronin, Handlebar-Man and JLBowler for their reviews this week
Don't forget to claim your $hells for completing reviews.

* * * * * * * * * * * * *​

These changes affect the final standings.
Full final results can be found here.
***If you were penalized and would like further explanation regarding the incident, PM your Division Steward and they will let you know what the stewards saw and our opinions on it.***​

Thank you Stewards for getting the Incident Reviews done.

The Allen Berg Racing Schools Challenge points are now up to date for the races run February 9th.

Sim racing product discounts for S.N.A.I.L. members:

GranStand is offering a 10% discount to all S.N.A.I.L.s and a 15% Discount to members of Team S.N.A.I.L.

Take advantage of being a S.N.A.I.L. ;)

Race Date - Sun Feb 16 2014
Penalty Rate 82%
Banner by dabneyd

SNOLR Quote for the Week:

The Polyphony Digital Gran Turismo 6 Replay Lottery appears to have turned off the lights and shut it's doors. Thankfully.

Below are the results of the 17 incidents on file this week

Division 2 - 1 incident on file
  • Round 3 - Race 2 - Level 2 - 6 points and 2 weeks probation.

Division 4 - 3 incidents on file
  • Round 3 - Race 2 - Level 2 - 8 points.
  • Round 3 - Race 2 - Level 1 - 1 points.
  • Round 3 - Race 2 - Level 3 - 12 points.
  • 21 points total and 6 weeks probation

Division 6 - 12 incidents on file
  • Round 1 - Race 1 - Level 2 - 6 points and 2 weeks probation.
  • Round 1 - Race 1 - Level 4 - 13 points.
  • Round 2 - Race 1 - Level 3 - 12 points.
  • 25 points total and 6 weeks probation.
  • Round 1 - Race 2 - Level 1 - 2 points halved to 1 for self report.
  • Round 2 - Race 2 - Level 1 - 1 points.
  • Round 2 - Race 1 - Level 1 - 1 points.
  • Round 2 - Race 1 - Level 4 - 13 points.
  • 14 points total and 5 weeks probation.
  • Round 2 - Race 2 - Level 2 - 6 points halved to 3 for on-track concession and doubled back to 6 for probation violation
  • Round 1 - Race 2 - Level 4 - 15 points doubled to 30 for probation violation.
  • 36 points total and 6 weeks probation remain.
Division 8 - 1 incident on file
  • Round 2 - Race 2 - Level 2 - 6 points and 2 weeks probation.

These results can be viewed on the SNAIL Steward Review Sheet.

* * * * * * * * * * * * *
Thanks to Chiochan, DrKronin, Handlebar-Man and JLBowler for their reviews this week
Don't forget to claim your $hells for completing reviews.

* * * * * * * * * * * * *​

These changes affect the final standings.
Full final results can be found here.
***If you were penalized and would like further explanation regarding the incident, PM your Division Steward and they will let you know what the stewards saw and our opinions on it.***​

Hi All,

First of all, I would like to appologize to any of you that were involved in the incidents which I was filed. Those seemed very fair to me.

On my behalf, I only state that those were driving mistakes from a new driver that is still learning how to race with others online. There was absolutely no intention of taking any kind of advantage during the race. My first and single purpose was to have fun with you all, enjoy the competition and learn how to be faster.

Therefore, I'm not feeling in a position where I would have a point-of-view for defending myself. Those were mistakes due to lack of experience and driving skills. So I take them as a lesson for the future.

It seems that I'm in probation for 6 weeks now. Raced once and won't be able to race again until May.

Does it mean that I'm now prohibited of racing at any S.N.A.I.L event until then?

Will I receive an email telling when I'm off the hook to join the events again.
Hi All,

First of all, I would like to appologize to any of you that were involved in the incidents which I was filed. Those seemed very fair to me.

On my behalf, I only state that those were driving mistakes from a new driver that is still learning how to race with others online. There was absolutely no intention of taking any kind of advantage during the race. My first and single purpose was to have fun with you all, enjoy the competition and learn how to be faster.

Therefore, I'm not feeling in a position where I would have a point-of-view for defending myself. Those were mistakes due to lack of experience and driving skills. So I take them as a lesson for the future.

