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  • Thread starter zer05ive
Some shots for the combos. :D














Schmiggz, you have always been a passionate person and we all know you have passion for SNAIL too - which is awesome. But instead of turning your passion into negative energy, why not turn it in to positive action instead? I know it's easy to just say, "management needs to look at this problem", but management cannot always shoulder the burden for everything related to SNAIL. We have jobs, businesses, families.. lives outside of SNAIL that demand out attention as well. That's not to say that we don't devote a tremendous amount of time to the league, because we do. Just as an example, I stayed up until 2am on Monday night discussing league issues with @Dragonwhisky (which was 3am for him). And just last night, @Dragonwhisky and I were up again just as late discussing league issues with @JLBowler. If you only knew how much behind the scenes work goes into "this"..

That being said, every rule, stipulation, requirement, etc requires that much more additional manpower to monitor (on top of all of the other layers of complexities that we have in this league). Take a look at any given results post and click on every link in it and you'll understand how complex and the prize selection process already is. When we try to limit the complexity, we get complaints like yours above. When we do add complexity, we get KISS (Keep It Simple, Stupid) blasts. It's always a lose lose situation. No matter what, someone is going to complain. I also encourage you to read the car selection guidelines at the bottom of every results post. The entire section is there to encourage the prize winners to do exactly what you want - to be original with their car/track selections. There are also links to the car/track history so that the prize winners are armed with all the combo history data they need to make original choices.

But back to my original point.. Instead of complaining about an issue that you feel so passionately about, maybe you could turn that passion into something positive for the league. Since prize winners often either do not read the car selection guidelines or don't take it to heart, maybe you could try raising their awareness of the issue. You could tag them in a post and remind them of the combo history data that is listed in the results post. You could send them a PM and remind them privately. You could provide a list of cars that have never been raced in SNAIL. You could be the Prize Coordinator for the league and work with the prize winners to make timely and original prize selections. These are just some ideas off the top of my head, but feel free to propose your own ideas on how you could help the situation. As my sig has said for the last two years, "ask not what your sim racing league can do for you, ask what you can do for your sim racing league."

Quite frankly I would gladly help with it also..

As you can see, we are now up to 79 drivers sharing their ages.

If you wish to include yours, or edit your current information, click this link. If you wish to view the data sheet, click the table above.

Just to let you know Dragon, i had started in 2013 in the month of March. Do i need to re-submit to put in the correct year if i put in the wrong year when i started racing with SNAIL?
I totally agree with Schmiggz on this one. Variety is the spice of life. But I would suggest that this be split off from the General SNAIL series. If you want to race ultra fast and high grip race cars run the main SNAIL event. If you want to run normal cars that the masses can enjoy run alt SNAIL. The irony is the alt SNAIL series would be more in line with the philosophy that started this series if I remember correctly.

I have to say, probably for the first time, I completely disagree with you Joby Wan. Much like snail has varying divisions of skill, it has varying levels of vehicle classes, those two combined is what IMHO makes snail so damn great. To say that you should make an alternative event to racing anything other than super cars and race cars is complete nonsense and opposite some of the core principals of snail. I do like Zer0s idea, of having a prize coordinator. Not someone to tell you your choice, but to help make an educated choice.
Due to recent events following the last race night I am taking an actual break from Sunday racing for quite awhile.

You can find me in the SNAIL DTC series and I will be trying out Triple G's Race Car series.

I have to say, probably for the first time, I completely disagree with you Joby Wan. Much like snail has varying divisions of skill, it has varying levels of vehicle classes, those two combined is what IMHO makes snail so damn great. To say that you should make an alternative event to racing anything other than super cars and race cars is complete nonsense and opposite some of the core principals of snail. I do like Zer0s idea, of having a prize coordinator. Not someone to tell you your choice, but to help make an educated choice.
There can be no disagreement in this thread;) But I also like zer0's idea of a prize co-ordinator. Some one that can say "do you really want to pick a car that was run 2 months ago"
There can be no disagreement in this thread;) But I also like zer0's idea of a prize co-ordinator. Some one that can say "do you really want to pick a car that was run 2 months ago"
I would be willing to help put this together if needed.
My idea is pretty much more radical, guys... Its like: "sorry budz, we raced that car less than a year ago. Choose another one. BTW, here's the list of all cars we raced in the last 12 months so make sure you don't choose any of these.".
I wouldn't mind at all take this matter by the horns and be responsible for it.
My idea is pretty much more radical, guys... Its like: "sorry budz, we raced that car less than a year ago. Choose another one. BTW, here's the list of all cars we raced in the last 12 months so make sure you don't choose any of these.".
I wouldn't mind at all take this matter by the horns and be responsible for it.
i second this

After friday comes saturday ... sing along hahahahah

kill yourself for bringing up this blasted song
D1 times
1:50-51 in Vette
2:16s in Scirroco I think
1:16s in S2000

SICKKKKK TIMES!!! This is crazily helpful!!! I often use higher division times as benchmark. Can you post lap times every week if possible?

My fastest time, being average driver in D8:
1:55s in Vette
2:19s in Scirroco
1:20s in S2000
Look like I'm consistently 3-4 seconds behind the D1 driver. Any tips to get these 3-4 seconds???

1:49's with Vette now :)

Stop making people more depressed, you ALIEN!!!! :D Happy Friday lol

I think posting that song deserves an IR

Level 7: bomb explosion causing permanent major brain and body damage. The affected driver is completely disabled and can no longer drive. The reported driver is immediately banned in all SNAIL event to prevent further fatality.
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My idea is pretty much more radical, guys... Its like: "sorry budz, we raced that car less than a year ago. Choose another one. BTW, here's the list of all cars we raced in the last 12 months so make sure you don't choose any of these.".
I wouldn't mind at all take this matter by the horns and be responsible for it.
I'm not sure I fully agree with you Schmiggz. (I am fully of disagreement lately.) I get it, I just dont really agree. The winner won, they should have the right to choose absolutely anything they like, including allowing a combo to completely stay put. That is the reward for winning, and no one should be putting stipulations out side of the pick a combo and pick a car or track simply because they don't agree with their choice for whatever reason. But that is just my cent and a half.
Level 7: bomb explosion causing permanent major brain and body damage. The affected driver is completely disabled and can no longer drive. The reported driver is immediately banned in all SNAIL event to prevent further fatality.

Hahahaha its been almost a month i havent raced in d2, i got kinda busy for the last few weeks and 4 more weeks to come. But im looking to return on track once life settles down again. Im not even that busy its just getting out early monday is not a good combination when the races are 3.30am on monday for me, lol.