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  • Thread starter zer05ive
Division 7 Race Report
Great racing tonight. Disconnection from CMBeal and i got the gridlock glitch during Round 2 Race 1. Was good for me with all the other races. Congratulations to all winners and thank you to all Data Recorders, Score keepers, Stewards for your job helping with SNAIL.

Race Clean, Race SNAIL :cheers: 👍
ya should have yelled stop champ, didn't even realize that happened to you again! Sure hope PD gets that fixed soon.
Great races in D2 tonight! Congrats Pete on a well deserved win tonight, even though you had the unfair +5 HP advantage at your home race :P

Hahahah yeah its funny, i remember my very first night with snail and we ran the Fairlady Z 300ZX TwinTurbo 2Seater (Z32) '89 at the red bull ring ... not so good back then hahaha
I have a suggestion for next week:

Let's all run an ORANGE and BLACK colour scheme in one combo next week..... It will be s.p.o.o.k.y.... :irked::scared: I attach a few random examples to wet the appetite

Circuito de la Sierra_1.jpg
Circuito de la Sierra_2.jpg
Goodwood Hillclimb 2014_1.jpg
Goodwood Hillclimb 2014.jpg
Speaking of drinking and or not.
I decided to not drink and drive on Sunday and got second in my division!
Yea I know it's a no brainer but it's not my normal m.o.!

Less is more, amigo!

And more than your division may improve if you keep it up!



And on that note....

G'Night, Gracie!

If you believe that a driver exhibited poor racecraft or is guilty of any SNAIL OLR violation, please file a Racing Incident Report by 11pm Eastern / 8pm Pacific on Monday night. Be sure to follow the instructions precisely or your submission might not be addressed. If you're undecided on whether or not you should file an incident, please remember that clean racing is not only your right, it's also your responsibility and something that we all need to be accountable for.
-Division 3 Race Report-

Not much to report. Stable room. No disconnects. Everyone could see each other. That makes it a good night for the whole division. We had 5 different people with a win and almost everyone had a podium. Great job! I also want to recognize @intoflatlines as this was his first night in D3 and ended up tied with @SGETI (CAPECOD104) for the overall win. CAPECOD ended with the tiebreaker and preliminary win. Awesome racing you guys. It was a pretty good October of racing and lets carry it over to next season. Don't forget about the ButtKicker Challenge and see most of you next season.

Happy Halloween

D3 replays are uploaded
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We will need you to go to speedtest.net and pingtest.net and run some connectivity tests to the west coast of the United States. Post those results here to show that you have a strong and stable enough connection to race.
We will need you to go to speedtest.net and pingtest.net and run some connectivity tests to the west coast of the United States. Post those results here to show that you have a strong and stable enough connection to race.
No problem. Race across pond every night as they are only ones on at that time I race lol
Thanks to all the Scorekeepers and hosts tonight.:cheers:

Score sheets have been moved to the Results and it's ready for Data Specialists to fill in the blanks.

Thank you to the following Replay Uploaders, @msgt-sd - D1, @fzappa - D3, @ExoSphere64 - D5 & @Handlebar - D6. All other divisions still need replays before 8PM Eastern 27 October 2014 to retain their division winner's prize eligibility.