It seems that I'm in probation for 6 weeks now. Raced once and won't be able to race again until May.

Does it mean that I'm now prohibited of racing at any S.N.A.I.L event until then?

Will I receive an email telling when I'm off the hook to join the events again.

I think this is what you are looking for.
Hi All,

First of all, I would like to appologize to any of you that were involved in the incidents which I was filed. Those seemed very fair to me.

On my behalf, I only state that those were driving mistakes from a new driver that is still learning how to race with others online. There was absolutely no intention of taking any kind of advantage during the race. My first and single purpose was to have fun with you all, enjoy the competition and learn how to be faster.

Therefore, I'm not feeling in a position where I would have a point-of-view for defending myself. Those were mistakes due to lack of experience and driving skills. So I take them as a lesson for the future.

It seems that I'm in probation for 6 weeks now. Raced once and won't be able to race again until May.

Does it mean that I'm now prohibited of racing at any S.N.A.I.L event until then?

Will I receive an email telling when I'm off the hook to join the events again.
All that "probation" means is that any future penalties levied on you in racing incidents during your probation period will be doubled. So a 2pt deduction will turn into a 4pt deduction. Have a look at the penalties from this round...you see that some of the offenders were on probation already? And it says their penalty points were doubled due to this. It does not ban you from racing in any way.

Awesome post! Great to see people come on and take ownership of their mistakes. We all make mistakes, it's how we take ownership that defines us. Trying to teach my 8yr old this now...quite difficult btw ;)
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All that "probation" means is that any future penalties levied on you in racing incidents during your probation period will be doubled. So a 2pt deduction will turn into a 4pt deduction. Have a look at the penalties from this round...you see that some of the offenders were on probation already? And it says their penalty points were doubled due to this. It does not ban you from racing in any way.

Awesome post! Great to see people not come on and take ownership of their mistakes. We all make mistakes, it's how we take ownership that defines us. Trying to teach my 8yr old this now...quite difficult btw ;)

Appreciate that, @JoeW
Sounds like good news.
I may say the same about my two kids (6 yr and 4 yr).
Being on probation should be considered an opportunity to learn. You are under increased scrutiny to show you are willing to sacrifice your race versus someone else's when a mistake is made. There was actually a case of that this past week when one driver got out of shape in the last corner of the last lap, got squared away before exiting the turn, but the pursuing driver didn't notice soon enough and caused some contact that sent the one driver off track. The pursuing driver pulled over and allowed the one to get back on track and under way when he could have gone on for the win. This is the kind of behavior we wish all our drivers would exhibit, at all times.

You must race in Sunday night league night to get off probation. Weeks not raced are not counted as time served.
So, earlier in the week, a bunch of people posted up their time line of cars. I wanted to join n the fun, but I am just now at a point where I have the time to actually go through them. I am 32, I've been driving legally since 18. Here's the list. (unless noted, general pictures will be used)
89 Ford Escort Pony. I owned 3 of these guys. They were my first (red like this one) second (white) and 4th (red and white). This car was a great car to learn on. Parts were cheap and easy to find back about 14 years ago. These days, not so much. At least not up here

88 Chevy S-10 Durango. This truck was a beater. more rust then metal, got it for $500, drove it about 3 months before I sold it, repoed it, and then traded it to a scrapyard for some parts for my third escort. Mine was more of a turd brown. Had a V6 though, and didnt weigh much. Had a lot of fun learning to drive RWD in this.

1985 Chrysler 300 (K car)
Not quite the same front end I had, but the paint and condition are exact. This was my 5th car. Was a great car too. I worked at a pizza joint at the time, so I used it to take deliveries. Needless to say, I put a lot of mileage on the car, in the fashion you would imagine a race deprived, 19 year old motor head would. A lot of memories went with that car. I even started it on fire once. Dumped some oil on the hot exhaust manifold. Used flour to put it out. Took about 4 months before it finally stopped smelling like burnt pizza dough every time I drove it.

