◆ SNAIL [Spec] Racing - Join now to win an Almeida Motor Racing Checklist enrollment!!Open 

  • Thread starter zer05ive
Congrats to the prize winners and here they are! Drum roll please!




I choose the carts so we can get up close and personal with this weeks prize winners.:gtpflag:
Looking at the Driver Lineup for this past Sunday, all the Divisions look full. I'm surprised that those in charge of it can manage to sort it out week after week. Maybe we are in need of a D4, but again that would only shift where the problem is. A possible solution could be that if a new driver wins Sunday night by a large margin, they could be promoted more than 1 division. Of course that decision would be made after serious consideration.

When I joined up, it took me at least 3 weeks to make it to D2. I felt that was an appropriate amount of time seeing how I really hadn't participated in strictly clean races before. Right now I'm still sorta struggling with consistency, and I know that is holding me back from D1. So if a new member comes in and beats me to D1, then he/she deserves it. Knowing that someone is faster than me is motivational, not hope crushing.
This concludes the review process and the results here are now official. The winners may now claim which prize they wish to have but should wait for zer0's go ahead to choose any cars or tracks.

D1 podium winners, please feel free to announce your car/track selection(s) when claiming your prize. As always, the bottom of the results post shows which car/track combos are to be either completely or partially replaced.

Btw Handlebar, your initial thought after I posted the results was on the money. You were correct to not count the elimination votes of the podium winners. It was actually me who was a bit foggy because I must have incorrectly counted their votes since I said that Round 3 got the second-most votes. When their votes were correctly deleted from the count, it was actually Round 1 who got the second-most votes. Thanks for pointing that out, even though it took me a while to realize you were right. ;)
I think you're still foggy, zer0. Round three got the second most...much to my dismay.
I think you're still foggy, zer0. Round three got the second most...much to my dismay.

Haha wow, I'm losing it! What I intended to say was that Round 1 getting the second-most votes was a result of me incorrectly counting the D1 podium votes. At least I got it right in the results post! :lol:

D1 Podium Winners, please claim your prizes (in this order) and make your selections. I'm hoping to have the new line-up set in time for tonight's unofficial/practice races.
I have made it to the podium a few times over the last few weeks. A big reason for that is that I have attended most of Miss Devious's Thursday Tutoring sessions and found her insight and advice very helpful.

Thank you for your excellent tutoring Miss Devious! I appreciate your time very much.
This is normally kcheeb's area, but I wanted to remind everyone of a couple of points from the OLR, simply because these were a couple of issues that the stewards had to look at this week.

Contact Concessions
07-B: If the appropriate contact concession is carried out by the guilty driver then they may avoid or reduce the severity of any penalties that might otherwise apply.

Note that it says "avoid or reduce" not just avoid. This is the mentality that we are following as stewards.

07-D: If you have to slow down to let the other player through, move out of the racing line first before you slow down. Coming to a full stop is not allowed, just continue at a lower pace until the other driver passes you again.

If you find yourself needing to concede a position, please continue down the track at a lower speed and out of the racing line until the other driver gets back by you. Stopping on the track after an incident is liable to compound the problem.

Ghost Cars
13-B: If your car is a ghost car, you take on the responsibilities of the following "Recovering from an incident" and "Re-entering to the track after running off" topics as you are at fault. You also give the correct driving line to the non ghosted cars (taking a turn wide so others can pass on the inside). Do not return to the driving line if possible until your car is back to the normal state.

You may not always know if you are a ghost car, but you can sometimes make an educated guess. Suffice it to say that if you are running through penalty time, you are a ghost and should stay out of the racing line as much as possible. Do not re-enter it when you the time has expired, wait until you are back up to speed.

13-C: If you are approaching one or more ghost cars on the track, do your best to avoid any contact with them at all as they may return to a normal state immediately. Then the contact would be your fault and in turn you may become a ghost car and have to make room for others while you car slows due to the penalty.

You may use the draft of a ghosted car, you may not drive through them. Any ghosted car should be treated as solid. Driving through a ghosted car will likely result in a points penalty. The only possible exception to this is a ghosted car that is obviously out of control or in a completely abnormal situation. While you should still try to avoid them and treat them as solid, you likely won't get a points penalty should you be forced to drive through them.

That's all for now. I'll get off of my high horse. ;)
You may use the draft of a ghosted car, you may not drive through them. Any ghosted car should be treated as solid. Driving through a ghosted car will likely result in a points penalty. The only possible exception to this is a ghosted car that is obviously out of control or in a completely abnormal situation. While you should still try to avoid them and treat them as solid, you likely won't get a points penalty should you be forced to drive through them.

I want to further point this one out. Not going to use an exact name, however, this did happen to me in a manner Sunday. One of the top runners somehow ghosted themselves through a corner and drove right through me. This is NOT acceptable at any point. I didn't file a grievance because as I said, they are a top running driver, making their way up. They clearly need to move out of d2 and into d1. But I want to make a point, dont go into d1 making that mistake. Read and understand the OLR. its required. If you get dropped back to d2 because of the same violation, then you subject yourself to constant scrutiny from the stewards. And as you will see soon, thats not going to be a good thing.
Thanks for mentioning that, Rally. I meant to add that running through a ghosted car is not allowed, even if you are lapping someone. A car a lap behind will be ghosted, but they must be treated as solid.

Conversely, if you are a lap behind you should consider yourself under a blue flag and allow the faster driver by. If you are fighting for your own position while this is going on, there should be no passing by either behind driver until the lapping driver is safely through.

I found myself trying to lap a pair who were having their own battle at the kart race Sunday. 'twas tricky.
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This is normally kcheeb's area, but I wanted to remind everyone of a couple of points from the OLR, simply because these were a couple of issues that the stewards had to look at this week.

I'll never discourage anyone from discussing the GTP OLR or Good Racecraft, I welcome the discussion 👍

All good points brought up by you and Rally, thanks!!!
Contact Concessions
07-D: If you have to slow down to let the other player through, move out of the racing line first before you slow down. Coming to a full stop is not allowed, just continue at a lower pace until the other driver passes you again.

If you find yourself needing to concede a position, please continue down the track at a lower speed and out of the racing line until the other driver gets back by you. Stopping on the track after an incident is liable to compound the problem.

This is the one I'd like to further point out, because it actually goes against our human instinct in the real world. Therefore, it requires us to be prepared for this situation in advance so that we don't react to an accident like we would in everyday life. Case in point, if you're walking along a busy sidewalk and you accidentally bump into someone and cause them to drop what their holding (my analogy for wrecking them), your very first reaction is to stop immediately and say "sorry". In everyday life, you would never continue walking on your way while checking to see if anyone is immediately behind you before stopping to acknowledge what you did.

I think it's this natural human instinct that causes us to react to an accident we caused by immediately applying the brakes. It's almost as if hitting the brakes is our way of saying, "Oh 🤬! I'm so sorry!" and it's that same feeling of guilt that makes us want to stop in the shortest distance possible. It's almost as if we think that the more we continue down the track, the less "sorry" we'll be perceived to be by the person we wrecked, and that continuing on even for a little bit would makes it seem as if we weren't truly sorry..

All that being said, we have to separate that human instinct and put it into the "real life" portion of our brain and keep it out of the portion of our brains that we use when we're racing. The last thing you want to do is cause an accident and then respond by braking (while still on the driving line) only to cause another accident. Please give this some thought so that when that split second decision comes to you on the track, you'll have a better chance of reacting appropriately, which is to not hit the brakes until you're off the driving line.
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Good point, zer0, and another that I neglected to make. Durned spastic brain of mine.

Thankfully, though, you put it in better terms than I ever would have. I love the analogy of wrecking people on the sidewalk. :lol:
I love the analogy of wrecking people on the sidewalk. :lol:

The first analogy that popped into my head was "accidentally bumping into a pregnant lady and causing her to drop her baby", but thankfully it didn't take me long to figure out that that would be just a little over the top. :lol:
How do you join and how does this work

Hey Orca1019, the information you seek is in the original post.

Basically, state your intention to join the league in this thread.

We do our league races every Sunday at 9:00 PM Central Time and have events throughout the week on a drop in basis.

One thing that might be an issue is your location. We're super concerned with lag and connectivity issues and unless your internet connection is very good, you may be limited to racing with us every night but Sunday. Some testing during the week would give us an idea. You could also test your connection at speedtest.net I believe it is.

let us know if you have any other questions, after reading the first post :)
I want in but I don't see wher to go In the post and my connection is 30mbps sustained so I don't need to worry about lag my psn is Orca1019
Your connection speed isn't an issue, it's the ping that could be. Distance compounds a ping, and that's where the trouble begins. I have no idea how much lag a Cuba-Mainland America connection might cause, though, so give it a try some weeknight and see how it goes.

Just read the OP and you'll know what we're all about.
I want in but I don't see wher to go In the post and my connection is 30mbps sustained so I don't need to worry about lag my psn is Orca1019

Hey Orca1019,

Posting in this thread 'that you want in' is enough. I'd still like to see you take part in an event or two this week, if possible, to test out your connection. Tonight's practice session would be ideal.

We run a clean league and enforce the GTP OLR and highly encourage all of our drivers to know and follow The Good Racecraft Guide. Please become familiar with both.

I'll add you to the drivers list, you'll be starting in Division 3. If you can't make it on a Sunday, please be sure to give us at least 24 hours notice by posting in this forum, it makes things much simpler for us, thanks.

PSN friend requests will be sent to you from SNAIL_Division1, SNAIL_Division2 and SNAIL_Division3. Their lounges are where we race Sunday night and hold our various events. Here's a breakdown of the ways we use the different lounges.

During the week we run a number of different events feel free to jump in and partake!

The original post also has a lot of information regarding the league, commit it to memory ;)

Welcome aboard and enjoy :)
Hello everyone,
been on GT5 for a while now and am interested in joining your spec racing league. my psn id is Torres_Dong.

Hey torresdong,

You haven't listed your location in your GTPlanet profile. Are you in North America?


I want to race tonight but instill haven't recieved any friend request sorry if I sound impatient but I really can't wait to race

No worries, zer05ive handles the PSN ID requests, he'll be on later today (before tonight's races) to take care of the invites.

Glad you're keen 👍
I want in but I don't see wher to go In the post and my connection is 30mbps sustained so I don't need to worry about lag my psn is Orca1019

Your download may be 30mbps, but it's your upload that's the real issue. You can go to speedtest.net and test your connection. Then copy the image and post it here.

Cuba-Mainland America

Really, Cuba? I don't think they sold a whole lot of PS3s in Cuba.
I doubt it as well, but the flag says what it says.

(I'm fully aware that flags can, and often do, lie, but what's a boy to do?)
In communist Cuba, citizens aren't allowed to play games! :)

If we race with someone from Cuba, would we be guilty of violating the trade embargo? (exporting talent?) :D

Also, the Cuban flag is red triangle with blue stripes.

PS. Don't look at the cigars in my humidor...