1988 (Seeing a pattern here) Mercury Cougar XR7. Man, this car was FUN! Had the H.O 5.0. Looked just like in th picture, but the windows were tinted. I think of all that style (mid 80's through late 90's) this is the best looking. the back side windows I think are the sportiest on this year. If your a cougar fan, you can tell the year just by looking at those windows, that how often ford changed them. More then any other interior or exterior piece through the years.

85 Mazda Rx7 GSL. My most loved car. Man, this car was just amazing. RWD with a LSD. This car was my first serious attempt at building a car too. First a got a racing beat header, and built an exhaust off that. In that same process I removed all of the emissions equipment, and leaned out a bunch of excess metal and smoothed up the carb. Then I built a direct fire ignition system for the leading spark plugs and swapped the "stock" carb for a weber DCOE. By far the best handling car I have had, only my green subie handled better in the snow.

87 Chevy 1500: Big, blue, Merika. Not much to say or see with this. It was a work truck, 2wd and regular cab. I was working as a low voltage electrician at the time. Used it to get me around the south east portion of Michigan. Ugly, loud beast.

03 Ford Focus ZX3. Fun car. Replaced my truck when the rear axle seals went out. First, and last, brand new car I've bought. Also taught me how "awesome" dealerships can be.

94 Jeep Cherokee. One of my scariest moments came in this guy. If you have never experienced, let alone never heard of the shake of death, let me tell. I came close to needing new undies. Its a symptom of crappy suspension geometry, worn bushings and a bad stabilizer. At about 65 mph and above, the wheel, without any warning, will just start shaking violently. The whole vehicle feels like California finally falling into the sea. Smoked like crazy too.

96 Dodge neon. Drove this around for a few months before I joined the army. It's a fun little car, and if you advance the cam one tooth on the chain, it becomes a whole different beast. Single cam only though.Dont think that would work well with the DOHC motor.

88 Saab 900. Man, of all the cars I have bought, only a few have left me wanting another, this is one of them. Such an interesting car. From the fuel injection, to the hood, and center counsel mounted ignition tumbler. Such a neat car, and for some reason a really like the styling. Would love to find a shell to convert to RWD.I bought this car with the intention of making a race car out of it. Drove it for a while, until the shift rod popped loose in the trans. Stripped it down to start the build process and realized just how bad the rust was. I ended up selling it to my Buddies uncle when I joined the Army. I believe he kept the engine trans and scrapped the body.

04 Ford Taurus. First car I got while in the Army. Picked it up to start fixing my credit..... Oops.... Had it for a couple years, then my ex wife talked me into letting her brother take over payments, that fell through so it went to her parents. Still in my name. They trashed it, blew up the engine and left it for dead in STL. Still paying for that mistake.

(from here out, these are actual pictures of my cars, not pics found on google)
85 Mazda Rx7 GS. My first 1st gen made such an impression, that I had to buy another. Got this in El Paso in 07, no rust, 89k, beautiful. Ran it stock for a while, then swapped out to Mikuni IDA carbs, and racing beat exhaust. Then I needed more. So I swapped it with a 13b TII. In process of that swap a bunch of personal issues went down, divorced my ex, got out of the army and headed back to MI. Hah, ditched the wife, kept the car. I've decided to take the car down a different route, so I swapped engines for another 12a. Hoping to have her back on the road this summer. My wife keeps threatening to sell it while at school one day. I've tried to warn her that that is a deal breaker, on the spot. She gives me a smirk, but has heeded the warning thus far.

94 Land Rover Discovery. What could have been an AWESOME ride, turned out to be a typical Landy. Had lots of little electical issues all over the place, ended up selling it to a friend before I left El Paso. I would like to own one again, but I have a hard time driving vehicles that get less then 15 mpg.

01 Chrysler Crossfire. I would like to own another one of these! This time an SRT with the 6speed swapped in. Its a shame Mercedes made that a stupidly complex swap because of the computers. This car was an absolute blast though. The pic below is of my car and my buddy Bobbies WRX Wagon. He mounted an STI wide body to it, and swapped in an STI drivetrain. Ran the WRX engine with 24 PSI, and a Cobb tuner. The car was pretty fast.

04 Mazda RX8. Only had this a short time. I ended up having to get rid of it before moving back up to Michigan. When I finish school there is one of 3 cars I plan on buying. Another one of these is in the rankings.


Just before coming home I sadly wrecked the crossfire. Using what bit of change I had from the insurance and from the military, I got this guy.
96 Subaru Impreza Wagon. And thus my handle was born. When I got it, it was a rough little thing. Suspension was shot, body had a fair bit of rust in all the places subies are famous for. Got a set s energy suspension bushings, eibach lowering springs and Tokico adjustable struts and skocks. I loved that car. I don't think I will live in a northern state without a subaru now. I sold the car over a year ago, It was over 200k. The chick I sold it too, sold it about a month ago. Its still rolling strong.

87 (I really have something for the 80s) VW Golf GTI. Worst car purchase EVER!!!!! The car itself is actually nice. However, the supposed popularity of the car in America I feel was over stated. The seller gave me a car with no gear oil in the trans. So I drove it that way, not knowning, until the trans ate some gears. Trying to find a replacement trans was nearly impossible, and having one rebuilt would have cost more then I paid of the car! after months of searching I finally found a replacement, had a shop rebuild it and swapped it in. Moved to a new house and sold it shortly after. I think the car was cursed.

Just to end the post already.
I alo had this.

Another Jeep Cherokee, and Currently own a 99 Legacy Outback, an 06 Mazda3 and that white RX7.
I have no intentions of slowing down either. I already of a sorta back log of cars I want to pick up. Just a matter of keeping the wife on board. Or, well, getting her on board in the first place.
I'm also pretty sure I missed some cars up there somewhere.
Something I noticed looking at the director's doc: There is a vote cast in division 4 by a driver that did not race. Not sure if this was caught already, but figured I'd say something before the updated prizewinners are announced.

Race Date - Sun Feb 16 2014
Penalty Rate 82%
Banner by dabneyd

SNOLR Quote for the Week:

The Polyphony Digital Gran Turismo 6 Replay Lottery appears to have turned off the lights and shut it's doors. Thankfully.

Below are the results of the 17 incidents on file this week

Division 2 - 1 incident on file
  • Round 3 - Race 2 - Level 2 - 6 points and 2 weeks probation.

Division 4 - 3 incidents on file
  • Round 3 - Race 2 - Level 2 - 8 points.
  • Round 3 - Race 2 - Level 1 - 1 points.
  • Round 3 - Race 2 - Level 3 - 12 points.
  • 21 points total and 6 weeks probation

Division 6 - 12 incidents on file
  • Round 1 - Race 1 - Level 2 - 6 points and 2 weeks probation.
  • Round 1 - Race 1 - Level 4 - 13 points.
  • Round 2 - Race 1 - Level 3 - 12 points.
  • 25 points total and 6 weeks probation.
  • Round 1 - Race 2 - Level 1 - 2 points halved to 1 for self report.
  • Round 2 - Race 2 - Level 1 - 1 points.
  • Round 2 - Race 1 - Level 1 - 1 points.
  • Round 2 - Race 1 - Level 4 - 13 points.
  • 14 points total and 5 weeks probation.
  • Round 2 - Race 2 - Level 2 - 6 points halved to 3 for on-track concession and doubled back to 6 for probation violation
  • Round 1 - Race 2 - Level 4 - 15 points doubled to 30 for probation violation.
  • 36 points total and 6 weeks probation remain.
Division 8 - 1 incident on file
  • Round 2 - Race 2 - Level 2 - 6 points and 2 weeks probation.

These results can be viewed on the SNAIL Steward Review Sheet.

* * * * * * * * * * * * *
Thanks to Chiochan, DrKronin, Handlebar-Man and JLBowler for their reviews this week
Don't forget to claim your $hells for completing reviews.

* * * * * * * * * * * * *​

These changes affect the final standings.
Full final results can be found here.
***If you were penalized and would like further explanation regarding the incident, PM your Division Steward and they will let you know what the stewards saw and our opinions on it.***​
Thank you stewards! The results post has been updated. @K1utch and @speer9892003, you guys are on the clock! Please post your selections soon (practice is tonight).